Douluo: Rebirth of Ye Lingling

: Two hundred and forty-seven: Shui Yue'er, "Mom, Brother Lingxi, why don't you guys

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After Ye Lingxi handed over the immortal herb Yuxiang Qiluo immortal to Bibi Dong, she said, "Mom, as long as you give this immortal herb to Yang Wudi, he will definitely surrender to you. As for you arranged him in the Heaven Dou Empire Or Wuhun City, then it's up to you."

While Bibi Dong took the immortal medicinal herb and nodded, she grabbed Ye Lingxi's ear with her other jade hand and said, "Tell me, did you come here on purpose this time to find trouble with the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect?"

"Pain, pain, pain, Mom, I really don't have it. I just traveled here and wanted to fight for my soul, but I never thought of that despicable villain Yu Tianxin, like that. You saw it too, he killed me. , If I don't kill him, I'll be sorry for myself." Ye Lingxi hurriedly begged for mercy, he really didn't know who Bibi Dong learned from pulling his ears.

"What should you do if something happens to Element City this time? If your mother isn't here, say, you stinky boy." Bibi Dong said with some fear.

"It's just killing a Yu Tianxin. Their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Clan may find opportunities to assassinate me, but they will never openly besiege me. I have the Pope's decree you gave me. But if the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect dares to assassinate me , I will go back to the Wuhun Temple and ask someone to destroy the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, because I have a legitimate reason." Ye Lingling said with an oath.

"Well, your mind is unusually calm. You deserve to be my mother's son. What about your senior sister?" Bibi Dong asked Hu Liena.

Ye Lingxi said with a bitter expression, "The Pope's mother, after you left Wuhun City for a few days, after I put Hu Liena and a few members of the Golden Team down from the tree, I will also make offerings to the big one and the others. Senior Sister left a letter, and then I ran away." After speaking, she covered her ears with her hands unconsciously, as if she was afraid of being pulled by Bibi Dong again.

Bibi Dong laughed angrily, "You stinky brat really doesn't know how to make this Nana,"

"Actually, Mommy Pope, bullying Senior Sister is very fun, why don't you try it when you go back and use smoke on the top and bottom of the tree, really, that feels great." Ye Lingxi bewitched.

"Alright, alright, then there was a teacher who bullied his disciple to play." Bibi Dong looked at Ye Lingxi with some amusing.

Ye Lingxi muttered in her heart, "Yes, didn't my teacher just give me all kinds of food for monsters? Hey, I miss my teacher."

"Mom asked Yueguan to help you clear the siege today. In fact, she is helping Tianshui College and Kamikaze College. Do you understand what mom means?" Bibi Dong smiled and stroked Ye Lingxi's obedient ice that hung around her waist. Blue hair.

Ye Lingxi nodded. As for thanking him, he reckoned that if he said it, he might have suffered two head-breaking blows.

Ye Lingxi said, "Mom, since the Heaven Dou Empire is already my sister's, then I want my mother to send more people to protect my sister. After all, I'm worried about her safety."

Bibi Dong smiled gratified and said, "You have a heart, don't worry, no one will dare to touch her for your sister's safety. It's you, what are you going to do with those two little girls, people? The little girl has already called me mom."

"Giggle." Bibi Dong couldn't help chuckling, as if she was in a good mood.

"I can't just marry someone else if they like me, then I'll just be disfigured," Ye Lingxi said helplessly.

"Okay, hey, I really don't know what you think, you stinky brat." Bibi Dong can be considered to have convinced her son,

"Okay, it's getting late. Mom lives in the most luxurious hotel in Element City. Later, you bring your friends over. Mom will treat you to dinner." Bibi Dong said softly.

"Mom, why don't you forget it, after all, your status is really too big. I'm afraid that when the time comes, they will all be frightened and their breathing will stop." Ye Lingxi was speechless. Xiaotian, Shuiyueer and these people eat, I guess they will be scared to death.

"Don't worry, the old lady won't reveal her identity." After Bibi Dong got up, she walked out of the door with graceful steps, and after giving a few words to Yueguan, Yueguan took the order and left.

After Yueguan left, Bibi Dong said to Ye Lingxi who was sitting on the sofa, "Let's go,"

So the two mother and son walked out quickly,

The seven members of the Tianshui Academy team, Feng Xiaotian, Bai Chenxiang, Huo Wu, and Huo Wushuang were all waiting at the door of the Great Soul Arena, waiting for Ye Lingxi to come out.

A group of people waited at the door for more than a quarter of an hour,

Shui Yue'er and Bai Chenxiang were the most anxious among them, especially Bai Chenxiang, for fear that they hadn't left a good image for Brother Lingxi's mother before,

Seeing the very handsome Ye Lingxi and the elegant and dignified Bibi Dong come out,

The quirky Shui Yue'er walked quickly to Bibi Dong's side, grabbed Bibi Dong's arm, and introduced herself softly, "Hello mom, my name is Shui Yue'er, I'm a member of the Tianshui College team, and I am eighteen this year. Years old, the spirit power level is a little bit worse, at the thirty-seventh level, but I will definitely work hard in the future. I will not hold back Brother Ayaki. UU Reading" Especially her cute and quirky appearance , causing Bibi Dong to stare at Ye Lingxi, the culprit.

She could only gently pat Shui Yue'er's little hand and said, "Okay, okay."

The people outside the door waiting for Ye Lingxi to come out were shocked by this scene.

Bai Chenxiang said rather shyly, "Auntie, hello, I didn't know you were Brother Lingxi's mother, so I made a rude remark, and I hope Auntie doesn't take it to heart."

Bibi Dong looked at Bai Chenxiang's embarrassed look, then gave Ye Lingxi an angry look, and then said gently to Bai Chenxiang, "Okay, this is a trivial matter, and Auntie won't take it to heart."

"Since it's fate to meet today, then I'll invite all of Ayaki's friends to a meal. I've already made arrangements at the Tulip Hotel." Bibi Dong just finished speaking,

Huo Wu has a straight temper and doesn't have any bad intentions, and looks a little anxious, "Hello Auntie, I'm Huo Wu from Chi Huo Academy, I'm relatively straight, and we are here on the matter of Yu Tianxin's death at the hands of Young Master Lingxi. They all think that it is self-inflicted, but the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect will definitely take revenge, so I still recommend that you take Young Master Lingxi to escape first."

Feng Xiaotian also stood up and said, "Brother Lingxi, you and auntie, hurry up and escape, otherwise I'm worried about the revenge of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect."

Water mist filled Shui Yue'er's eyes, she looked at Ye Lingxi's eyes full of reluctance, and said, "Mom. Brother Lingxi, why don't you leave quickly, the people from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect are very protective of their shortcomings. ."

Regarding this matter, everyone was persuading Ye Lingxi and Bibi Dong to run away quickly. The Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect has a super Douluo, Yu Yuanzhen.


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