Douluo: Rebirth of Clear Sky Hammer

Chapter 254: Defeating Xiaowu (Part 1)

"Brother Li Hao, it's Xiao Wu's fault that Xiao Wu was fierce in the past, can you be gentler later~" Xiao Wu blinked her big watery eyes and said.

If it is without knowing it, any soul master will sigh from the bottom of his heart - who can stand it!

After all, Xiao Wu was the pinnacle of the entire competition not only in figure but also in appearance.

Although he is young, his physical fitness is very strong as a soul master. Almost like an adult woman. But some important parts are still budding, not to mention. The childishness on her face is obviously not what people over the age of twenty should have. During team battles, many people mixed together, no one would pay attention to this, but this time it was a one-on-one match, and the looks of both sides naturally stood out.

Immediately, thanks to his appearance, he was greeted with cheers, although Li Hao's appearance was also very handsome among men. But it is only lethal to some women, and it has a slight jealousy towards other men who are also men.

The referee didn't say much, but asked the two to release their martial spirits and prepare to start the match.

With the spirit possessed, Xiao Wu finally frowned, because she found that Li Hao's expression had not changed from the beginning to the end.

But Xiao Wu is not the only routine! In an instant, the soul rings of both sides appeared.

Compared with the yellow, yellow, purple, and black Sihuan Xiaowu, the yellow, yellow, and black Wuhuan Li Hao instantly lost in momentum.

Xiao Wu didn't rely on her identity in the Sensitive Attack Department to strike first, but she blinked at the tall young man opposite, "Brother Li Hao, you see that you have one more soul ring than mine, and it's still black for ten thousand years, I'm so scared Ah~ can't you let him go?"

Although he said so coquettishly. But her body has already begun to change. The martial soul was released quietly, two yellow and two purple, and four soul rings circled up. At the same time, the moment Xiao Wu released her martial spirit. Soul skills have also been released together.

Activate the second spirit ring technique Charm!

If it is an ordinary opponent, Xiao Wu only needs to activate the charm directly, but against Li Hao, Xiao Wu has to use both real and fake charms to achieve the effect.

Shines with a yellow halo. Xiao Wu's eyes turned into a seductive pink at the same time, Li Hao instantly changed from a dignified expression to being slightly stunned, and his whole person became a little confused.

"Xiao Wu, brother will be gentle..." Just as Li Hao said this, Xiao Wu moved.

Shrek outside the ring looked at Li Hao with a trace of pity or complacency. Even Ma Hongjun covered his eyes.

Most of them knew the horror of Xiao Wu's eight-dan fall, but that was only the third ring. The release interval of Xiao Wu of the fourth ring is shorter, and it can perform more than eleven consecutive waist bows.

From their point of view, Li Hao, who has fallen into the charm, is not dead but also disabled!

With a flick of Xiao Wu's long legs, she didn't release any soul skills, and she didn't come running, but she had an extremely strange burst speed. In an instant, the distance between Li Hao and Li Hao was shortened.

Xiao Wu turned her body over, seeing Li Hao's dull face, she couldn't help but smile. For a girl like her who has her own heart, a handsome man has no influence on her. With the first soul skill lit up, the waist bow instantly comes out!

And at this moment, the moment Xiao Wu flipped over, a pair of jade legs naturally went to clamp Li Hao. A pair of cold hands firmly pressed Xiao Wu's thigh!

I don't know whether it was surprise or a little shy because her thigh was held down, Xiao Wu's expression was a little unnatural, and she said in a daze: "Impossible!"

It is inevitable that Li Hao will wake up from the charm. After all, this is just a small soul skill, not a large illusion-like soul skill. But Li Hao woke up too soon! There is a process from a sluggish whole person in a dazed state to fully awake, and Xiao Wu also observes this process through Li Hao's facial expressions.

But Li Hao seemed to wake up suddenly, and promised only two, one is that he possesses a special soul skill. The second is that Li Hao was not affected by his own charm from the very beginning.

Everything is pretended by him!

Li Hao grabbed Xiao Wu's thigh with one hand, and didn't give her any answer to the doubts in her heart. He directly pulled her thigh with his strength and smashed her to the ground.


In an instant, the arena collapsed slightly, Xiao Wu hit the ground hard and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The instant confrontation between the two of them in the first round was completed in just an instant, and Shrek, headed by Tang San, couldn't help calling Xiao Wu's name. They also didn't understand, it was supposed to be Xiao Wu who clamped Li Hao with her legs and directly smashed Li Hao with a set of eight-stage smashes, why Xiao Wu was restrained instead?

Especially Tang San, seeing Xiao Wu seriously injured and vomiting blood, he clenched his fists fiercely and squeezed out the blood.

Just when Li Hao activated his third soul skill and was about to use Phase Blizzard to freeze Xiao Wu at close range, Xiao Wu disappeared in place instantly.

Although it was a burst of visceral displacement pain that affected her, Xiao Wu still had a strong fighting instinct. She knew that the other party would not give her the slightest plan, and would not pity her for being a cute girl. If I stay in the pain for half a breath longer, then this game can be declared over in advance.

Both sides lit up the third soul ring almost at the same time, and used the third soul skill! Li Hao missed the shot and directly froze half of the ground.

The phase blizzard is to inject soul power and ice elements into the interior, not to freeze the surface, so the stone slabs of the venue suddenly become undulating and swell.

Five meters away, Xiao Wu appeared in a teleportation, with one hand covering her belly and her long legs, she hopped vigorously, pulling away from Li Hao.

"Why did little sister Xiaowu run so far again?

? Didn't you want to teach your brother a lesson just now? "Li Hao provoked coldly. These words should have been ambiguous and teasing, but they were so terrifying when they came out of his mouth.

He never sympathized with everything, as long as he wanted to hurt himself, he would have to pay the price.

Li Hao's faking of Zhong Xiaowu's charm is only for a quick victory. That was also an excellent opportunity to counter Xiao Wu, but he didn't expect Xiao Wu to be so sensitive that she could force Teleport under that situation.

Feeling the lingering warmth of Xiao Wu's thigh in his hands, the corners of Li Hao's mouth slightly raised, his goal had been achieved.

Instantly blessed by the second soul ring, Li Hao, holding the Ice Soul Spear in his hand, rushed towards Xiao Wu at a sudden speed!

Xiao Wu simply dodged for a while, but due to her serious injuries and speed, she was not as good as Li Hao, so Li Hao rushed to Xiao Wu almost instantly. The cold spear stabbed out without any hesitation.

"Xiao Wu!"

Tang San in the audience exclaimed, the power contained in Li Hao's gun was not the strongest among all Li Hao's attacks, but at this moment, did he use the gun to fly Xiao Wu as usual? Instead, the tip of the spear pierced out directly!

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