Douluo: Possess Eight Magic Skills

Chapter 185 Afterwards (Part 1)

Most of the things that Mo Lin Shun brought are all kinds of extremely rare materials. If they are not made with "magic machine" for a short period of time, there will be no obvious effect and effect. The most important treasure is Mo Lin's first Those three things you're looking at.

Needless to say, the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover, this thing is the heart of the sea god. For Mo Lin, this thing is still valuable and has many wonderful functions. For example, this thing can become a transparent blue triangle cover, invisible State, no entity, can hide the body and breath of the person covered by it, and there are three attack skills, Qiankun Concentration Cover, Vast Sea Kuangtao and Qiankun Demo:

The Cosmic Concentration Cover can hold anyone whose mental power is three times lower than the user's, but it does not hurt the opponent. The user can take the opportunity to leave, even if it is thousands of miles away, the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover can return to the user. It's relatively common, one group wounds one single target, Tang San has never seen it used in the original book.

Those two external soul bones on the palms caused Mo Lin to have a lot of evil thoughts, because these two external soul bones came from dragon-type soul beasts, and they came from the eight descendants of the nine dragon kings (Nine Dragons). One of the kings, the Mountain Dragon King, has no descendants), two of which are the descendants of the dark elemental dragon and the light elemental dragon.

These two external spirit bones are especially in line with Mo Lin's Yin-Yang balance cultivation method, and they happen to be one left (dark) and one right (light), so it's a pity to give away such a good thing!

'Anyway, I made these two external spirit bones myself, and my elder brother Mo Ning is a criminal of pleasure, so I don't feel bad about keeping them, what? Why are you not guilty of stealing? Can the matter of the traverser be considered stealing? '

After a wave of psychological construction for himself, Mo Lin took back the two soul bones. Absorbing them in the Prince's Hall is too eye-catching, let's talk about it later.

As for the third item, the unknown fragment, Mo Lin could only feel a connection between himself and this item, but now even if he holds it in his hand, he doesn't know what the item is for, but there is a faint feeling in his heart. A feeling - this piece is important. I can only put it in my bracelet first, and make plans later.

Naturally, it was impossible for the treasures inside the treasure house to be emptied without being discovered. Boss Ming found Emperor Xue Ye in the middle of the night, but he almost scared the old emperor to death.

"Old Ming, what happened to you coming to see me in the middle of the night?" Although Emperor Xue Ye was startled by the sudden arrival of Old Ming, as the king of a country, he quickly calmed down and sat down. asked in bed.

Ming Lao is not an emotional person, but he is also responsible for such a big matter, and he still trembles when he speaks:

"Your Majesty, the treasure house has been stolen."

"What!" Emperor Xue Ye stood up directly from the bed: "Old Youming, you, the title Douluo guard, actually got stolen?"

Hearing these words, Mr. Ming felt even more guilty, and could only say two words:


Emperor Xue Ye started pacing in his room, and suddenly remembered not asking about the loss:

"Old Ming, have you lost those things?"

Old Ming clenched his fists and was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth and said:

"All the treasures in the underground part were stolen."

"Hmm—" Hearing these words, Emperor Xue Ye almost fainted directly. He groped outwards with both hands, finally found a cabinet, and supported it with his hands so that he would not fall down.

Emperor Xue Ye panted heavily, trying to calm down his mood. He is so old and has experienced many great events as an emperor, but he really can't bear this matter, because this is the Heaven Dou Empire This is the first time the treasure house has been stolen in the past two hundred years, and the value of the stolen treasure this time has exceeded the sum of the value of all stolen treasures in the Tiandou Empire's treasure house in the past, especially the underground part of the treasure house has the treasure of the country " The vast sea and the universe cover", this is a national humiliation!

"Seal the treasure house first, and no one is allowed to enter without my order. Tomorrow morning, call the relevant officials for a meeting, and we will talk about it tomorrow if there is anything to do."

In the early morning of the next day, while Mo Lin was still lying in bed, he received the news that he was going to the palace to discuss important matters. Without even thinking about it, it must be because of the "treasure house theft case" last night.

Mo Lin had already spoken, and he was not worried. He got up and planned to go over.

"Are you okay?" Qian Renxue suddenly grabbed Mo Lin's wrist. She knew what Mo Lin did last night, and she was suddenly worried.

Mo Lin was quite surprised that Qian Renxue would act like this. She didn't have this reaction after giving her a hundred thousand year soul ring before. Could it be that love has been born for a long time?

"I've prepared for it a long time ago, and nothing will go wrong."

There is no time for Mo Lin to think about this, so after saying something to reassure Qian Renxue, she immediately rushed to the palace hall.

When Mo Lin arrived at the main hall, there were already many officials standing in the hall. Not all the important officials were there, but they were basically in charge of public security, law and other similar things. There was also Mr. Ming who had never appeared in the main hall.

Not long after, Emperor Xue Ye also entered the hall and sat on the throne.

"See Your Majesty (Royal Father)!" Everyone saluted in unison.

"Pingshen." Emperor Xue Ye looked a little weak.

Seeing Emperor Xue Ye's slumped state, the officials in the hall couldn't help but looked at each other, and asked each other if they knew the inside story. You must know that when they saw Emperor Xue Ye a few days ago, he was radiant and radiant.

Emperor Xue Ye sighed and said:

"Last night, something important happened in the palace, but before I say anything, I want to confirm one thing."

Emperor Xue Ye looked at Mo Lin (Xue Qinghe):

"Qinghe, did you send someone out to do anything last night?"

Mo Lin stepped forward, respectfully and calmly replied:

"Father, I didn't send anyone to leave the Prince's Palace last night."

Emperor Xue Ye nodded, and then said:

"The treasure house of the Heaven Dou Empire has been stolen."

Fortunately, it was in the main hall of the imperial palace at this time, otherwise the scene might have exploded.

Mo Lin naturally made a surprised expression, and at the same time looked at Ming Lao, as if really asking with his eyes if something really happened.

And Ming Lao looked at Mo Lin (Xue Qinghe) with strange eyes. This kind of eyes made people feel uncomfortable, unpleasant and uncomfortable, but Mo Lin didn't care at all in his heart. As expected by Mo Lin, he still maintained a polite appearance on the surface, but frowned slightly, as if he was very puzzled by the old Ming's eyes.

Although what Emperor Xue Ye said caused a great commotion, the officials in the palace were also people who had seen the storm, so they quickly readjusted their mentality and posture, and waited for Emperor Xue Ye's next words.

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