After a while, Navilette arrived at the Rose Hotel.

At this time, the Rose Hotel was slightly in chaos. For ordinary people, a duel between soul masters was no different than a disaster. It was up to you to run as fast as you wanted. It was best to hide far away. This was for ordinary people. way of survival.

In a duel between soul masters, soul skills are blind, especially range-based soul skills. There are not a few civilians who are accidentally injured by such soul skills.

Although there is an express rule that soul masters are not allowed to fight souls privately in the city, and any matter can be resolved in the soul fighting field, Dai Mubai obviously did not take this rule seriously.

You can't blame him, he has already booked a room here, but the newcomer is ignorant, and Xiao Wu is provoking from the side, how can Dai Mubai tolerate it?

The purpose of training is not to endure. Soul masters all have tempers. If he doesn't teach Tang San and Xiao Wu a lesson at this time, wouldn't his training be in vain?

As soon as Villette stepped into the hotel, a girl in a blue skirt and a girl in a black bodysuit walked in one after the other.


"So I came here to see the fighting spirit..."×2

These two people are Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

After Ning Rongrong walked into the hotel, there was no reaction, but Zhu Zhuqing was slightly stunned and looked at Dai Mubai who was fighting Tang San thoughtfully.

This martial spirit, these eyes...

She must have recognized the wrong person.

Besides Dai Mubai, who else in the outside world has eyes with strange pupils and a martial soul that belongs to the evil-eyed white tiger?

Villette didn't know that because of him, two women who shouldn't be here appeared here and became the audience.

"Tang San, your boxing and kicking skills are quite impressive, but a duel between spirit masters is not just about boxing and kicking skills!"

"The first soul skill: White Tiger Protective Barrier!"

Dai Mubai was a little puzzled. This Tang San's martial spirit was obviously not a beast martial spirit, just an ordinary blue silver grass, but it could fight back and forth with him in the state of being possessed by the martial spirit.

This really frightened Dai Mubai. His strength was not weak, and he had one more soul ring increase than Tang San. His physical strength and beast spirit increase were both much higher than Tang San's.

"The first soul skill: Blue Silver Coil!"

Dai Mubai's answer was just Tang San's kiss... ahem, blue and silver entanglement!

"Handsome guy, who do you think can win among them?"

An exciting "soul fight" was going on in the hotel lobby. Ning Rongrong, who was wearing a light blue dress, was not interested at all. Instead, she quietly came to Navilette and said.

She saw that Villette seemed to be very interested in fighting souls, so she "just gave in to him".

After hearing this, Villette turned his head slightly, squinted, and lowered his eyebrows at Ning Rongrong who was standing aside.

Ning Rongrong's height was about 1.6 meters, which was a head difference from Villette's height. It was quite normal to look at her like this when his head was still.

"Isn't this the girl who is following me?"

She didn't pay attention to fighting spirit at all.

"Hello, young lady."

"It doesn't matter to me who wins or loses."

Villette shook his head gently and said.


Villette's indifferent look made Ning Rongrong somewhat uncomfortable. Didn't she know that it didn't matter who won and who lost?

She knows okay! It's just that I want to talk to Villette.

"It's not that I intentionally alienate you, young lady, but because as a referee in the spirit fighting arena, I cannot have too many personal relationships, lest I be accused of being unfair in the spirit fighting arena."

"I believe that with Miss's wisdom, it should not be difficult to understand."

Villette said still indifferently, but his eyes were on Tang San and Dai Mubai.

His words were not loud, but everyone present heard them clearly. Even Tang San and Dai Mubai, who were fighting souls, heard these words.

The two were stunned for a moment and looked in the direction of Villette.

"It's him?"


Tang San had met Navilite before, but he didn't really understand the spirit fighting arena and magistrates.

Dai Mubai was different. He often hung out in the spirit fighting arena. He had never seen this referee who was more handsome than him.

But one thing Villette said was right, which prevented Dai Mubai from doubting his identity, that is, as a referee, it was almost impossible to make friends with other people, at least not visible on the surface.

However, Dai Mubai didn't think much about it. Who knows why the new referee in the Fighting Spirit Arena appeared here? Wait, could it be that he wanted to "practice his skills"? Isn't Dai Mubai fighting against Tang San?

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai's eyes twitched and he didn't take it to heart.

Xiao Wu glanced at Villette. Regarding this "explanation", she seemed to understand why Villette was unwilling to talk to her. Is it because of his profession, a referee?

He is really a handsome guy who is responsible for his career. He is handsome, speaks softly, and is also responsible for his career.

Tang San: Shouldn't you be concerned about me now, whether I will be beaten to death by Dai Mubai?

"That, of course!"

Ning Rongrong put her hands on her hips and looked arrogant. She is very smart!

How could you not understand what Villette said!

"Referee, is this the fighting arena?"

Ning Rongrong secretly wrote down Navilette's occupation and working place, and planned to have a chance encounter with Navilette when she had time!

Being able to serve as a referee at such a young age shows that Villette's strength should not be underestimated!

Being a referee in the spirit fighting arena also requires strength. You need to calm down the players at critical moments. Just being loud is not enough, you also need to have the ability to suppress the players!

In the soul fighting arena, the lowest title for the contestants is soul master. Even if Villette is in charge of this kind of competition, he must at least have the strength of a great soul master or even a soul master.

Seeing the Great Soul Master and the Soul Lord face each other without changing his expression, the probability that Villette is a Soul Lord is extremely high!

"Ning Rongrong, you are so smart!"

"Yeah, you're so smart!"

(Void dialogue)

"Handsome guy, let's meet each other? My name is Ning Rongrong, and I am a great auxiliary soul master. I am only an auxiliary soul master. I cannot participate in single-player battles. It shouldn't affect your career, right?"

After hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Villette was shocked and looked at the girl in the blue dress with some surprise. Oh my god, this girl is actually Ning Rongrong!

The biggest trouble on Douluo Continent.

Real trouble, not exaggerating her...

Compared with the girl in black clothes and trousers on the side... wait, this girl can't be Zhu Zhuqing, right? Her features are so obvious!

"Hello Ning Rongrong, I am the supreme judge of the Soul Fighting Arena in Soto City. You can just call me by my last name, Navilette."

"So cold, so cool. Wait, the Supreme Magistrate???"

Ning Rongrong was stunned. Judges can also be divided into three, six or nine levels. The highest judge...

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