Douluo: Rebirth of Clear Sky Hammer

Chapter 114 [Come to Q to read] Hundred Birds White Agarwood (Part 2)

"Brothers and sisters of the Bai family, quickly block the opponent's flying soul master!" Flamingo soul master Yan Bubu said.

Although there was no reminder from him, the two had already taken action. After all, healing soul masters were the lifeblood of the team, but Yufeng's speed was not slow.

In mid-air, I saw two twin-tailed swifts relentlessly chasing the wind chime bird. All the yellow soul rings of the three were used, increasing their speed to the extreme.

At this time, the purple soul ring on Yu Tianheng's body also lit up, and the third soul skill, Dragon's Wrath, was activated, and Thunderbolt, who was superimposed in the dragon transformation state, hit the flamingo in midair with all his strength.

But the opponent's defense system is still the same as the gourd painting, and the two armored bird soul masters resisted. Although the two were seriously injured by the electric shock and were slightly embarrassed, they were instantly restored by the healing soul skills of the emerald swan soul master. Mostly.

And the attacks of the two flamingo soul masters were similar, and they couldn't break through the defense of the Shi family brothers.

Dugu Yan and Oslo stared at each other in a stalemate. At this moment, they could only wait in the protective cover. Even if they went out, they would not be able to attack each other, and could only be used as living targets.

At this time, Ye Lingling directly stepped out of the protective barrier, and Flamingo soul master Yan Buquan immediately asked the armored bird soul masters to go forward to block the attack. Although they learned that the opponent's healing department was a girl, the opponent's The control department is also a girl. Seeing Ye Lingling making a move, she thought it was the soul master of the control department of Jade Scaled Snake, and immediately waited for it.

But as the distance got closer, the members of the Hundred Birds saw Ye Lingling's hand squeeze the air, and there was a scream, and an armored bird soul master covered in slow black mud fell from the sky.

Before he even landed completely, he was possessed by the martial spirit and disappeared, and because he fell out of the field and lost the qualification to fight, Ye Lingling also took back the black mud that did not harm his life, and the opponent's emerald swan soul master also He was treated immediately.

What kind of soul skill is this girl's black mud? This was the reaction of everyone in the Hundred Birds team, but they were astonished. Since the girl was already out of the protective barrier, it was enough to defeat her first.

In an instant, the flamingo soul master's flame ray aimed directly at Ye Lingling.

But Ye Lingling remained motionless. She imitated Li Hao's method of using black mud, and condensed a semicircle of black mud in front of her. When the flame of the flamingo shone on it, it was not so much that the attack was blocked, but it was better to say that the flame formed by the soul power itself was annihilated by the black mud.

Gradually, everyone in the Hundred Birds team found themselves at an absolute disadvantage. Although the opponent seemed to have only two people who could attack their own side, all their attacks could not break the opponent's defensive soul skills. war?

Don't be kidding, at this time only the distance can barely suppress the advantage of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. In a melee battle, the few of them left together are not enough for Yu Tianheng to fight.

The wind chime bird soul master Yufeng in mid-air was quite embarrassed, he found that his speed was not as fast as the two sharp-tailed swift soul masters whose soul power was lower than his own. After being beaten by a burst of attacks, he flew directly back into the protective cover.

In fact, Yufeng's loss was not wronged. As the core martial spirit of the Sen family, the sharp-tailed swift has no speed, but its attack methods are very poor. After all, in addition to speed, the agility attack system also needs a powerful attack that kills with one blow, which obviously the sharp-tailed swift doesn't have.

Ye Lingling also seized the opportunity to retreat, and Yu Tianheng leaned out again the moment the two came back, and used a thunderbolt to consume the opponent.

At this moment, the gopher tactics of the Huangdou team have basically taken shape. Although it seemed to be suppressed by the opponent's air superiority, in fact the rhythm of the battle was completely in the hands of the Huangdou team. After Ye Lingling simply replied to Yufeng, Yufeng was ready to look for an opportunity to try to harass him in the air.

At almost the same time, the two flamingo soul masters exchanged glances and used the third soul skill again, attacking the same point of the Shi family brothers' soul power barrier.

After burning for nearly a minute, the Aviary team chose to admit defeat.

It's not that they can't do it, but flying in the air in the spirit possessed state consumes more soul power than staying on the ground, and they can't afford it. Moreover, there are two other soul masters on the other side who hardly acted from the beginning to the end. They are in a state of full soul power, and they can't beat them if they drag on.

Although many of them still have spare energy, Yan Bujin can see clearly.

As the host announced the end of the first spirit fight, the players from both sides also gradually left the field.

"Not bad, the distance to release the black mud is much stronger than before." Li Hao flatly praised.

After hearing this, Ye Lingling puffed out her chest in a rare way, a little proud. "Seniors have always underestimated me, and I'm also very talented."

Everyone in the Huangdou team felt a little baffled when they saw Ye Lingling suddenly become happy.

"The next thing is tonight's main event, Shrek team, leapfrog to challenge the Fierce God team!" With the host's announcement

The Seven Shrek Monsters walked towards the ring slightly nervously.

"You have to be more careful." Yu Tianheng said to the Shrek Seven Monsters. Although they are very strong, no one will be optimistic about this leapfrog competition. All Yu Tianheng can think of is to practice facing such addicts. The momentum of bloody opponents, and then surrender when it is safe.

Other than that he couldn't think of any meaning.

"Just look at it." Tang San said confidently.

Just now in the second half, the master had told them the plan, and now they calmed down instead, but only calmly, only Tang San had absolute confidence in his hidden weapons.

"Then congratulations again to Team Huangdou for winning, and the next one is tonight's grand finale, Team Shrek V

Team S Fierce God, please enter the arena. "The host announced passionately. After all, the last game was not too intense because of the tactics of both sides. He had to mobilize the atmosphere on the field.

Players from both sides were quickly seated, but what is surprising is that the Vicious God team is lined up because it is a lineup of 7 attacking players.

And the Shrek team didn't use their usual 232 or 124 formation, they also lined up.

In terms of momentum, the fierce god team in front of them can be said to be the strongest team the Shrek Seven Devils have ever encountered. The bloody aura emanating from the seven members of the Fierce God Team is by no means comparable to that of any other team in the Emperor Fighting Team.

This is the aura that can only be produced during the continuous killing, and looking at the bloodthirsty light in their eyes, it seems that they can smell the blood on their bodies.

"Tianheng, have you ever killed a soul master?" Yu Xiaogang asked suddenly.

The call was extremely cordial, but because the atmosphere was too depressing, everyone in the Huangdou team didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"No, could it be that you thought about the incident that night, that the Shrek team lacked the ability to kill in actual combat, so you specially selected this team?" Yu Tianheng thought for a while and said.

"That's right." Yu Xiaogang said quietly, he was indeed stimulated by the battle with the evil soul master that night, and decided to train everyone well.

"But this requires the Shrek team to be sure of winning. They can't even beat us. How can they beat this fierce team?" Yu Tianheng said.

"Tang San's little San also has all the secret weapons, but they are too lethal. If it's a life-and-death fight, you may not be able to beat him." The master's words made the members of the Huangdou team stunned.

Dugu Yan looked like he couldn't help laughing.

One is to laugh that the master is boasting about his team again, and the other is to watch Tang San die in the ring immediately, how can this not make her happy?

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