Douluo: Peerless Angel Glory

Chapter 65 Soul Guidance Device, Ning Tian’s Choice (Part 2)

As night falls, darkness envelopes the earth. It seems to be particularly quiet tonight. Half of the moon hangs slantingly in the sky, and scattered stars emit a faint light.

Shrek's outer courtyard, freshman assessment area.

The freshman assessment was successfully concluded. Each game had a huge psychological impact on these eleven or twelve-year-old boys, telling them what the world is like and that each mountain is higher than the other.

In order to catch up with their more powerful peers, the freshmen rushed back to their dormitories to practice, for fear of wasting a minute. At this moment, there were only a few people in the soul fighting arena and it was silent.

"Da da da!"

Heavy footsteps and violent breathing suddenly resounded. A red figure broke into the assessment area. He held on to the pillar for two seconds and then looked up at the people in the auditorium. His voice was hoarse and he spoke word by word:

"Ling Bai, you are really good!

Ning Tian is missing, and you still feel like sitting there motionless like a dead bastard! "

Wu Feng's face was mixed with annoyance and anxiety. The back of his white school uniform was already soaked with sweat, and water would come out if he twisted it hard.

Ning Tian ran out of the assessment area and disappeared. Wu Feng almost turned Shrek's outer courtyard upside down and couldn't find any trace of Ning Tian.

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?" Ling Bai looked down at Wu Feng, who was glaring at him, feeling sad.

"Ning Tian is obviously avoiding us, looking for a place to lick her wounds alone. Why bother depriving her of her last bit of personal space?"

"I...I'm worried that she will do something stupid..."

Wu Feng bit his red lips unconsciously, his trembling teeth betraying his chaotic heart.

They grew up together since childhood. Wu Feng believed that no one in the world knew Ning Tian better than him. Ning Tian was the little princess of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect. She was as noble as the bright moonlight in the sky. Now that the moon suddenly fell, what if Ning Tian couldn't think about it for a moment? Wu Feng didn't even dare to continue thinking!

"Ning Tian won't."

Ling Bai's tone was very calm, but full of unparalleled affirmation: "She should be a little calmer. You go back to the dormitory to rest first. I promise to give you a new baby Ning Tian tomorrow."

"Freshmen? What do you mean? We are Shrek's freshmen! Hey! Hey!"

Ignoring the yelling of a certain idiot, a pair of golden angel wings spread out, Ling Bai soared into the sky and turned into a golden stream of light and flew outside Shrek Academy.


After an imperceptible collision, Ling Bai slowly landed on the ground. In front of him was a dim alley near the west gate of Shrek City.

It was dark in the depths of the alley, with only the light and shadow cast by the stars and moon barely illuminating the way forward.

Ling Bai walked forward along the alley, and as he gradually went deeper, a sad and suppressed low sob came from his ears, and the pitiful appearance of the girl curled up in a ball appeared in front of him.


Ling Bai did not deliberately step lightly. Ning Tian was immediately alert when he noticed the stranger's arrival. He picked up the stone at his feet and threw it at Ling Bai. The injection of more than thirty levels of soul power made the stone look like a phantom.

Ling Bai caught the stone steadily and said with a smile, "Xiaotian, it's me."

"Brother Bai?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ning Tian looked over subconsciously, and after confirming that it was indeed Ling Bai, he immediately buried his head in his knees and said sharply:

"Don't look at me! Please, Brother Bai, leave quickly!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs, her shoulders shook like a mess, and she tried her best to hold back tears, but there was an uncontrollable sadness in her eyes.

The first failure in life was an unbearable blow to Ning Tian. It was not that she could not accept failure. White Tiger Dai Huabin and Pipi Xiang Xie Huanyue, if they lost to the two great souls Ning Tian would only feel disappointed and regretful. , practice diligently in the future to regain your place.

But...he just lost to Huo Yuhao, a one-ring soul master with poor talent, weak background, who relied on the Tang Sect for admission, and who broke the rules at will!

And Ling Bai didn't come back early or late, so he happened to witness her most desolate moment!

The glory of the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, the pride of the little princess of the sect, and the opinions of the person she loves, a freshman assessment competition destroyed everything Ning Tian cherished. Her mentality was like a broken mirror falling to the ground, and she became more and more afraid to face it. Looking at Ling Bai, I was afraid that I would see Ling Bai showing an expression of disgust and disappointment.

Suddenly, Ning Tian felt her body surrounded by warmth, as if someone was holding her in his arms. After an unknown amount of time, a warm voice slowly entered her ears.

"Xiaotian, have you heard of a story? Everyone's heart rate is different. If you hug each other for more than thirty seconds, the heart rate will become the same. So when you are sad, you can calm down by hugging someone tightly."

Ning Tian couldn't tell the difference between true and false. He only knew that Ling Bai's temperature, voice, and breath were like a sweet current, moistening his anxious and riddled heart.

Holding Ling Bai's shoulders tightly with both hands, Ning Tian raised his head, his eyes were red in the darkness, and there were a few tears on his beautiful face, which made the girl extremely charming.

The fresh fragrance of the girl's platinum long hair continued to flow into the nostrils. Ling Bai gently patted Ning Tian's back and said, "Xiaotian, are you feeling better?"

"It's hard for me to accept losing to them, and it's also humiliating... Brother Bai, don't laugh at me. There was a moment before when I really wanted to go back to the sect and never set foot in Shrek Academy again..."

After saying that, Ning Tian took the initiative to let go of Ling Bai and looked down at the tips of his shoes. Ling Bai inexplicably felt as if two ears had grown out of the back of her head, drooping pitifully.

"It's just a loss. What a big deal." Ling Bai couldn't help but take Ning Tian's little hand, "Come with me out of the city for a walk."

"Where to go?" Ning Tian asked hurriedly.

"Mountain climbing."

There is a Chunming Mountain fifty miles northeast of Shrek City. Ling Bai released the seraphs and flew to the foot of the mountain with Ning Tian.

"I heard from my senior sister that the sunrise at Chunming Mountain is magnificent. Let's go hiking to relax and take a look."


Ning Tian nodded. She needed to do something to distract herself from the humiliation of failure.

The two stepped on the first step and officially started the mountain climbing journey. They unanimously gave up using their soul power and only relied on their physical strength and endurance to experience the mountain climbing process.

Ling Bai has the blessing of two super martial souls, and his physical strength is comparable to that of the Soul Emperor. His long legs can make him walk like flying. After all, Ning Tian is an auxiliary type, and his body is not as good as some second-level soul masters. It didn't take long for him to barely follow Ling Bai. Ji Xiang was dripping with sweat and panting: "Brother Bai, I'm a little tired..."

"It's okay, sit down and rest for a while."

There was a long silence between the two of them until Ning Tian regained his strength and started on the road again.

Ling Bai still didn't slow down, and Ning Tian gritted his teeth and followed closely. He wouldn't take a break unless his strength was exhausted. At this time, Ling Bai would also stop, and his golden eyes looked at her meaningfully.


Ning Tian held on to his sore thighs and finally saw the appearance of the top of the mountain. Victory was close at hand.

The wind blows in the lush forest of Chunming Mountain, and with the morning light, the forest looks like an ocean from a distance, an emerald sea, with thousands of treetops swaying in the wind, forming layers of waves.

"Do you think Senior Sister lied to me?" Ling Bai said with a smile.

"No, it's really beautiful..."

Dawn flooded into Ning Tian's field of vision like a sea tide. The huge sun wheel touched the horizon. The river from far away from the mountain slowly rippled at her feet. The river water hit the black cliff and broke into white spray.

After reaching the top of the mountain exhausted, Ning Tian swore that this was the most beautiful dawn she had ever seen.

"Xiaotian, are you tired from the climb?"

"Tired, but seeing such a beautiful scenery makes it worth it."

"Xiaotian, I actually don't like to reason with people, because it's too long-winded and unnecessary. I am willing to respect other people's fate. Good or bad has nothing to do with me." Ling Bai's voice was very soft, so soft that it blended into the mountains. Chen Feng said, "For the first time, I am confused about you."

Ning Tian clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles were already turning blue, his body was shaking slightly, and he said, "Brother Bai, I don't understand what you mean."

"Xiaotian, the night before we came to Shrek Academy to report, the sect master sneaked into your room quietly. Do you need me to help you recall the next story?"

"Need not……"

Ning Tian's pretty face suddenly turned red, and her two little hands were clasped together.

Ling Bai continued: "I can understand what the sect master said that night. The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda does not have combat effectiveness. Naturally, the fighting soul master with a foreign surname has become an important part of the sect after the direct disciples. In order to win over the fighting soul master, the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Zong has been following ancient precepts in choosing in-laws for thousands of years.

Husband and wife are one and the same, and I think there is nothing wrong with the in-law method, but Xiaotian, you are a person who has tasted the taste of failure. The shortcomings of Qibao Glazed Pagoda's lack of combat effectiveness were fully exposed in the game. The auxiliary system used up its soul skills and was just a spectator on the field.

You are the number one auxiliary weapon spirit in the world, and you have given Wu Feng and Nanmen Yun'er a 40% increase, so what? Victory, defeat, and destiny are still in the hands of a soul master whose talent is one level lower than yours.

Xiaotian, are you willing? "

"Of course I'm not willing to give in!"

A flash of light suddenly burst out in Ning Tian's eyes. If she replaced the three-ring seven-treasure glazed tower with the three-ring red dragon, she would definitely defeat Huo Yuhao and the others!

"Martial spirit is not something I can choose..."

At this point, the light in her eyes suddenly went out.

"Times have changed. The auxiliary system is no longer a pure auxiliary system. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower does not have to cling to and rely on the soul master like a dodder flower." Ling Bai stood on the top of the mountain, and the strong wind shook his clothes. .

"Xiaotian, go to the mountains and overlook the mediocre ravines from the top of the mountains."

The mountain wind was refreshing and moist, and the platinum hair stuck to his fair forehead. Ning Tian's eyes were pure and bright, reflecting the whole person on the top of the mountain. His chest suddenly burned like a fire, with a burning sound. All courage.

She slowly stepped forward and stood side by side with Ling Bai: "Brother Bai, what should I do?"

"Practice soul guides as well, seize the trend of the times, and pave a new path for you and the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect!"

"Okay, I'll go!"

Ning Tian didn't hesitate at all. In the Douluo Continent, which originally belonged to the Three Kingdoms, the stronger the soul, the more resistant it was to soul guides. Almost all soul mentors were a group of rubbish souls, but she was fed up with the powerlessness of leaving her fate to others!

"But there is one problem." Ning Tian changed the subject, "Shrek Academy's martial arts department and soul guidance department are distinct, and they are not allowed to study at the same time."

"There's someone covering you above, so you can just cultivate quietly."

Ling Bai didn't take it seriously. Huo Yuhao followed Fan Yu, the director of the Soul Guidance Department, and went to find a boss for Ning Tian.

It happened that there was a comrade in Shrek's outer courtyard who was extremely willing to dedicate himself to Ning Tian, ​​so Ling Bai decided to find him to establish a relationship.

So an hour later, there was a knock on the door of the office of the teaching director of the Martial Arts Department of the outer courtyard.

"Xiaotian Lingbai?"

Du Weilun was drawing up the list of core disciples for this year's first grade. When he saw Ning Tian and Ling Bai, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "Why are you here?"

"Director Du, I'm asking you for a favor!" Ning Tian put on a weak posture and spoke softly.

"What's the deal?"

With some small thoughts that are not common to outsiders, Director Du has taken great care of Ning Tian for three months.

"I want to learn soul guidance tools as well. Could you please help recommend a teacher?"

"Soul guide???"

As if Du Weilun had triggered a keyword, he jumped up, his mouth turning into a machine gun and firing continuously.

"If you leave the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, a top-notch martial spirit, without repairing it, why would you want to learn that mess!"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

"I'm hurting you by helping you! Xiaotian, quickly put aside these thoughts and study step by step. You will definitely be able to take over your mother's burden and become the next leader of the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect!"

"Director..." Ning Tian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Okay, okay, force me to open it up, right?

"Director, in fact, my father died accidentally ten years ago. My mother has been very hard these years, and the Noumenon Sect has caused us trouble everywhere. As a result, the fighting spirit masters dare not join the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect. That's why I thought about practicing soul guidance tools at the same time. Add a fighting force to the sect..."

"My condolences...huh?"

Du Weilun sighed at first, and then suddenly reacted.

Wait, there's something happening!

"Your parents and I were enrolled in the same class back then, but I was slightly weaker and was not selected into the Shrek Seven Devils like your parents."

Du Weilun is not convinced so far. When he graduated, he chose to teach at Shrek Academy. Ning Tian's father joined the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect in order to pursue Ning Tian's mother. If he gave up Shrek and pursued love bravely, who would Ning Tian's father be? The conclusion may not be final!

"Brother Changqing, Brother Changqing, why did you leave so early..."

The love-hate entanglement of twenty years ago has passed!

I will support your wife on my own, so don’t worry about it!

Director Du directly looks to the future!

Du Weilun looked at Ning Tian, ​​stood up, and said: "This is understandable. Although it is difficult to master soul guidance tools at the same time, you can still give it a try. In the soul guidance department, Qian Duoduo always complained to Dean Yan about the lack of people. I’ll give him a top talent!”

He led Ning Tian toward the Soul Guidance Department, rubbing his hands together: "Xiaotian... um... actually from your mother's point of view, you should call me Uncle Du."

"Um, Uncle Du..."

"Hey! Uncle will take you to the soul guidance department!"

Ling Bai followed the two of them, shaking his head in shame of being in the company of Du Weilun.

Sure enough, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!

From Munn at the top to Du Weilun at the middle level and Huo Yuhao at the bottom level, Shrek Academy has a lot of outstanding people and a lot of licking dogs!

Ling Bai looked at Du Weilun's humble appearance. He couldn't even get married for the third time!

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