Douluo: Rebirth Yuhao, they all have evil intentions

Chapter 91 Come to my dormitory tonight

Because he had already experienced it once in his previous life, Huo Yuhao did not pay special attention to the competition system that he already knew very well. Instead, he focused on Zhang Lexuan herself.

I don’t know if it’s his misunderstanding, but although his behavior hasn’t changed at all in the past three months, he still goes to and from get out of class every day, and occasionally cares about and teases him in private.

But he just felt that Sister Lexuan had become a little... strange.

"Okay, everything that needs to be said has been said. The rest of this class belongs to you. Everyone should write down your future tendencies first, and then form your own team according to what I just said, and choose a captain. I’ll register here.”

As soon as he said this, Zhu Lu, who was sitting in front of Huo Yuhao, subconsciously turned around and looked at him expectantly with her beautiful eyes.

"Want to form a team together?"

After three months of getting along, the relationship between the two was no longer as unfamiliar as before. Naturally, Huo Yuhao would not refuse. It would be better to say that he originally wanted to find Zhu Lu as a teammate.

After all, although he is still the class president in this life, because he hangs out with three stunning beauties including the class teacher Zhang Lexuan every day, it is good enough not to become the public enemy of boys. The relationship with his classmates is really not good.

"Then our team is all here, so I'll report it directly."

After taking Zhu Lu's sensitive attack system and Gu Yuena's strong attack system, and writing a control system for himself, Huo Yuhao stood up from his seat. Before he could reach Zhang Lexuan, the other party had already smiled and lowered his voice. said.

"I thought that your talent in martial arts was already high enough, but I didn't expect that the soul guide could be so powerful. Thanks to someone, during this period, every time I see the Immortal Dean on the road, I will be He thanked me and said that he wanted to customize a soul guidance device for me, which made me feel a little embarrassed. "

Hearing this, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but twitch his lips.

"Isn't that good? Not to mention the Immortal Dean, I would like to thank Teacher Yiban Lexuan for allowing me to work for free three months in advance."

"You still have the nerve to say that."

Hearing this, Zhang Lexuan couldn't help but laugh: "The thing about you in the cafeteria has long been spread. It is said that there is a pig spirit among the freshmen this year. One meal is more expensive than others. The college cafeteria I'm almost exhausted by you. If you hadn't brought the ingredients to cook your own meals every day, the chef in the cafeteria would have resigned. "

As she said that, she couldn't help but look at Huo Yuhao's body that was not strong but had obvious muscle lines, and her tone couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

"I don't know what's going on with you. You eat so much every day and you don't gain weight at all. Even I feel envious."

Huo Yuhao spread his hands and said helplessly: "This is the price of being gifted."

In three months, with the help of those high-end ingredients, his cultivation level has improved from level 26 when he first entered school to nearly level 28. He will definitely reach level 30 before the holidays, and then he can go Obtained the third soul ring.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Zhang Lexuan took the note from Huo Yuhao and looked at it, then asked softly: "So your goal this time is to win the championship?"


Huo Yuhao chuckled, nodded, and said seriously: "I made a promise to Teacher Lexuan back then, and I can't break my promise."

Looking at Huo Yuhao's smile, Zhang Lexuan just remained silent. After a moment, she spoke warmly.

"Remember to be careful."


Not much time was wasted. After the grouping was completed, Zhang Lexuan announced that get out of class would end early.

Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena walked out of the teaching building, but they were not in a hurry to return to the dormitory. After all, there was really no need for them to take a special break for this kind of competition.

"You go to the laboratory first, and I'll go to the cafeteria and bring you food later."

After hearing Huo Yuhao's instructions, Gu Yuena just nodded slightly and added.

"And some popsicles."

"Okay, okay, okay."

"And a hug."


Huo Yuhao's expression twitched. He was worried that the other party would make some more perverted requests if he continued to stay, so he walked towards the cafeteria without saying a word.

Since joining the Soul Guidance Department three months ago, he and Gu Yuena would come to the Soul Guidance Department's teaching building to study soul guidance tools for several hours every day after class in the freshman teaching building.

Of course, they said they were learning soul tools, but it was actually him who taught them and Gu Yuena learned them.

After all, Xian Lin'er, the strongest soul mentor in the soul guidance department, is only at the eighth level. It was only because his cultivation level was that of a Titled Douluo and he was able to exert greater power on the eighth-level soul guidance tool he made. Named an eighth-level half-soul instructor.

In contrast, in his previous life, he never gave up on the research of soul guides even after he entered the God Realm. His technology had already far exceeded the mainland's current soul guide rating standards, and no one could teach him anything.

So, after briefly showing off his skills to Xian Lin'er and asking Zhang Lexuan to help testify, Huo Yuhao successfully obtained an independent laboratory and the qualification to study on his own.

Xian Lin'er was simply stupid. She originally wanted to teach Huo Yuhao and Gu Yuena herself, but she found that they were geniuses who made rapid progress through self-study. She didn't need any teaching from her at all. She even learned from some of Huo Yuhao's works. I learned a lot in middle school.

What kind of monster did you recruit?

As for those benefits, in addition to free meals, they were all replaced by rare metals of equal value at Huo Yuhao's request.

Xian Lin'er naturally agreed to it, and even felt that Huo Yuhao was at a disadvantage. After all, compared to the 100,000-year spirit ring that Yan Shaozhe promised to Tang San, which could not be bought even with money, rare metals were not a problem to buy in large quantities as long as there was money and channels.

After several inquiries, Xian Lin'er had to take the initiative to increase the monthly rare metal quota by another level after confirming that Huo Yuhao only wanted rare metals and nothing else.

This time Huo Yuhao did not refuse. Although the types of rare metals that Shrek could provide were still a little behind those of the Sun and Moon Empire, they were enough for him to make a batch of the most suitable spirit guides at the moment.

After all, his current cultivation level was only that of a great spirit master. Even if he opened the source of arrogance, he could only make a level 5 or 6 spirit guide at best.

If he really had to get the rare metals such as Sun Essence Gold that were only used for level 9 spirit guides, it would only look good.

Of course, the one who surprised Huo Yuhao the most was Gu Yuena.

After joining the Soul Guidance Department, this Soul Beast Master began to show a strong interest in soul guides.

And because of his extremely high spiritual power level, his learning speed can be described as terrifying even in Huo Yuhao's eyes.

From the beginning of school to now, Gu Yuena has only been learning from him for three months, and she can already skillfully make a second-level soul guide.

As he walked, a soft voice suddenly came from behind him.


Huo Yuhao paused and looked back. After seeing Jiang Nannan walking towards him quickly, he couldn't help but smile.

"Sister Nannan, are you going to the cafeteria to eat? So early today?"

"I have something to do in class today and can't get away. Xiaoya and I are in the same group. I'll come to eat first and go back to replace her later."

After explaining softly, Jiang Nannan seemed to have thought of something: "By the way, Yuhao, your freshman assessment should be in these few days, right?"

"Yes, it will start tomorrow."

Jiang Nannan smiled and patted his shoulder: "Come on, I heard that this class of freshmen is very powerful, especially the Haotian Sect. Forget it, anyway, with your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to win the championship."

Huo Yuhao couldn't help laughing for a while, knowing what was behind the three words "Haotian Sect". As the two chatted, Huo Yuhao's eyes suddenly fell on Jiang Nannan's slender thighs covered by school pants.

After a brief hesitation, Huo Yuhao spoke softly.

"By the way, Sister Nan Nan, can you come to my dormitory tonight? I have something I want to ask you for help."

Even after rebirth, Huo Yuhao has never given up the research on soul guides, especially now that he has joined the soul guide department and has a stable source of materials, he has once again studied humanoid soul guides.

Although the Ice God of War Armor he and Xuan Ziwen created in the previous life is already the pinnacle of soul guides, it can only be used by the holder of the Ultimate Ice Martial Soul, and the extremely high requirements for mental power make this soul guide too limited.

How to further improve its strength based on the previous life is something to consider later. After all, even if he thinks of it now, he can't make it, and he can't use it if he makes it.

There is no benefit in being too ambitious. What he needs to do now is to lower the requirements for the use of this soul guide armor, at least to let the people he cares about better protect themselves through this soul guide.

The requirement for the Ultimate Ice Martial Soul is because the Ice God of War Armor was tailor-made for him at the time, so the material used was the Ice God Crystal, which can be solved by using other materials.

The high demand for mental power is because it is necessary to make a heavy iron lump move flexibly. If the heavy metal armor cannot keep up with the soul master's movements, wouldn't it be a shackle for himself?

In this process, the most rapid feedback method is undoubtedly to link the cores of the armor with the spirit, but ordinary people can't bear such a terrible demand for mental power.

To solve this problem, it is natural to start with the flexibility of the armor itself.

Among the people Huo Yuhao is familiar with, if there is anyone who is most suitable as an experimental subject to help him test the soul guide armor, it is undoubtedly Jiang Nannan, who is a sensitive attack system and has a unique fighting style.

As the owner of the soft bone rabbit martial soul, Jiang Nannan's soul skills are mostly functional, and the attack is to use the legs. In this case, she naturally has extremely high requirements for the flexibility of the legs.

If the soul guide armor can greatly increase Jiang Nannan's damage ability without affecting her speed and flexibility, then Huo Yuhao's idea will be successful.

Huo Yuhao had originally thought of using Zhu Lu as an experimental subject. She and Jiang Nannan attacked with claws and legs respectively, so they each had their own characteristics.

However, due to the fact that her cultivation was too low, it was not suitable for her to use such a complicated soul guide armor, so Huo Yuhao planned to wait until her cultivation was higher before mentioning this matter.


Jiang Nannan's face was blank, and after a moment of brain failure, she lowered her head slightly, and after a while of hesitating, a voice as thin as a mosquito's whistle reached Huo Yuhao's ears.

"Okay, okay, I happen to be free."

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