After suppressing her thoughts, Xian Lin'er did not choose to ask about Huo Yuhao's soul skills, but spoke with a gentle smile.

"I can tell you responsibly that your soul skills are very suitable for fighting with soul guidance equipment. If you come to the soul guidance system, you will be able to maximize your talents."


Huo Yuhao blinked and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

He can't say that he took this assessment just for the benefit of having free meals three months in advance, right?

It doesn't matter to him whether he joins the soul guidance system or the martial soul guidance system. After all, he doesn't need others to teach him how to practice, nor does he need others to teach him soul guidance tools.

Of course, if you have to say it, Huo Yuhao still prefers the soul guidance system.

By joining the martial soul system, all he could get was the full set of soul bones promised by Yan Shaozhe in his previous life, and one of them must be something like a hundred thousand years old.

In his previous life, he would be so excited that he could not speak when he heard these things. After his rebirth, in his eyes, they are not as good as the rare metals that the soul guidance system can provide.

Fortunately, he didn't need to make a decision now, Zhang Lexuan was already by his side.

Zhang Lexuan winked at him and signaled him to let her speak, then turned to look at Xian Lin'er and smiled.

"Dean Xian, it's just the first day of school. Yuhao hasn't figured out the difference between the martial arts department and the soul guidance department in the college. How can he make a decision? How about you wait two days and wait for me to give you the answer? Will you come back after Yuhao introduces the martial arts system and soul guidance system in detail?"

Now that Xian Lin'er has seen Huo Yuhao's talent, she will naturally have to wait for Yan Shaozhe to compete with him after he comes back.

Currently, Xian Lin'er is the only one with no competitors, so she naturally won't offer too high conditions. If Huo Yuhao were to join the Soul Guidance Department just like that, the resources obtained would undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

"You girl, you want our soul guidance system to bleed."

How could Xian Lin'er not understand the meaning of Zhang Lexuan's words?

But instead of being angry, she cast her gaze on Huo Yuhao and teased meaningfully.

"I have to say that your new head teacher is really dedicated to you, and even I am a little envious. Okay, since Le Xuan said so, I will wait for Yan Shaozhe to come back and come again. "

It can be said that she is destined to win the genius Huo Yuhao.

Anyway, the Soul Guidance Department has a lot of money, and Huo Yuhao's talent is worth the extra price she has to pay for it.

The most important thing is that Yan Shaozhe will not necessarily compete with her to the end because of Huo Yuhao.

Especially after experiencing Huo Yuhao's soul skills, she was almost certain that Yan Shaozhe would not be as eager to treat Huo Yuhao as she was. Although mental detection and simulation were powerful, they were still a qualitative leap in using soul tools. For the martial soul system, it is just the icing on the cake, not indispensable.

Coupled with the existence of Gu Yuena and Tang San, could Yan Shaozhe compete with three of their soul guidance systems at the same time?

Even if Yan Shaozhe had this idea, the martial arts department didn't have the resources.

Thinking of this, she patted Huo Yuhao's shoulder, and then looked at Du Weilun.

"Director Du, it's time to start the next game."

Du Weilun raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead again, and nodded with a bitter look.

"Everything is subject to the arrangements of the Immortal Dean."

If this continues, even if their martial soul system can retain these few geniuses, they will probably have to pay a heavy price.

The two treasures that I could have missed have ended up being auctioned by others, which is heartbreaking!

As Huo Yuhao, Zhang Lexuan and other unrelated personnel exited the venue, the second assessment was about to begin. The students' emotions had been fully aroused and they were staring in the direction of the lounge.

After seeing the silver-haired girl slowly walking out, everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"It was a handsome guy just now, and this time it's an even more beautiful girl. This freshmen class is so amazing..."

Ignoring the gazes falling on her, Gu Yuena went straight to the center of the field and stood still.

Before the audience could recover from her appearance, three purple soul rings rose up from under her feet without any warning. The deep purple light scared Xu Sanshi so much that he staggered and almost fell down. A somersault.

"Turtle. What kind of monsters did the academy recruit this year?"

One or two of them all started with a thousand-year soul ring, and he almost thought that he was not keeping up with the times.

Facing this new student who seemed to be even more powerful than Huo Yuhao just now, Xu Sanshi didn't dare to show any contempt anymore and immediately released his martial spirit.

As two yellow and one purple soul rings slowly rose, his already strong figure swelled again, and his black school uniform tightened tightly under the strong muscles.

"Huh? Xuanwu Shield?"

After seeing the dark green snake with blood-red eyes on the shield in Xu Sanshi's hand, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He remembered that in his previous life, Xu Sanshi was only wearing a Xuanming Turtle Shield because the Xuanwu bloodline in his body was not fully awakened during this time in the outer courtyard.

Unexpectedly, the other party would directly awaken the Xuanwu Shield in this life.

Hearing Huo Yuhao's confused voice, Beibei couldn't help but look at him.

"You actually know Junior Huo?"

"I've heard of it by chance, but this is the first time I've seen it."

Not caring about the truth or falsehood of Huo Yuhao's words, Beibei explained with a chuckle.

"Since you have passed the assessment, it's okay to tell you that before your freshmen came, Xu Sanshi's talent was the best in the entire outer courtyard. Even I could only compete with him when I exploded with all my strength. "

Huo Yuhao nodded slightly. In the previous life, these two people were called the Twins of the Outer Court. Naturally, it was not only because of their cultivation speed, but more importantly, because their martial arts were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.

One has the bloodline of the mythical beast Xuanwu, and the other has the same top-level bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light. It is not an exaggeration to say that this talent is unique.

Although I don’t know how Xu Sanshi did it in this life, in terms of strength, he who has been able to fully control his martial soul is probably a level better than Beibei, who is also the twin star of the outer courtyard.

After explaining the situation, Beibei suddenly seemed to have thought of something and asked in a curious tone.

"By the way, if Junior Brother Huo were to take the assessment with Xu Sanshi, would you be sure?"

"It's hard to say."

Huo Yuhao smiled: "Defensive soul masters like Senior Xu really restrain me."

If he only relied on the methods he used against Beibei just now, it would be almost impossible for him to defeat Xu Sanshi. Among the mutual restraints between soul masters of various departments, the thing that defensive soul masters are least afraid of is control with weak attack power. A soul master.

Without activating the original sin of arrogance, he might not be able to break through the Xuanwu Shield's defense with physical strength alone.

Of course, it would be different if you use soul impact. Xu Sanshi, who only has the soul master cultivation level, can be said to be knocked down with one shot.

"It seems that Junior Brother Huo hid a lot when he dealt with me!"

Beibei smiled and laughed at himself: "It's not easy to find a strong opponent in the outer court. Let's learn more when we have time."

"no problem."

Huo Yuhao smiled and nodded. Just as they were talking, the battle on the Soul Fighting Stage seemed to be about to begin.


As if he had finally found an opponent with whom he could fight happily, Xu Sanshi put away the frivolous smile that had been hanging on his face and looked at Gu Yuena, whose expression was still calm as usual, with fighting intent.

"Let me see how powerful this freshmen class is!"

The moment the words fell, the dark green energy around his body seemed to boil. During the surge, the terrifying aura belonging to the divine beast exploded without reservation.

It is not his character to be timid before fighting. Even if Gu Yuena's soul ring combination crushes him, his soul skills are also blessed by the divine beast brand, so it is not certain who will lose and who will win.

"ready, go!"

As Xian Liner gave another order, everyone present, including Xu Sanshi, seemed to have seen something terrifying and froze in place with fright.

I saw Gu Yuena's first and second purple soul rings light up one after another, and her beautiful silver hair suddenly emitted a faint light, and then a silver staff condensed from her hand.

As the staff waved, nearly ten orange-red fireballs emerged out of thin air. The blazing high temperature swept through the entire venue in an instant. Even the audience outside the venue could clearly feel the heat wave coming towards their faces. .

Looking at the twisted air around the fireball, Xu Sanshi's fighting spirit reflected in the fireball had long since disappeared without a trace. His throat rolled slightly, and he asked with some despair.

"Hey, can we reconcile?"

The next second, with a strange cry from him, fireballs swarmed over


The screams, like those of a slaughtering pig, resounded in the spirit fighting area for several minutes before gradually subsided.

Even because the picture was too violent and the screams were too miserable, many people in the audience covered their eyes, unable to bear to continue watching this completely one-sided battle.

Not just fireballs, but all kinds of elemental attacks were rushing towards Xu Sanshi one after another. Xu Sanshi could barely resist it at first, but later he only had the strength to scream.

After enjoying a beating that he had never experienced since birth, Xu Sanshi, whose hair was burnt black and whose body and face were stained, raised his hands tremblingly and cried in a sad tone.

"I surrender. I surrender"

Seeing that the battle was over, Gu Yuena put away her staff and spirit without saying a word, and spoke softly to Xian Lin'er who looked shocked.

"I won."

Seeing that Gu Yuena's school uniform was spotless and did not look like she had been through a battle at all, Xian Lin'er nodded with some hesitation and spoke loudly.

"The winner—Gu Yuena."

After a brief silence, the entire Soul Fighting Zone erupted into deafening cheers.

Compared to the last one, Gu Yuena brought them this game that was undoubtedly more gorgeous. Coupled with her appearance that overshadowed the two old school beauties, Tang Ya and Jiang Nannan, the combination of beauty and genius made her The popularity reached its peak in no time.

However, Gu Yuena seemed to turn a blind eye to the cheers of the crowd. After Xian Lin'er announced the results, she walked straight towards the lounge, unwilling to stay for a moment longer.

And in an inconspicuous corner of the auditorium, Tang San, who had just finished running in iron clothes and was covered in sweat, was staring at Gu Yuena's back, his brows slightly furrowed.

If he could still understand the strength that Huo Yuhao showed, then this silver-haired girl whom he had no impression of was completely beyond his understanding.

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