The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky of murder and arson.

The evil spirit masters of six routes crossed the outer city wall of Gengxin City from six directions.

Their shadows merged into the night, and no one saw them.

Although there are rice fields, wheat fields, and pastures between the inner city wall and the outer city wall, there are almost no bunkers, and the terrain is infinitely close to a plain, but it is not difficult for a powerful evil soul master to pass through here silently and without a trace .

"Into the night" is not an exaggerated description.

The total length of the inner city wall is far less than that of the outer city wall, but the number of patrolling soldiers has not decreased proportionally. It is far better than the outer wall in terms of patrol frequency and personnel density, and there are soul masters of the soul saint level patrolling.

Although the Soul Emperor is not a top soul master, his perception of various soul powers has made a qualitative leap, and there is a possibility of discovering the hidden Soul Douluo and Title Douluo.

"Master, what are we going to do now?" an evil soul master with Contra cultivation level asked.

Blood Jackal Douluo thought for a while, then showed a bloodthirsty smile:

"Since it's a showdown, it's not bad for such a person. Now that the night is just right, they won't be able to find out what happened."

On the city wall, a soul saint led a patrol team to inspect the situation outside the wall according to the plan.

In an instant, the soul sage felt something, but in the next moment, he saw his body.

After the head fell to the ground, within five seconds, the entire patrol team was slaughtered, not to mention the corpse, not even a drop of blood was left.

The other five evil soul masters also made their own choices, whether they slaughtered or seized the right time, they all successfully entered the inner city.

The task of the evil soul master is very clear, pointing directly to the headquarters of Si En Temple.

They came to Gengxin City to sneak attack the current "empty" headquarters of Si'en Hall, and then left quickly, so as to achieve the goal of slowing down the pace of Si'en Hall's attack.

At the same time, because "the enemy is in the light and I am in the dark", the evil soul masters have "disappeared" on the Douluo Continent for many years, which is enough to make Si'en Hall not expect that their evil soul masters did this and lead the disaster to other people. forces, provoking conflicts between Si En Temple and other forces that have not participated in the war.

In the end, the ambitious Si En Temple was buried, and other righteous soul masters were severely damaged, creating opportunities for their evil soul masters to develop and even stand up.

Therefore, this time, the evil soul master did not make a big show of attacking ordinary people and weak soul masters, and ran to the main hall of Si En Hall after climbing over the city wall.

And in Si En Hall at this moment, Mo Lin did not rest, but flipped through the recent battlefield reports.

As the war broke out, more and more reports came from the front every day.

Although these things should be handed over to Davis, the new emperor of the Star Luo Empire, to deal with, but the real situation is well known to everyone.

What's more, Mo Lin is the designer of everything, so it is natural for him to coordinate everything, so as to minimize unnecessary misunderstandings and mistakes.

During this time of immersing himself in the "sea of ​​paper", Mo Lin gradually had a doubt.

Although Mo Lin already knew that he was not that good at doing this kind of thing, he was still a practitioner after all. It was only a month, and now he couldn't stand it anymore. How could those ordinary people with mortal bodies carry it? What about decades?

After stamping the words "approved" on a report, Mo Lin let out a sigh of relief, and came to a conclusion in his mind that was in the nature of complaining.

'So, mental power cannot assist the brain to think, yes, that's it. '

"Xiao Lin, don't criticize, let's take a rest."

Qian Renxue walked out of the room, wearing a white lace nightgown, the faint feeling made people feel like the blood was rushing.

But Molin didn't even move his eyes, and kept looking at the report without squinting:

"That can't be done. Any report from the battlefield must be reviewed as soon as possible, otherwise the fighter plane may be delayed."

Qian Renxue walked behind Mo Lin, put her hands on Mo Lin's shoulders, rubbed Mo Lin's shoulders like a wife, and continued to persuade:

"The war situation is very good now, but it has only been more than two months since the battle, the town alliance near Star Luo City has been swept away, and more than half of the territory of the original Star Luo Empire has been controlled by you, there is absolutely no need for you to do your best."

Mo Lin didn't respond to Qian Renxue right away, but silently looked at a report in front of him, which recorded the latest number of casualties, as well as the positions and names of some of the dead.

Putting down the report in his hand, Mo Lin's expression was calm, without showing any emotion.

"Xiaoxue, people will die in war." Mo Lin suddenly responded.

For Mo Lin's "nonsense", Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, unable to understand the deep meaning.

Mo Lin leaned on the back of the chair and caught a glimpse of Qian Renxue's expression.

"As a person who killed 100,000 soldiers at one time, I don't think I'm a good person when I come out, but as the leader of a faction, I can't turn a blind eye to the casualties of my subordinates. A delay will lead to more unnecessary casualties."

Merlin paused for a moment, then continued:

"They died for my ambition, I can't treat them as numbers."

"Since you are afraid of the death of your subordinates, why don't you do it yourself? You alone should be enough to overwhelm the world, right?" Qian Renxue said.

Qian Renxue lived among soul masters since she was a child, and only had more contact with ordinary people after the formation of the Three Views, thinking that strength can determine everything.

Mo Lin showed a complicated smile, shook his head and said:

"One person can dominate the world, but having absolute strength does not mean that most people will recognize your leadership. What I need is to go through all this with me..."

I wanted to continue talking, but unfortunately, someone didn't want Mo Lin to continue.

Almost at the same time, both Mo Lin and Qian Renxue felt an extremely uncomfortable soul power, and then the entire Si'en Hall shook.

"An evil soul master has sneaked in!?" Qian Renxue has only been in contact with the evil soul master once, but because of her angel spirit, she has a very deep impression on the evil soul master's soul power.

The same is true for Merlin, but more because of his powerful perception ability.

Qian Renxue instantly transformed into the angelic holy sword and the angelic armor composed of six angelic soul bones and one external soul bone, with murderous intent in her eyes.

"Xiaoxue, don't be like this, the movement just now must have been resolved." Mo Lin didn't expect that there would be an evil soul master coming here, but he was confident in the strength of the few beasts and dragons who had been staying here.

What's more, if it is not resolved, the shock just now could not have lasted for such a moment.

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