Latio's laboratory.

A blue flame suddenly appeared, and Latio's figure returned.

In just a blink of an eye, he had rushed back from the Xingdou Great Forest.

Qian Daoliu and Guangling Douluo were both stunned.

What speed is this?

"Latio, are you done?" Qian Daoliu asked in confusion.

Latio nodded in acknowledgment, and then walked to the experimental table. Guangling Douluo wisely stepped aside and stated his request, wanting the mastiff soul beast to be injected with the synesthesia beacon.

Latio directly found the solution for him, handed it to him, and said:

"Don't move around by yourself, otherwise you may touch some device and there may be problems."

Guangling Douluo nodded repeatedly, and laughed: "I understand, just like that, as long as I touch it, the entire Douluo Continent will be wiped out! I know all this."

"I'm just looking outside the experimental table, I dare not move around."

Guangling Douluo explained while injecting the mastiff soul beast.

Qian Daoliu listened to their conversation, and subconsciously looked at the device covered by red cloth in the center of the laboratory.

He couldn't help but think about it. It would definitely not destroy Douluo Continent, but it was definitely a powerful magic weapon!

If the Spirit Hall was equipped with it, Qian Renxue would not need to be an undercover in Tiandou at all!

"Latio, can that weapon be equipped to the Spirit Hall?" Qian Daoliu asked softly.

Latio looked at Qian Daoliu in surprise. Did he not understand?

That device, once activated, would definitely be a devastating blow to Douluo Continent.

It was also equipped to the Spirit Hall. Why, does the Spirit Hall want to self-destruct?

Regarding this question, Latio was too lazy to answer. He continued to study the synesthesia beacon.

Using a solution for injection is too inefficient!

And for the second type of intelligent life soul beasts in Douluo Continent, it is even less likely to be willing to be injected with such a thing.

"Hundred thousand year soul beasts can also be effective, but I have to think of a more efficient method."

Latio thought secretly.

Douluo Continent is not his previous world. Although there are wonderful things like soul power here, soul power seems to have locked people's wisdom.

Ratio raised his chin and thought for a moment. Soon, he had a new idea.

Since soul beasts will not take the initiative to accept it, let them make changes passively.

There are two ways. The first is aerosol. Soul beasts also need to breathe. As long as he atomizes the synesthesia beacon so that all breathing creatures can absorb it, wouldn't that achieve the goal?

Second, light radiation!

Just like shining the sun, the information of the synesthesia beacon is directly placed in the light.

Ratio prefers the second one. The transmission of light must be more convenient than aerosol!

Qian Daoliu saw that Ratio ignored him, and he touched his nose awkwardly, with some complaints in his heart.

Ratio's temperament is not respectful enough for the elderly and the young.

When Xiaoxue comes back, I have to establish the majesty of the elders and let Xiaoxue cooperate with me!

Of course, he also knew the limits. The premise of the elder's majesty was that he couldn't really disgust Latio!

Qian Daoliu didn't say anything else, and left quietly with a little thought in mind.

"Xiaoxue, it's up to you to help grandpa and Latio melt the ice..."

After Guangling Douluo injected the synesthesia beacon into the mastiff soul beast, he talked to it for a while, promised to help the mother and son reunite, and went back happily.

Latio didn't pay any attention to their meaning at all. After he had an idea, he began to prepare a new form of synesthesia beacon!


On the third day, it was time for Latio's lecture at noon.

Latio still didn't leave the laboratory, as if he didn't care about the lecture at all.

In fact, it was true. He had already studied the content of this lecture a few years ago.

In the few years he stayed in the Wuhun Hall, he had too many theoretical achievements, and what he released now was not even the tip of the iceberg!

Now, his interest is in studying synesthesia beacons.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

Xie Yue entered the laboratory quietly, with an excited look on his face.

Walking to Latio's side, Xie Yue was excited and whispered: "Mr. Latio, I succeeded. Now my combat power has doubled! This is all your credit..."

Latio glanced at him indifferently, "Since you know, you should also know how many points your performance is worth, right?"

"..." Xie Yue was stunned, and an embarrassed look immediately appeared on his face.

Even if he used the three-element fusion technique in front of the worshippers and received all kinds of praise.

But in front of Mr. Latio, he is still just a fool.

Latio looked at Xie Yue and continued: "Xie Yue, do you know why I am doing this now?"

Xie Yue was stunned, he was silent for a while, thinking about Mr. Latio's intention.

To be honest, almost no one can understand what Mr. Latio did.

Obviously, he has mastered so many theoretical results, and he can become the "God" of the entire soul master world by publishing them casually!

But Mr. Latio always keeps something in reserve, always keeping others on suspense.

If it were someone else, Xie Yue would wonder if the other party was waiting for a good price, but this is Mr. Latio, he definitely has his own considerations!

If you don't understand it yourself, it's definitely your own problem!

"I'm very dull and don't understand Mr. Latio's deep meaning. But I think that whatever Mr. Latio does, he has his own reasons. We don't understand it just because our level is not high enough."

Xie Yue looked at Latio with admiration.

The piety in his eyes was more than that of a believer meeting a god.

Latio frowned slightly, this kind of look was what he hated the most.

He patted Xie Yue on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Then you can experience it yourself. Get out."

His tone was a little impatient, as if he was disappointed with him.

Xie Yue panicked and realized that he had made Mr. Latio unhappy, but he didn't understand why Mr. Latio was like this, as he obviously respected him very much.

"Then I'm leaving..." Xie Yue was depressed and left quietly.


At the same time, more than 700,000 people poured into the entire Wuhun City!

Most of them were wealthy people from nearby cities. They knew the aura of Master Latio and wanted to come and see this god!

The nobles and soul masters naturally would not attend, and all came.

They completed the registration and went directly to the central venue.

This time, the Spirit Hall did not give any soul master preferential treatment. Even the soul masters from the top three sects had to choose numbers randomly, and the seats were not fixed.

The two heads of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family happened to sit together.

Yu Luomian said angrily: "The Spirit Hall is not a son of man! It is an insult to us!"

Yu Yuanzhen shook his head and said: "Wait, I hope this trip will be worthwhile."

Yu Luomian snorted coldly, with a look of strong dissatisfaction.

Being so coldly ignored by the Spirit Hall, his temper also came up, "If the three-element fusion technique cannot convince everyone, I will definitely hit the face of the Spirit Hall!"

"Brother, let Xiaogang come back. If he can deduce the blood spirit inheritance..."

Yu Luomian's words made Yu Yuanzhen's heart jump.

Yes, Yu Xiaogang was also a master...

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