Douluo: Peerless Angel Glory

Chapter 15 Seraphim VS Electric Crazy Leopard (Part 2)

"Four Ring Soul Sect!?"

Du Weilun opened his mouth wide with disbelief on his face, not caring about the "tall" image of the dean.

"Monster! A veritable monster!"

Eleven years old, Fourth Ring Soul Sect!

This talent is still at the top of Shrek, the continent's number one soul master academy, not to mention the four soul rings of yellow, purple, purple and black that go beyond the limits!

If Du Weilun remembered correctly, the core and soul of the Shrek Seven Monsters ten thousand years ago, the ancestor of Tang San who eventually became the Poseidon, had only four soul rings that were only yellow, yellow, purple, and black!

As a teaching director known for being strict and unkind, Du Weilun, who always abides by Shrek's school motto, had the unprecedented idea of ​​using a back door for Ling Bai.

Let him in! Let him in!

Du Weilun raised his face with difficulty, calmed down his excitement, and said in a deep voice: "Since you are a Soul Sect cultivator, you naturally have the qualifications for the inner court examination.

As the Dean of Students and the new student entrance examiner, I must remind you that Shrek is known to be the best in the continent, but the outer college was founded by our ancestors in response to the requests of the three empires to cultivate more talents for the continent. For Shrek Academy, only the inner academy is truly number one in the mainland.

Even among the outstanding students from the outer colleges, there are very few who are promoted to the inner colleges every year. They can only be counted on one hand. Moreover, students who fail the examinations of the inner colleges are not allowed to stay in the college. If you haven’t experienced the difficulty of getting into the inner academy directly by laying a solid foundation through education in the outer academy, you should understand without me going into details. "

"Brother Bai, why are you suddenly going to take the inner court exam?" Ning Tian asked anxiously, and Wu Feng's red eyes couldn't help but show concern.

Beibei was stunned for just a moment, and then showed an understanding smile. Huo Yuhao and Tang Ya were full of admiration. One of them had a hard time passing the freshman exam, and the other was struggling to graduate from the outer college. Now Ling Bai actually hoped to skip the entire study in the outer college and skip a grade to enter the inner college.

At this moment, the master and the apprentice wanted to hold each other's hands and cry. They looked up to the sky and cursed together: God is unfair, I hate geniuses!

Ling Bai pretended to be distressed and said: "Xiaotian, Director Du... I have broken through the Soul Sect. To compete with freshmen whose average strength is less than the second ring is to be honest. It is too bullying and a waste of talent. If I can't go to the inner courtyard, I would rather go back to the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and leave after spending so much time in Shrek's outer courtyard."

Du Weilun was silent.

The school motto of Shrek Academy is to only accept monsters and not ordinary people. With Ling Bai's talent, no one dared to stop him from rushing into the academy. Du Weilun, no, even the dean had to find ways to keep him in the academy.


It doesn’t matter if you are handsome, you still want to be beautiful!

"Classmate Ling Bai, you misunderstood. What I meant was..."

Du Weilun coughed lightly and tried not to show his urgency too much: "You gave up the entrance to the inner college and entered the third grade of the outer college as a transfer student. You happen to be in the same class as Beibei Tangya."


As soon as Du Weilun said the word "transfer student", Beibei and Tang Ya suddenly looked strange and tilted their heads neatly, as if there was something wrong with them.

When did Shrek Academy have a transfer student?

Who are you, and where is our fair-faced and fair-faced Du Qingtian?

The two of them saw Du Weilun blushing. He was also helpless. It was impossible to let Ling Bai go, and Ling Bai's talent was too high. As he said, enrolling in the freshman class that mainly focused on the first and second rings would be a complete crush. If he did, Du Weilun didn't think he could pass the inner court exam without going through Shrek's outer court education.

So after much thought, Du Weilun came up with an idea and asked Ling Bai to attend the third grade with Beibei Tangya as a transfer student.

Du Weilun looked at Ling Bai, with a flash of hope in his eyes!

Ling Bai caught Du Weilun's eye signal, five words: Come to the bowl quickly!

"Thank you, Director Du, for your kindness, but I don't want to enroll in a foreign college."

Ling Bai refused to receive the signal.

From the age of six to eleven, he had already studied combat skills, understanding of soul beasts, soul master theory, etc. in the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect within five years. The sect leader and Zhenzong Douluo personally taught them. The two bosses were definitely not six. Comparable to the teachers at Huanwaiyuan, the education at Shrek's Outerlying School was almost no different to a waste of time for him.

Ling Bai thought deeply about Beibei's careless words that night, and finally came up with the idea of ​​being admitted to the inner court.

Besides that, Electrolux had just spoken in his mind.

There is a treasure that can suppress the evil power of the Death Spider King, located in the center of Shrek Academy!

The center of Shrek Academy is Poseidon Island, the training ground for inner courtyard students, so Ling Bai has a reason to enter the inner courtyard!

"Please take me for the inner court assessment."

Du Weilun's facial muscles tensed and he said: "Thirty-seven years, no outsider has been admitted to the inner courtyard for thirty-seven years."

"A strong person will never give up because of difficulties."

Ling Bai only said one sentence, but whether it was Du Weilun or Ning Tian Wu Feng and others, they could see the determination and confidence on his face.

"Young man, be stubborn!"

Du Weilun cursed, but subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth. He had been trying to persuade Ling Bai not to challenge the inner court, but in his heart he was secretly expecting Ling Bai to overcome the difficulties.

As Ling Bai said, only those who are never afraid of challenges are qualified to become strong.

"I'll take you there. If you can't pass, you can go back and be a transfer student!"

Du Weilun let out a heavy breath and waved his hand to signal Ling Bai to follow.

"Thank you, Director Du."

Ling Bai smiled and thanked him.

Well, Director Du is a good person.

The sect leader was confused back then!

"Director Du, Director Du! Can we go and observe the inner courtyard assessment?"

Tang Ya put her hands together, her eyes turned into pleading stars, Bei Bei was beside her, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry, seeing Tang Ya so interested, she had to plead:

"Yes, Director Du, let us go."

He knew in his heart that with Tang Ya's talent, if there was no adventure, it would be absolutely impossible for her to be admitted to the inner courtyard, and it would even be extremely difficult for her to graduate from the outer courtyard smoothly. Taking her to observe the inner courtyard assessment was actually to fulfill her dream.


Du Weilun pondered for a moment. Tang Ya's personality was lively and clever, but her martial spirit and strength were mediocre in Shrek. If only she wanted to observe the inner courtyard assessment, he would definitely refuse.

But Bei Bei was a top talent in the outer courtyard, and she would definitely enter the inner courtyard in the future. Du Weilun heard from the dean of the martial spirit department that Bei Bei seemed to have a relative relationship with a certain old man in Shrek.

Anyway, the inner courtyard assessment would change every year, and he was not afraid of outsiders knowing the content of the assessment, so he could give her this face.

Du Weilun said calmly: "Since you two have reached the level of being able to take the inner courtyard assessment in just a few years, I will give you some experience this time, and it will not happen again.

Xiaotian Wufeng Huo Yuhao, today is the last day for the college to enroll, and tomorrow morning will be the first class for freshmen. You three should go back to the dormitory and get some rest."

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