Douluo: Rebirth of Clear Sky Hammer

Chapter 202 Heavenly Water Battle Blazing Fire

The central arena of the Great Soul Arena of Heaven Dou City

"Let's congratulate Shrek Academy!!"

With a burst of cheers, Shrek defeated the Elephant Armored Sect and won two consecutive victories. As one of the several seeded teams in this qualifier, the Elephant Armor Sect has lost two games in a row. Hu Yanzhen on the ring almost turned green.

"The next match at the home court of the center will also be the biggest highlight of this second round! The Tianshui College team VS Blazing Academy team!"

Due to the limited competition venues, some more interesting matches were chosen in the central spirit fighting arena. Shrek burst out with supernatural power, although the weevils suffered a defeat, but no one thought they were weak, most people thought Tianshui was too strong.

The host said passionately: "Let us look forward to the ultimate showdown between water and fire!"

The host loudly announced the list of players entering the field. Players from both sides walked into the field with their heads held high.

On the contrary, the formation on Tianshui's side was the same formation as Shrek's exit, and Shrek didn't intend to leave for a while. Get ready to take a good look.

Especially Xiao Wu, with her hips crossed, looked like the most powerful Miss Xiao Wu, and Li Hao could see what she meant from her eyes.

"What's the air? If you beat the Elephant Armored Sect, we can win too! We haven't been in the best team yet!"

In all fairness, under the same conditions, Li Hao doesn't have Tang San's bug aura, so it's really hard for him to mobilize resources to defeat the Weevil.

But when you have absolute strength, why do you have to compete fairly with others?

Following the appearance of several people from Tianshui, a turbulent ocean has been set off in the entire stands, cheers one after another, some support Blazing Academy, but more support Tianshui Academy.

Tianshui Academy is already a strong team that has already defeated the Elephant Armored Sect. If they can beat Blazing Fire Academy again, there is a high probability that Tianshui Academy will directly advance to the top five.

The spectators are not mentally retarded either. After watching the game for a few days, they know each team well. Although there are a total of twenty-eight college teams. But among them, the four-ring soul master counted them with two hands. Calculated by points, if Tianshui can directly win against several strong teams, even if they lose all three games against Kamikaze, Thunderclap, and Shrek, they can still advance.

What's more, they might not lose against Kamikaze, Thunderbolt, and Shrek Tianshui.

But no matter what, all the audience were looking forward to the moment when Tianshui defeated Blazing.

At this time, Tianshui's formation was completely different from that in the first battle. Shui Bing'er walked in the front, beside her were Shui Yue'er and Xue Wu, Li Hao was at the core of the team, and the remaining three were all placed in the back row.

To be honest, many audience members, including those on the rostrum and Shrek, did not understand this formation. The control system ranks first, and the support is not the agility attack system but the strong attack system. The core position is the control system, but he has become Li Hao, who should be at the top. Although the food department was at the end, there were two people in the last row to protect her.

There was a icy glint in Li Hao's eyes. With his hands behind his back confidently, he quietly observed his opponents who walked slowly into the ring like them.

This formation has no special meaning at all, because it is not needed!

If I have to say a reason, it is to put the three people who have a bad mentality because of the death of their teammates at the end. They don't need to make a move in this game.

After all, it's not good to just not let them go on stage because they are not in good condition, right?

And the seven students from the Blazing Academy gradually stepped into the ring, all of them looked about the same age, in their early twenties. After all, there are still a small number of people like Shrek who come to participate at the average age of fifteen.

The person walking in the front was of medium build and very ordinary appearance, his eyes were shining with fiery brilliance, his shoulders were very broad, and his golden-red team uniform set off his not-so-handsome face, but he was imposing.

This person is Huo Wushuang, the captain of the Blazing Academy team. A forty-level attack system battle soul master. Wuhun is a one-horned fire tyrannosaurus, completely following the double-burst route of physical and soul power attacks. Among the soul masters who have demonstrated their strength in this round of qualifiers, he is recognized as the second explosive. He is also the main attacker of Blazing Academy.

As for the one who already has the strongest shooting record, it is naturally Li Hao. But strictly speaking, Huo Wushuang's strength is about the same as Yu Tianheng's.

The seven students of Blazing Academy are all very close to each other. Behind Huo Wushuang, there is another assault system soul master, level 38, flame is not extinguished. According to the information, this person's martial soul is a flamingo, and he was born in Fire Bird Sect. However, due to unknown reasons, the original team of the Fire Bird Sect was disbanded, and he should be added to the Blazing Academy's representative team under the arrangement of Wuhundian.

Behind them walked two people, two young men with gloomy expressions, they looked exactly the same, they were actually twins. One is called Huoyun and the other is called Huoyu, and the Wuhun is Firecrane. Their soul powers have all reached level thirty-nine, which is only a thin line away from level forty.

The last three people are two men and one woman. The two male soul masters are extremely tall with tough faces. If you only look at their appearance, you will definitely regard them as defense-type soul masters, but in fact these two are not defense-type soul masters. It's an auxiliary system. It's just that their support has a certain attack ability. It can be seen that they are very consistent with the spirit of supporting soul masters to have a good physique.

And their martial souls are also surprisingly consistent, they are all Mars, a peculiar martial soul. It does not belong to the fifth category of martial spirits other than animals, plants, implements, and noumenon.

And among the two, the last one to step onto the ring was the only female member of the entire Blazing Academy team, a girl with a very beautiful appearance. The golden-red team uniform complemented her perfectly, and she was paired with long dark red hair. , she herself is as eye-catching as a flame that can melt any man.

Although she is hot

The only girl in the Fire Academy, but she is the tallest among the seven, and her figure is extremely well-proportioned. Standing in the center of the seven, she always has a faint smile on her face, and a faint layer of aura around her body. red light.

"It really is her!" Shui Yue'er glared angrily, she still remembered this Huo Wu, and almost slapped her.

Huo Wu, a level 43 control system soul master. She is the soul of the entire team, and also the vice-captain of the team. Her martial soul is herself, a shadow with herself as the body, Hokage.

But at this time, there was a burst of cheers from outside the arena, it was not cheering for one of the two academies, but Chi Guoguo professed love to Huowu.

"Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu! I love you!"

"Feng Xiaotian, tell your people to shut up immediately!" Huo Wu said with an angry look.

Seeing that the players of both teams are already in place, the referee signals the captains of both teams to salute. Huo Wushuang and Shui Bing'er walked forward slowly, and the surrounding temperature became weird in an instant.

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