Douluo: Rebirth of Ye Lingling

: One hundred and twenty-three: Shut up, you scared my son

"Well, it seems that the relationship between Elder Dugu and Elder Yueguan is really unusual." Ye Lingxi replied with no expression on her face.

"Well, and the old poison is quite a man this time, not only gave me the chrysanthemum, but also gave me some seeds, but I don't know where he got it." Said sweetly.

Ye Lingxi was praying in her heart, "Yueguan, Yueguan, I hope one day you will understand that after Dugu Bo asked you to be his granddaughter Duguyan's uncle, you are inexplicably younger than his seniority. I don't know how you think about it."

After sucking the Tongtianhua core, Hu Liena began to slowly refine the medicinal effects. The soul power effect produced by the golden velvet Tongtian chrysanthemum is naturally golden, and it began to merge with Hu Liena's pink soul power. The two colors The soul power began to slowly merge.

Ye Lingxi said, "Elder Yueguan, let's go to the seat and take a seat."

Moon nodded.


Bibi Dong walked along the stairs and walked towards the worship hall with graceful steps.

Before entering the worship hall, just outside the door, he was enshrined in the hall, and a blond old man under the angel statue sensed it,

He murmured to himself, "Why is she here?"

But now he knows that Bibi Dong has become stronger, and he has to admire Bibi Dong's talent. Does he hate Bibi Dong? He hates it too. He also thought about killing Bibi Dong, but in that case, he would I don't know how to deal with my trumpet.

Although his son has done something utterly unconscionable, he still left a little hope for himself.

For the sake of his little padded jacket, he had to put away his killing intent.

The blond old man immediately frowned slightly, and asked Bibi Dong's voice transmission, who had not yet arrived at the worship hall, "This is not the place you should come, tell me, what are you doing? As long as you don't do anything to hurt the Spirit Hall. I can promise you everything."

"Come out, Qian Daoliu, I want to talk to you about something about my son." Bibi Dong said through a voice transmission outside the gate of the worship hall.

The thousand dao liu in it heard the words, not sure, where did Bibi Dong's son come from? Maybe it's because he put a hat on his dead son, he can't afford to lose face.

Qian Daoliu stood up instantly, opened the gate of the worship hall very quickly, and looked at Bibi Dong with an angry expression on his face, "Your son?"

"That's right, the son I recognized before is eighteen years old and has a spirit power level of fifty-eight. How about you? You are envious, haha." .

But Bibi Dong also had some pride in her heart.

But after thinking about it, it seems that it is not right. Isn't Qian Daoliu's little padded jacket her own daughter? Comparing her own daughter with the son she recognizes makes her seem a bit irrational as a mother.

Even if I don't ridicule anymore,

With a serious expression, he said, "I came to see you today for something, and I didn't even think about fighting you."

Qian Daoliu heard that the son was recognized by Bibi Dong, eighteen years old, fifty-eighth-level Soul King, and felt a little relieved, thinking that as long as it wasn't born by you, Bibi Dong would be fine, otherwise, he would go immediately killed.

Seeing the serious expression on Bibi Dong's face, Qian Daoliu also sighed and said, "Tell me, what is the matter with this old man."

"My son needs a 100,000-year-old soul bone, preferably one with an attack or defense. Since my son has spoken, I, the mother, will naturally give it. Our Pope's Hall doesn't have a hundred thousand year old soul bone, so I went to your worship hall to find one," Bibi Dong said forcefully.

She knows that Qian Daoliu cherishes talents, fifty-eight-level spirit power, eighteen years old, such a talent must be ruthlessly dragged into the hands of Wuhun Hall, but he can't just rely on Bibi Dong's words. A hundred thousand year old soul bone gives up.

"Let's go, old man, go and see what potential your talented son has. It's worth you to come and ask this old man for the soul bone." Qian Daoliu was shocked by Bibi Dong's words. In his memory, Bibi Dong had never been to the worship hall, and in the past, he always mocked their angel family for being disgusting.

But today, she personally came to ask for the soul bone for her son. This is something that Qian Daoliu should ponder deeply.

"Qian Daoliu, you'd better put away your crooked thoughts and see my son's talent, but if you dare to do anything to hurt him, I will fight with you." Bibi Dong said sharply, there was no shortage of voices. With a chill, and that kind of icy killing intent.

Qian Daoliu was stunned for a moment, and said disdainfully, "Don't bother with a woman like you, let's go. Take this old man to see it."

Bibi Dong didn't talk much to Qian Daoliu, she turned around and left the worship hall, and Qian Daoliu naturally followed.


In the Pope's Palace, Ye Lingxi and Yueguan were still tasting the tea, watching Hu Liena absorb the herbs.

Bibi Dong walked in slowly with Qian Daoliu,

Qian Daoliu flashed to Ye Lingxi's side in an instant, pinched his shoulder,

Ye Lingxi's forehead was so frightened by this sudden action that cold sweat broke out, and she couldn't help thinking that she was still very small.

"Qian Daoliu, are you trying to fight? You're frightening my son." Bibi Dong didn't even think that Qian Daoliu, a lousy old man, would go to measure Ye Lingxi's bone age in an instant.

Bibi Dong gritted her teeth angrily, and then glanced at Hu Liena, who was sitting cross-legged in the Pope's Palace absorbing immortal medicinal before resisting the urge to not take action and compete with Qian Daoliu.

"Uh, Grandpa, have you squeezed enough?" Ye Lingxi asked Qian Daoliu nervously, and she couldn't help but want to teleport away to Bibi Dong for protection.

"Haha, it's okay, not bad, not bad, really good, Bibi Dong, I have to say, you have a good eye." Qian Daoliu determined Ye Lingxi's spirit power level and grade, she is really a genius, which granddaughter of his own is born with Twenty-level soul power, and now in his early twenties, he is also at the level of a soul emperor.

The boy in front of him is now eighteen years old, and he has reached the fifty-eighth grade, he said with joy in his heart.

"Shut up, you scared my son, tell me, how will you compensate." Bibi Dong came to Ye Lingxi's side, stretched out her sleeves and wiped the fine sweat from Ye Lingxi's forehead.

Those purple eyes were full of love.

"How does the old man know if you lied to me? Of course I have to verify it." Qian Daoliu replied to Bibi Dong as a matter of course.

Bibi Dong stared at Qian Daoliu with a pair of purple eyes that seemed to burst into flames, and said with an angry expression, "Just say whether you want to compensate or not. If you don't compensate, go out and fight with this seat, just in time. I haven't touched it in years."

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