Douluo: Peerless Angel Glory

Chapter 287 The Dawn of the Holy Decree, Tang Wutong's Tears Behind Bars, Star Beast Tide (4K)

"Xiao Qi, ascend to the God Realm, quickly!"

The Azure Bull Python roared at Tang Wutong regardless of the life absorption of the Jianmu Holy Tree.

He didn't know why Ling Bai suddenly appeared in the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, but Haotian Douluo Tang Tian was killed by a sword, and the Azure Bull Python was sure that the Haotian Sect could not resist the runaway Holy Evil Douluo!

Tang Wutong plundered the fate of the soul beast and the golden dragon bloodline. She was the most critical part of Tang San's plan. She must avoid Ling Bai and ascend to the God Realm immediately to avoid it!

The light of the blue triangle became brighter and brighter, and the vast sea of ​​​​universe wrapped around Tang Wutong, turning into a shuttle-shaped stream of light, trying to take her away from the Douluo Continent!


The vast sea of ​​​​universe soared straight up, but the sacred gold, the dead silence of the ash, and the bloody red, the three lights burst out, instantly covering the entire sky!

Angel Realm, Death Kingdom, Ancient Blood Prison, the three realms are like an eternal prison, the vast sea of ​​​​universe rushed left and right, but could not find a chance to break through the blockade!

Tang Wutong almost bit her teeth and looked at the six-winged angel who controlled the sky. A trace of fear flashed through the depths of her pink-blue eyes. She couldn't imagine what a miserable end she would have if she fell into Ling Bai's hands after what she had done today!

The sharp edge of the angel's wings appeared in her vision. Ling Bai pierced through the clouds and mist with the angel's holy sword, like a demon who was choosing people to devour. Tang Wutong finally panicked. Seven soul rings emerged, and the seventh soul ring flashed, and the light dragon god butterfly martial spirit was in its true form!

The sky is the home court of the six-winged angel, not to mention that the two have a 20-level gap in soul power. The angel's holy sword fell, and the vast sea of ​​​​universe exploded into thousands of lights. The wings of the light dragon god butterfly broke and turned into Tang Wutong's body, like a meteor falling from the sky.

"Xiao Qi!"

The Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape burned themselves desperately and worked together to repel the Jianmu Sacred Tree. Tang Wutong was as fragile as a child in front of Ling Bai. At this moment, she had lost her fighting ability. The two soul beasts would not sit idly by and watch the daughter of the Sea God fall to death!

"Eighth Soul Skill, Chaos Returns to the Abyss!"

The golden sun and black moon floated in the sky, light and darkness intertwined, the black and gold light column swept across, and the power of chaos heavily bombarded the chests of the two soul beasts. The Azure Bull Python's dragon scales broke, and the bright red flesh and blood were exposed under the tough fur of the Titan Giant Ape.

A second before Tang Wutong hit the ground, Ling Bai firmly clamped the slender neck. Before the fate of the soul beast was returned, this noble daughter of the Sea God could not die.

"You... let go..."

The neck bone was pinched and creaked. Tang Wutong was in pain and could hardly breathe. Her legs and feet kicked and struggled. Ling Bai slapped her back and she immediately became honest. Her pink and blue eyes were distracted and sparkling.

Seeing this scene, the two soul beasts were furious in an instant. Tang Wutong was a child they watched grow up. How could she be insulted by the enemy? They immediately roared to the sky and attacked Ling Bai.

They used their own unique skills, and everything around them became heavy. Ling Bai could feel that the angel wings seemed to be as heavy as lead. The speed that originally crossed the sky suddenly dropped, and the eyes twisted, and the body was abnormally slow.

Azure Bull Python, slow domain!

Titan Giant Ape, gravity control domain!

Ling Bai sneered, and while holding Tang Wutong with one hand, the angel domain, the kingdom of death, and the ancient blood prison spread simultaneously, engulfing the two domains with an absolutely crushing attitude, so that it could only barely maintain the surface of the body. The speed of the two soul beasts dropped to the freezing point, struggling to resist the waves of domain attacks like tides.

Easily suppressing the two soul beasts, Ling Bai glanced at the battle between the two sects, and then in the ancient blood prison, the nine evil spirits were released, the blood-red nine-headed bat emperor soared, the dragon roared, and the bone dragon king rushed out of the gate of the undead.

"Chop them up, don't leave a single one alive."

The Blood-Red Nine-Headed Bat King and the Bone Dragon King received the order, and the two giants with the strength of the Extreme Douluo joined the battlefield. Wherever they passed, there was blood and cruelty, and the heads of the disciples of the Haotian Sect fell to the ground.

"Brother, save Xiaoqi!"

The Titan Giant Ape roared. They were 100,000-year-old soul beasts before, and they entered the Haotian Sect just to obey Tang San's orders. In the cognition of the two soul beasts, all the people in the Haotian Sect combined were not as good as a hair of Tang Wutong!

Stepping on the ground, the Titan Giant Ape used the abundant earth element power underground to increase its strength. An invisible air wave exploded, with the place where it was stepped on as the center, and the ground within a hundred meters in diameter sank ten meters with countless smoke and plant fragments.

The Titan Giant Ape stomped his feet heavily, using the force to recoil into the sky, and rushed straight to the six-winged angel standing proudly in the sky. The huge fists swung, gathering a ball of yellow light, and the air formed a twisted vortex, condensing unparalleled earth elements!

Titan Giant Ape's innate soul skill, Titan Sky Break!

Accompanied by a dragon roar that shook the earth, the Azure Bull Python coiled and circled, and a blue electric light swam on a pair of horns. Thunder roared, and a dragon-shaped blue lightning burst out!

Azure Bull Python's innate soul skill, Azure Destruction Thunder!

The angel's six wings spread out, and Ling Bai's flying posture was unstoppable, as if the ancient beast launched a charge at the opponent. Obviously, he was the one with a small body, but his momentum seemed to crush the two insects to death!

The platinum soul ring shone brightly, and the angel throne nourished in the angel soul core between the eyebrows seemed to wake up, and a golden light shone on the angel's holy sword.

The sky was lit with golden light, and the angel's holy sword burst out with the light of the artifact it should have. The golden lines seemed to come alive, and the golden light fluctuated on the sword blade like water. The terrifying breath burst out from Ling Bai, and the sacred majesty forced the momentum of the two soul beasts back to itself.

At this moment, Ling Bai became the center of the world, and a brilliant six-winged angel appeared behind him. The strong golden light made his body as bright as gold. Time and space were completely locked. Even the ultimate Douluo cultivation like Jianmu Douluo was controlled by the golden light.

The civilians of Jiubao City, which was in the midst of war, raised their heads and witnessed the most sacred and glorious scene in their lives. The six-winged angel waved the angel's holy sword to draw a door, as if it was the prelude of the apocalypse, light descended, and hope revived.

The second of the nine-winged angel's ninth soul skill!

Holy Oracle: Dawn Rises!

The sacred torrent of light poured out from the door, and the light broke through the dawn, penetrating the curtain of darkness, illuminating every corner of Jiubao City, and dispelling all the haze and despair.

The six-winged angels were above the sky, and countless sacred light particles were flying in the air, like drizzling rain, nourishing the sky and the earth. The creatures were bathed in light and hope. Under the baptism of light, the pain and suffering seemed to be soothed. This scene was so shocking that humans bowed devoutly to the six-winged angels.

Under the light of the rising dawn, the Titan Sky Breaker and the Sky Blue Destruction Thunder were like a stone sinking into the sea, without even a ripple. The bodies of the two soul beasts were silent for two seconds, and the screams of pain were heard by everyone.

The dragon scales on the Sky Blue Bull Python melted into hot liquid, and the blue dragon turned into a hot meat snake, lying on the ground and gasping weakly.

The Titan Giant Ape was slightly better than the Sky Blue Bull Python. He also had multiple burns on his body, especially a huge wound on his chest, deep enough to see the bone, and vaguely saw the beating heart in the chest.

"Big Daddy, Second Daddy..."

Tang Wutong was heartbroken and shed big tears.

Ling Bai froze the two soul beasts indifferently. This time, he was really frightened and broke into a cold sweat. He had originally thought about observing the Snow Emperor for a few more days, and then leaving the Far North when its Yin-Yang complementary dual soul cores became stable.

If the power of destiny did not warn, the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect might be wiped out by the Haotian Sect!

The best result is that Lin Jiaran activates multiple level nine fixed soul guide shells and perishes together. Whether he can drag all the Haotian sect members to die together is still unknown.

"Brother Bai, come and see Qiuxi!" Ning Tian said anxiously.

Ling Bai flashed to the ground, and everyone surrounded Ling Qiuxi, who fell into a coma and his breath was weak.

A ray of sacred soul power was injected into Ling Qiuxi's body to explore it. Ling Bai's face eased slightly: "The soul beast's destiny was transferred, and the golden dragon bloodline was forcibly deprived... Qiuxi's body was injured. Fortunately, there is no danger of life."

After that, Ling Bai took out a tear-sized drop of green metal and melted it into Ling Qiuxi's body.

This is the gold of life bitten by the golden hawksbill turtle. Ling Bai left three drops for emergency use. One drop was given to Ning Fengyu to help him break through the Title Douluo. The last two drops of life gold were not used, but they came in handy today.

"When Qiu Xi's physical condition stabilizes, I will guide her soul beast destiny again and get back the golden dragon bloodline."

As the son of human destiny, Ling Bai has this ability. His golden eyes looked at the daughter of the sea god in his hand and said coldly: "Tang Wutong, since you like to deprive others of their bloodline, then I will accept your blood of the two gods on behalf of Qiu Xi."

"If you dare, my father will not let you go!"

Tang Wutong screamed, but anyone could see that she was timid.

"Where are those two guys?"

Wu Feng pointed at the two soul beasts in the ice.

"They are not human, they are the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape who followed Tang San to the God Realm. Ten thousand years have passed, and their cultivation is also very advanced among the ten fierce beasts. The Azure Bull Python's strength in Douluo Continent is probably second only to the Beast God Emperor Tian.

The two beasts dared to break into the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect. The soul rings and soul bones will be distributed later. I will extract all the blood essence for you to quickly improve your strength."

The Death Hell Spider King is an extreme death evil soul beast. Extracting vitality is its old business. Tang San used the Deep Sea Demon Whale King to improve the soul power of the Shrek Seven Devils. Ling Bai learned from the barbarians and squeezed the last drop of bone blood from the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape, so that the geniuses of the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect could have a good time.

On the other side, the Blood Red Nine-Headed Bat King and the Bone Dragon King were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, quickly slaughtering all the members of the Haotian Sect, but the Haotian Sect's surprise attack still caused heavy losses to the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect.

Jianmu Douluo, Ning Fengyu, Xie Qin, Lin Jiaran, Golden Daimao, Princess Regent, Princess Liya, all the Titled Douluo of Jiubao Liuli Sect except Ning Fengya were injured.

Qinghuang Douluo Ning Fengyu was the most seriously injured. The power of the Clear Sky Hammer blessed by Tang Tianzhahuan was terrifying. One hammer almost sent her to see her grandmother. She needs to rest for at least two months.

The two soul guide groups established by Jiubao Liuli Sect were also smashed to pieces by the disciples led by two Super Douluos of the Clear Sky Sect. The personnel loss was nearly 20%, and the soul guides were destroyed countless.

Finally, there were the casualties of Jiubao City infrastructure and civilians. Although all Soul Saints and above members of the Clear Sky Sect were destroyed, Jiubao Liuli Sect suffered great losses. Everything was the evil plan of Sea God Tang San.

Ning Fengya ordered the sect disciples to rescue the wounded and clean up the battlefield, and provide post-war compensation. Ling Bai dragged Tang Wutong into the underground secret room of Jiubao Liuli Sect, took off his armor, sealed his soul power and mental power, and then threw him in.

He was too lazy to reason with the puppet without self-awareness. After taking back the fate of the soul beast and the golden dragon bloodline, Tang Wutong was no longer useful.

I vaguely remember that someone wanted to see Tang Wutong very much. With her cruel personality, Tang Wutong must be so sad that she shed tears behind the iron bars.

Ling Bai found Ning Fengya and said in a deep voice:

"Aunt Ya, tell the world that the Haotian Sect, in spite of the world's disapproval, colluded with Death Hell Douluo Poison Immortal, led the disciples in the sect to retaliate, and raided the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

Holy Evil Douluo kills the leader of the Haotian Sect and discovers that all members of the Haotian Sect have fallen into evil soul masters, so they are plotting against the mainland...

Destroy the Haotian Sect! "

"Go ahead."

Ning Fengya nodded slightly and handed over a map, which recorded the location of the Haotian Sect. Haotian Sect has been away from the world for thousands of years, and the address of the sect is not known to ordinary people. She knows Ling Bai very well and prepared the map in advance.

"Thank you Aunt Ya. I will let the Bone Dragon King guard the sect. You guys have a good rest while I go to take revenge."

A few hours later, Ling Bai climbed up to the Haotian Sect Mountain Peak and stared at the ten large characters painted with silver hooks and iron on the boulder, with a cold look between his brows:

"Jiao Jiao War Soul Hammer, Weiwei Haotian Sect.

It's a pity that from today on, there will be no Clear Sky Hammer in Douluo Continent! "

The left-behind disciple of the Haotian Sect was unaware of what he was about to face. Ling Bai took three level nine customized soul-guided artillery shells reserved by the Imperial Dragon Soul Instructor Group and bombed them at high altitude!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The sky collapsed, the earth collapsed, the mountains collapsed, and all life was wiped out!

Three cannons sent the Haotian Sect to the west!

In the Star Forest, lightning flashed, and the sound of rolling thunder seemed to shatter the world. Powerful figures rose into the sky, rushed out of the tree canopy, and flew towards the core area of ​​the Star Forest at high speeds.

"Di Tian, ​​what happened? The fortune of the Star Dou Forest is passing away!"

Mr. Xiong revealed the body of the Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear, with a pair of Dark Gold Terror Claws shining coldly.

"It's an auspicious beast. The destiny of the soul beast resides in her body. When the destiny of the soul beast leaves the auspicious beast, the Star Dou Forest will be affected in this way." Di Tian suppressed his anger.

"Auspicious beast?"

Brigitte, who was wearing a long aqua dress, was shocked and said: "Don't the auspicious beasts have your reverse scale body protection?"

"That's the problem. Only gods from the divine realm can shield the reverse scale induction..."

Ditian's golden dragon eyes looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds, as if he wanted to see a higher and farther world through the sky:

"Human beings are pressing hard on the soul beasts. The gods do not allow the soul beasts to set foot in the God Realm. Now the God Realm wants to deprive the soul beasts of their final destiny. Well, I will show them the anger of the soul beasts!

I will not let go of any human forces on the Douluo Continent. Shrek Academy claims to be the guardian of humanity, so let’s attack them!

The ferocious beasts obeyed orders, and the soul beasts emerged from the stars!

Destroy Shrek! "

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