Douluo: Peerless Angel Glory

Chapter 33 A Promise I Cannot Refuse (Part 2)

"You refuse?"

Elder Xuan repeated it, with a slightly shocked look on his face. The ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo took the initiative to recruit a disciple, but was rejected mercilessly!

If he tells it, he will be laughed to death by an old antique from an era!

"Yes, Mr. Xuan, I refuse."

The seemingly gentle smile on Ling Bai Ruyu's face revealed an unshakable determination.

Yan Shaozhe was also surprised. He quickly reacted and said in a deep voice: "Ling Bai, please don't make a hasty decision. I was negligent just now. I should have told you what it means to be closed as a disciple by Mr. Xuan."

"First, you already have a teacher, but a soul master can have many teachers in his life. For example, the ancestor Tang San, Master Yu Xiaogang is his teacher. Aren't the ancestors such as Flanders, Liu Erlong, and Zhao Wuji Tang San? Ancestor’s teacher? So don’t worry too much.

Secondly, as a member of the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, you should understand that the higher the soul power, the more difficult it is to cultivate. If you become a disciple of Mr. Xuan, I guarantee that you will break through to the Titled Douluo within twenty years! You are eleven years old this year, and in twenty years you will be thirty-one, and you will become a Seraphim Titled Douluo who dominates the world!

Third, Shrek Academy is allocating all its resources to you. Your future soul rings will be wrapped up in the academy, so you don’t have to worry at all. At the same time, the academy will do its best to find soul bones with attributes suitable for you. Each piece is at least ten thousand years old! When you break through the 90th level of soul power, the academy will help you hunt down a hundred thousand year old soul beast!

Fourth, Shrek Academy is an academy. No matter whether it is a closed disciple of Mr.

This is a promise made to you by the Dean of the Martial Arts Department of Shrek Academy, Elder Xuan of Poseidon Pavilion, and Shrek Academy, the number one academy in the mainland. "

"Shaozhe means what I mean."

Mr. Xuan was an old comrade, and he immediately expressed his stance on the credibility of Yan Shaozhe's words. They hoped that Ling Bai would change his mind.

After hearing this, Ling Bai leaned back slightly and sighed: "It's really a promise that people can't refuse..."

Yan Shaozhe is worthy of being the dean of the martial arts department. He is cunning and courageous. Each of the four things he promised was extraordinary and strategic.

He was worried that Ling Bai would reject Mr. Xuan because of the two teachers' problems, so he directly moved Tang San from ten thousand years ago to dispel Ling Bai's concerns.

Then he was lured with benefits, commonly known as painted cakes.

Titled Douluo, full body soul bone, one hundred thousand year soul ring, one hundred thousand year soul bone...

Each cake is bigger than the other, and Shrek Academy's ten thousand-year reputation will not arouse Ling Bai's suspicion!

The oldest and cunning one is Number Four. Ling Bai is a disciple of the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, and the teacher he mentioned is most likely also a member of the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect.

Yan Shaozhe and Mr. Xuan did have the intention of letting Ling Bai and Jiubao Glazed Sect part ways at first. After all, who is willing to share the successor?

Seeing Ling Bai's direct refusal, Yan Shaozhe instantly changed his mind and emphasized that Shrek Academy would not interfere with Ling Bai's relationship with the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect to stabilize him.

No matter what the cost, just to keep Ling Bai.

If someone asked Yan Shaozhe and Mr. Xuan whether it was worth it, their answer would definitely be, yes!

Shrek Academy's huge influence has both advantages and disadvantages. The Sun and Moon Empire regards it as a thorn in its side. The Douluo Three Kingdoms are also very afraid of Shrek. In the past hundred years, they have not sent direct members of the royal family to enroll in the academy to express their attitude.

Seraphim is the most talented god-level martial spirit in history. With Ling Bai at his command, no one can shake Shrek's lofty status for the next three hundred years.

More importantly, Seraphim has been proven by history to be a god-level martial spirit that can be passed down stably!

There were three ultimate martial spirits in Shrek Academy, but their descendants did not inherit the ultimate attributes.

Ma Xiaotao is also a vivid example. Thousands of years ago, the Phoenix Fighting Roman Hongjun martial soul transformed into a nine-headed fire phoenix. The phoenix flames evolved to the ultimate fire. His direct descendant Ma Xiaotao is still suffering from the torture of evil fire!

Yan Shaozhe and Mr. Xuan had discussed in advance that after Ling Bai accepted Mr. Xuan as his teacher, the academy would train him step by step to become the master of the Poseidon Pavilion, and then let Ma Xiaotao join Ling Bai and use the divine power to eliminate the Phoenix Evil Fire. At the same time, he left the blood of Seraphim in Shrek Academy!

From now on, Seraphim will become another synonym for Shrek Academy!

For the glory of tens of millions of years to come, what do those short-term efforts mean!

"We hope you can consider it seriously and thoroughly." Yan Shaozhe said sincerely.

Ling Bai did not give an answer, but asked: "Mr. Xuan, dean, do you know who my teacher is?"

"Old man Zhou?"

Elder Xuan believed that only Jianmu Douluo could make Ling Bai reject him.

"Yes." Ling Bai nodded.

Yan Shaozhe frowned and said: "Senior Jianmu may be strong, but he is a plant-type martial soul. What he teaches you may not be suitable for you. Shrek has had countless soul masters over the past ten thousand years and cultivated three ultimate martial souls. We can give you the best education and resources.”

"The dean is right, but what I want to say is how much the teacher and the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect have paid for me over the years."

The breeze blew through her long golden hair, and Ling Bai's eyes were deep and calm: "The Ten Thousand Years Deep Sea Demonic Whale Gum, the Ten Thousand Years Demonic Great White Shark Oil, I have been eating them since I was a child. The Ten Thousand Years Jade Spirit Fruit is a daily fruit, Extremely northern moonlight rice, Wannian Dilongjin, Wannian deep-sea lobster...the ingredients for three meals a day are never the same.

My body, soul power, and soul ring beyond the limits were all accumulated bit by bit by the resources of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Moreover, the teacher was left with a secret disease after the battle with Du BuShu. He would rather endure the recurrence of the secret disease than forcefully refine the Minghuang Pill for me. "

"Ming Huang Dan..."

Yan Shaozhe, who had always been stingy, felt his teeth ache when he thought of the materials used to refine the Minghuang Pill.

The main medicine of Minghuang Pill is the inner elixir of a hundred-thousand-year-old light-type soul beast, supplemented by dozens of mild, ten-thousand-year-old light-type heavenly materials and earthly treasures. It is known as the number one pill in the mainland.

Xuan Shui Pill, Soul Ascension Pill, Soul Nourishing Pill, Xuanwu Divine Pill...

These elixirs that are unattainable in the eyes of the world are nothing compared to Ming Huang Dan!

The moment they heard the Minghuang Pill, Mr. Xuan and Yan Shaozhe knew in their hearts that Shrek Academy could not compete with the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect.

Shrek drew a cake, and the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect had already fed the cake into Ling Bai's mouth!

There is a professional term in the casino to describe the behavior of the Jiubao Glazed Sect, Stud.

They placed all their bets on Ling Bai, betting that he would grow up smoothly, and that he would be full-fledged and not forget the sect.

Ling Bai simply opened the skylight and spoke frankly. He looked at Mr. If the sect goes to war, I will not give up on the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect.

As far as I know, Shrek Academy does not participate in the battles between sects. When the Tang Sect's ten thousand year foundation was taken away, Shrek did not choose to take action. Will you accept a successor who may have a feud with the Noumenon Sect in the future? "

Yan Shaozhe and Mr. Xuan were completely silent. The Noumenon Sect was a super sect that was not inferior to Shrek Poseidon Pavilion.

The entire academy was involved in Ling Bai's business. How could this business be considered a loss?

"We will discuss the apprenticeship later."

Yan Shaozhe broke the silent atmosphere: "You can study in the academy with peace of mind. I haven't thought about the reward for helping Xiao Tao last night. Let's do this. I will give you a promise. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, just tell me and I will solve it. "

Originally Yan Shaozhe was just being polite, but who would have thought that Ling Bai would speak immediately.

"Dean, I want to change rooms."

"That's it?"

Yan Shaozhe said with waning interest, "You can choose whatever you want on Poseidon Island."

"Then please give me a room in the Golden Tree, Dean."


Yan Shaozhe's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Golden tree!? Don't be too ridiculous, kid!"

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