Almost everyone is curious about the three-dimensional fusion technique, but since Latio personally said that Xie Yue will demonstrate it, they cannot take the three-dimensional fusion technique away from Xie Yue.

After calm was restored in the Pope's Palace, Qian Daoliu personally presided over another meeting.

He asked Light Ling Douluo to invite Bibi Dong, but got a piece of news.

Bibi Dong was seriously injured! Unconscious!

Immediately, Qian Daoliu left everyone in the conference room and hurriedly led the medical soul master to Bibi Dong's room.

Bibi Dong was lying on the bed, her face pale and her breathing even, looking like a peaceful sleeping beauty.

Qian Daoliu's pupils shrank, and he could feel that Bibi Dong's soul power had been greatly reduced, and she was only at level ninety-one!

And it is still falling, and sooner or later the Titled Douluo will drop!

"What happened?"

Qian Daoliu asked.

Hu Liena's eyes were red and she choked up: "Teacher... The teacher was in Mr. Radio's room at the time. She vomited a lot of blood, and..."

Before Hu Liena finished speaking, Bibi Dong suddenly exclaimed on the bed.

"No... no, let me go, please, teacher..."

"Xiaogang, Xiaogang, don't leave..."


Bibi Dong was talking nonsense, a look of pain appeared on her face, and two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Hu Liena couldn't hold back even more. She knelt down and hugged Bibi Dong's exposed arm, crying: "Teacher, wuwuwu..."

When had Bibi Dong ever fallen into such a miserable state?

As a student, it makes her feel sad to see her!

Qian Daoliu shook his head slightly and asked the medical soul master to treat him. Green trees full of life emerged, and several rays of light shone on Bibi Dong's body.

The pain on Bibi Dong's face gradually dissipated, she became peaceful, and continued to sleep.

After the medical soul master maintained his position for more than ten minutes, he withdrew his martial soul with a solemn look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Qian Daoliu asked.

"Alas, Your Majesty the Pope is not suffering from physical injuries, but from the heart. This... I can't do anything about it, nor can I stop the loss of soul power."

The medical soul master said shyly.

"How could this be so..." Qian Daoliu frowned.

Bibi Dong's current situation can be said to be very critical.

If you keep it up, your practice may be affected in the future.

"Master Grand Priest, please intercede with Mr. Radio. If it is Mr. Radio, he will definitely be able to treat the teacher." Hu Liena knelt down directly to Qian Daoliu.

Qian Daoliu's face was deep and he nodded slightly, "I will be there. Get up and take care of your teacher."

Qian Daoliu left in a hurry again.

His heart was full of helplessness. When he first picked up Latio, he always regarded him as the son of God because of the strange phenomena in the world until he was six years old.

Because Latio had not awakened his martial soul, although he did not cancel the engagement between Latio and Qian Renxue, he did not pay more attention to Latio.

I don’t even know when Latio gained the strength he has today.

The bond between the two is not deep.

"Dong dong dong...!"

Qian Daoliu knocked on the door gently, "Ladio, are you asleep? I have something to ask you about Bibi Dong."

Ladio's voice soon sounded in the room.

But the door did not open, and it was obvious that the other party did not want Qian Daoliu to enter.

"Don't bother."

Ladio's voice was calm.

Qian Daoliu's open mouth slowly closed.

Since Ladio has said this, he can only let it go.

But he was also relieved in his heart. He understood Latio's character to some extent, and it was impossible to kill someone. What's more, although Bibi Dong was crazy, she was Latio's mother-in-law.

"It's just going to be painful for Bibi Dong."

Qian Daoliu shook his head helplessly, looking at Ladio's door with complicated eyes.

I thought to myself: I have to find a way to repair the relationship between the two in the future, and I must make Latio have a deep sense of belonging to the Spirit Hall.

Qian Daoliu turned around and headed to preside over the supreme meeting.

It was less than a day since the last time it was held.

But the issue is completely opposite.

The senior officials were talking a lot about Ladio.

"The three-dimensional fusion skill, I guess, should be martial soul, soul ring, and soul power. Or should it be the fusion of three people together? Don't they need to be compatible? It's really hard to figure out."

"If you had thought of it, you would have become a master!"

"It's better now. It won't be long before the entire soul master world will know about Master Ladio's reputation. How can the Spirit Hall hide its secrets then?"


Listening to everyone's discussion, Qian Daoliu came to the chairman's seat.

As soon as he sat down, the bell rang.

The conference room suddenly became quiet.

"You have all seen that La Dio's influence is better to block than to block it, otherwise Wuhun Palace's reputation and image will be affected." Qian Daoliu said.

Everyone nodded. Thinking back to the scene just now, I am afraid it will be difficult to forget.

Two hundred thousand people besieged the Papal Palace, which was the first time in history!

Later, instead of feeling honored, Latio directly addressed the people who came here with admiration, which really frightened them and made them shout that they couldn't understand.

Precisely because of this, they did not dare to regard Latio as a forbidden lover.

Qian Daoliu didn't waste words and didn't have any emotional tendencies. "First of all, I want to emphasize that we must respect Latio's personal will. Never restrict him in any way! Don't interfere with his will."


Everyone was stunned. If Latio was allowed to spread his theory, wouldn't the advantages of the Spirit Hall be wiped out?

Although the plan Bibi Dong just gave was overbearing, it was in the interests of the Spirit Hall.

Now Qian Daoliu wants to give Master Latio complete freedom.

It's completely contrary to the interests of the Spirit Hall!

Qian Daoliu looked at the stunned faces of the crowd and shook his head secretly.

These guys probably don't know that Latio has a terrifying power hidden, and even he may not be able to match it.

Restricting Latio's freedom?

Isn't that just driving him out?

Qian Daoliu continued: "Second, how to deal with the coercion of the soul master world in the future. The more they know about Latio's theory, the more they will push their limits, especially the top three sects!"

"So, I want to control the soul masters of the world!"

Qian Daoliu's voice suddenly became high, and his eyes showed the domineering aura of the peerless Douluo.

Everyone's expression became serious, realizing that this was the highlight!

Qian Daoliu continued: "Since Master Latio's theory is inevitably circulated, how to circulate it and in what way to circulate it, we have a lot of room for maneuver!"

"Latio is a master of the Spirit Hall! His theoretical contribution is naturally the contribution of the Spirit Hall, which cannot be erased by anyone!"

"Let the entire soul master world owe the Spirit Hall a favor! Everyone knows the good of the Spirit Hall!"

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