Douluo: Rebirth of Clear Sky Hammer

Chapter 510: Fighting Limit Douluo

"In that case, let's start!" The Ice God Sect Master above the Frost Phoenix nodded slightly, speaking concisely.

With the suzerain's permission, the great priest breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Xuehan first: "Xuehan, you used a lot of soul power to create a sixth-level soul-gathering array to attract Xueling, and it must have been worn out. Do you need a little rest?"

The words of the great priest can be heard by any fool as purely "polite". Maybe it will be a little bit worn out in other places, but in places like Binglinghanquan, combined with the sixth-level soul-gathering array. As long as it is not during a battle, a slight gap is enough to recover a large amount of soul power.

He bowed and said: "Thank you for your concern, the disciple is in excellent condition now, and everything is obeying the arrangement of the suzerain and the great priest... I just have a slight objection."

"Oh?" The priest smiled, "Any objections?"

Xuehan said: "Since I have selected a personal disciple, although there are requirements for many elements, I think fairness is equally important. Although junior brother Li Hao has excellent soul power...but he is slightly inferior to me in terms of soul tools..."

And there is a slight difference, the difference between the first level and the sixth level is simply heaven and earth.


The big priest was not surprised, but laughed instead: "Then tell me, how should it be fair?"

"The disciple boldly suggested that as long as junior brother Li Hao can use it, it doesn't matter even if he uses the soul tool that other people respect. If junior brother has abundant resources and I fail unfortunately, then I will take the blame." Xue Han said So solemn and candid.

But only Li Hao knew the meaning of his words, he wanted to block his way to use other soul tools!

He clearly remembered that he got some soul guides from Xing Qi. Although they were all ordinary goods, he was afraid that the saint would give Li Hao some killer weapons.

"Hehe..." All the priests and elders nodded deeply with smiles, showing appreciation, and the disciples around even cast admiring and admiring gazes at Xuehan.

The great priest said, "Such a big heart, you are worthy of being a master of the inner sect! But since the selection of direct disciples, it is natural to look at one's own strength, and other people's soul guides are also not advisable. Otherwise, what else is there? See who has more resources? What about Li Hao? What objection do you have?"

At this time, although the great priest asked questions, everyone remained silent and kept looking at Li Hao.

Li Hao's footsteps didn't move, his face was still as stiff as usual, he stared at Elder Xue Wu, then at the big priest, and uttered three extremely blunt words: "I - refuse - refuse!"

In the outer sect assessment, he was clearly number one, yet he was forced to prove his strength.

Today, it turned out that he was the one who completely defeated Xuehan...but Gabi needed a soul fight to prove his strength once again!

Why! !

Why do you have to endure this kind of extreme discrimination and injustice again and again when you come to the Sun Moon Continent!

Yes, he is not afraid, nor does he feel that he has no chance of winning, but why? Why do I have to suffer these injustices?

But how could they understand what Li Hao was thinking, they just thought he didn't dare!

"Oh?" For Li Hao's cold rejection, the priest frowned slightly, but he seemed to have expected it, without any surprise: "Do you think it's unfair?"

"It has nothing to do with this." Li Hao said with deep eyebrows: "I want to ask, in the previous battle of Xueling, the gap between Xuehan and Mengtian was actually very small, and it was luck that had more to do with the final result, but none of you raised the question. It is necessary to try again. It is resigned to fate. Now, my Xue Ling is completely superior to Xue Han, but you forcefully declare that Xue Han wins first, and now you propose a so-called fair spirit fight... What is the basis for this?"

"This..." The great priest was speechless for a moment when he was forced to ask.

A series of eyes of different colors focused on Li Hao, with admiration, but more of ridicule...and pity.

"Hehehe, I knew he would not dare." An inner disciple said with a low smile.

"Then there's no need to ask? Why did he fight Senior Brother Xuehan? He must have refused, and then he clung to the previous results... Actually dreaming of becoming the suzerain's direct disciple, even if it's a toad who wants to eat swan meat , is too ridiculous."

"No way, after all, the temptation to become the suzerain's direct disciple is too great, no one can resist it."


All the disciples were mocking, Xue Han also shook his head and sighed secretly.

"I'm still allowed to use the soul tool? Heh, what a face!" Li Hao completely ignored the voices around him, and let out his pent-up anger without any restraint: "In order to give me fairness? But this fight The soul is unfair to me, the so-called asking me to use a soul a joke! Now that I know that I am a first-level soul guide, how can I use a high-level soul guide?"

"The words must be fair and just, and you keep shouting about the important affairs of the sect, but forcibly ignoring the fact that I have already defeated Xuehan in the battle of Xueling to add one more fighting spirit. This is the so-called fairness of the Ice God Sect!!?"

Li Hao's words turned out to be roars later on... and were aimed at all the priests and elders. The faces of all the priests and elders changed suddenly at the same time, Xue Renqian also showed shock, and said anxiously: "Li Hao..."

You know, for hundreds of years, even hostile sects and forces came to Ice God Island to provoke them without Li Hao's exaggeration.

He is a disciple that the soul emperor can't reach, why should he?


With an angry reprimand, the Bingling Hanquan became instantly silent, and all the snow spirits on the surface of the pool were instantly frozen, and they all stood still there. Just two short words made the faces of the disciples who were laughing inwardly turn ashen-colored in an instant, and the priests and elders who were about to speak also lowered their heads like lightning, and they all fell silent.

Because the angry scolding came from the Ice God Sect Master.

Limit Douluo...

Li Hao's heart sank, as expected, the strength of the Ice God Sect Master was indeed comparable. Bo Saixi, Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen.

It wasn't that Li Hao could perceive it accurately, but that Li Hao's provocation really angered him.

"Li Hao, it's my suzerain who promised to fight a soul fight, how can you refuse! You, a little disciple, not only disobeyed orders, but dared to utter wild words that insulted the sect, who gave you the courage!"

The temperature plummeted, and the still air was icy cold.

This is a completely different kind of coldness from the extreme ice coldness before.

"Now you are not only competing, but you are competing immediately, regardless of life or death!" The Sect Master of the Ice God said coldly, "If your skills are really inferior to others, then you can be buried in this ice spirit cold spring!"

The Sect Master of the Ice God rarely gets angry, after all, most people have never even seen her.

But today, because of a little disciple from an outer island, she was actually... angry!

Their hearts were all raised to their throats, and every pore in their bodies was completely collapsed... They were also angered by Li Hao's wild words just now, but now, in their fear, they only had sympathy for Li Hao.

It's over, this kid is over... Just please don't hurt Chi Yu.

Even Xue Renqian remained silent for a while, and in the eyes of everyone, even she, the saint, the daughter of the Ice God Sect Master, did not have the guts to beg for Li Hao's mercy.

"I don't care about life or death? The suzerain is serious?" Li Hao said coldly.

Facing the enraged Ice God Sect Master, he actually retorted... He actually dared to retort! ?

"..." The audience was silent at the moment, they didn't know whether to call Li Hao an idiot or an awesome one.

"Really! You deserve to die for this crime, but if you can really defeat Xuehan, not only will my suzerain spare your life and let the past go, but I will also accept you as my suzerain's personal disciple!"

"However, if you lose...the Ice God Sect and Ice God Island will no longer have you!"

The words of the Ice God Sect Master surprised everyone at first, but then they all understood... Sure enough, it is impossible for the Sect Master to forgive those who insulted the sect.

The so-called giving a chance actually means letting Xuehan kill Li Hao!

"Okay!" Li Hao answered simply with one word, although it was a single word, it contained endless anger. Obviously, he was also considered to have saved her daughter's life, but he did this with himself.

No matter what her purpose is, I will kill it for you today!

But from other people's point of view, Li Hao had no other choice, and there might be a ten-thousandth chance of fighting Xue Han. If you still refuse, it is impossible to be killed by the suzerain on the spot.

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