Douluo: Peerless Angel Glory

Chapter 26 Junior brother, you are unfair (Part 2)

After saying this, Ling Bai's expression was slightly choked.

Senior sister...

Very lively.

"Senior sister."

It's just a title. Girls, just go along with her.

Ling Bai said to himself quietly.


Han Ruoruo nodded with satisfaction. She and Zhang Lexuan once represented Shrek in the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Fighting Soul Competition and won the championship. During that time, the two became best friends and girlfriends.

Last night, Zhang Lexuan told her that an eleven-year-old junior brother came to the inner courtyard and asked her to help guide him for a day. Han Ruoruo agreed without hesitation.

"Junior brother, why didn't you come back to live after sparring with Xiaotao?" Han Ruoruo said with a smile.


Ling Bai raised his eyebrows. Something was wrong. Nine out of ten were wrong!

"Senior sister, do you know about the fight between me and Ma Xiaotao?"

His expression suddenly became weird, as if to say:

You saw it, at least lend a hand!

Soul Sect single-handedly challenged Soul Emperor, or the runaway Soul Emperor whose evil fire was out of control, is this a beaver?

Han Ruoruo said in a gentle voice, with a faint melody, "Le Xuan and I, as well as most of the students with the seventh ring cultivation, have all come here, but we were stopped by Teacher Li in advance, who told us that it was Dean Yan's test for you, and that the Dean believed that you were capable of fighting Xiao Tao."

Ling Bai turned his head mechanically, looking at the towering golden tree in the center of the Sea God Island, and said faintly: "Oh? Dean Yan..."

Ling Bai gritted his teeth fiercely. With the firelight, sword shadows, and the cry of the phoenix last night, did he suspect that the inner courtyard of Shrek was a group of blind and deaf people?

Okay, it turns out to be you, old Deng!

Han Ruoruo continued to smile and said: "Le Xuan told me that you are very powerful. I didn't believe it at first. You are only eleven years old. Five years from the awakening of your martial soul to today is too short. But last night, I could feel the shocking edge of your soul skills from such a distance." She raised her thumbs: "Keep working hard in the future, little junior brother!" "Thank you, senior sister, I will definitely live up to your expectations." "Okay." Han Ruoruo's crystal eyes curved into a charming arc. Ling Bai stayed on her face for a few more seconds. Her eyebrows were like picturesque autumn eyes, and she was probably describing this kind of woman. "Here, these are the necessities for Shrek's inner school students." Han Ruoruo took out a few items from the earring-shaped storage soul guide and handed them to Ling Bai. A yellow-green school badge with an ugly little monster engraved on it. Shrek is also a rather strange existence among many soul beasts, corresponding to the school motto of Shrek Academy - only monsters are accepted, not ordinary people. Two sets of Shrek school uniforms, red. White, yellow, purple, black, and red, Shrek Academy uses the age of soul rings to represent grades. The first four are all outer courtyards, and only red belongs to the inner courtyard.

"Put on school uniforms." Han Ruoruo said.

Ling Bai didn't say anything, took the school badge and school uniform and turned to go into the house.


Two minutes later, the door opened again, and a red figure walked out.

Han Ruoruo's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, and blurted out: "Sure enough, a beautiful base looks beautiful in anything."

"Senior sister, to describe a man, handsome..."

Ling Bai covered his face and sighed, why do the Shrek people like to use the word beautiful, fair skin and soft features are not something he can decide.

"Good~ handsome."

Han Ruoruo immediately changed her words, but Ling Bai always felt that she had a tone of coaxing a child.

This is indeed the case. Han Ruoruo is 26 years old this year, 15 years older than Ling Bai. In a relatively precocious world like Douluo Continent, some girls have given birth at the age of 15.

So in Han Ruoruo's heart, Ling Bai is actually no different from a child.

"Forget it..."

Ling Bai waved his hand weakly and asked:

"Sister, have you had breakfast?"


"Let's eat together?"

Han Ruoruo agreed: "Okay, I'll take you around the campus after breakfast."

Then Han Ruoruo led the way, and Ling Bai followed her. Ling Bai's residence was on the westernmost side of Poseidon Island, and the cafeteria was on the easternmost side of Poseidon Island. The two of them almost crossed the entire Poseidon Island. Along the way, they passed many buildings, and Han Ruoruo would introduce them to Ling Bai.

"The Inner Court Supervision Office is where you receive supervision tasks. There are three graduation requirements for the Shrek Inner Court: one is to break through level 60 in soul power, two is to pass the graduation assessment, and three is to complete 30 supervision tasks."

"Inner Court Assessment Hall, the Inner Court is the same as the Outer Court. You need to pass the assessment every year to upgrade. If you fail for two consecutive years, you will be expelled from the Inner Court. Oh, by the way, in three months, the Inner Court will conduct a freshman assessment on you freshmen. Only those who pass the assessment can become real Inner Court students."

"Why is it similar to the Outer Court..."

Ling Bai instantly thought of the Outer Court's three-on-three group battle freshman assessment, and tentatively said: "The six of us will not be divided into two teams to fight In one match, the loser will be eliminated, and the winner will stay in the academy to continue practicing. "Hahaha, of course not." Han Ruoruo smiled: "The entrance examination for the inner courtyard is already very strict. There are not many people to begin with. If you use the half-elimination method, there will be no students in the inner courtyard. The inner courtyard is a single-person examination, and there is some luck involved. There is a chance of being ridiculously difficult or easy to get. Okay, I won't go into more details, and continue to introduce the inner courtyard to you. "The inner courtyard library has a large collection of books about martial spirits, soul beasts, and influential figures on the continent, many of which are even unique copies. If you have time after practicing, I suggest you come to the library more often. "

When Han Ruoruo mentioned the library, Han Ruoruo's eyes lit up unconsciously.

Twenty minutes after leaving the library, the two finally arrived at the cafeteria. The journey to have a meal was as long as traveling to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, which made Ling Bai couldn't help but think about the necessity of changing rooms.

As soon as he entered the cafeteria door, Ling Bai smelled various aromas wafting out from inside, which made him feel excited.

There are less than a hundred students in the inner courtyard, and the cafeteria only has one dining window, but the space in the cafeteria is very spacious.

There were not many inner courtyard students dining at this moment, and the huge cafeteria seemed increasingly empty. Ling Bai and Han Ruoruo went over to get food.

Ling Bai humbly gave in to Han Ruoruo with the attitude of giving priority to ladies, but was beaten back by Han Ruoruo who said that the senior sister should give way to the junior brother. He was not Moji's character. Since Han Ruoruo said so, he lined up in front of her.

"Uncle, I want two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge."

Ling Bai didn't like too greasy breakfast. He just saw an inner courtyard student eating barbecue early in the morning!

I can't stand it...I really can't stand it...


The uncle in the cafeteria agreed, and quickly took out two large round buns and poured out a bowl of steaming white porridge. Ling Bai visually checked the uncle's hand speed and found that he was at least a three-ring soul master.

The uncle handed the plate to Ling Bai, turned to look at Han Ruoruo, and said in a gentle tone: "Ruoruo is here, what do you want to eat?"

Han Ruoruo and Zhang Lexuan are now becoming veteran-level Shrek students, and the cafeteria uncle is very familiar with her.

"Uncle Mo, I am the same as my junior brother."

"no problem!"

"Well, Uncle Mo..."

Ling Bai called out to attract their attention and pointed at the dinner plate: "You don't take my money."

"Collect money?"

Uncle Mo scratched his head and said with a strange look on his face: "What do you charge? The inner courtyard canteen is free!"

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