No matter what kind of opponent he faced, for Tang San, he could always start with the blue and silver entanglement to test the opponent first.

Tang San was very familiar with his enemy Ma Hongjun, and he would often pay attention to the changes in Ma Hongjun's combat power.

In fact, Tang San didn't need to release the blue silver entanglement, but he did it to confuse Ma Hongjun.

The real killer move is yet to come.

"Oh my God, the Thousand-Hand Shura player has released his first soul skill: Blue Silver Coil. This is a powerful century-old soul skill!"

"How should the Evil Fire Phoenix player respond?"

"The first soul skill, Evil Fire Phoenix player also released his first soul skill!"

"Contestant Senju Shura's face turned dark, he turned dark! He didn't expect that his soul skills could be broken so easily by his opponent!"

Fukalos explained very seriously, not even letting go of the changes in the players' expressions.

It's just a matter of directly telling the other person's inner thoughts.

Doing this was too shocking, but it wasn't that she couldn't do it.

"Evil Fire Phoenix had a sneer on his lips, as if he was mocking Thousand-Armed Shura Player. With this blow, Evil Fire Phoenix player had an absolute advantage!"

In order not to interfere with the normal fighting spirit of the players, on every stage, the sound isolation formation will be activated instantly at the start of the game.

In other words, no matter what is said outside the ring at this time, it will not be heard above the ring.

Of course, if it is strong enough to a certain extent, it can also transmit messages to players who are competing.

"Yeah, Senju Shura players look so stupid! Hahaha..."

"The first soul skill was broken instantly. It would be strange if he could still maintain a normal mind!"

Is Tang San really ashamed because of this?

Not really!

He had long expected that his first soul skill would be broken by Ma Hongjun.

This is the illusion Tang San gave Ma Hongjun!

If you want to cause people to perish, you must first make them crazy.

"Ma Hongjun, today, I, Tang San, will definitely demand that you pay with your blood!"

"As long as you give me Tang San a chance, you will suffer as much as me!"

Tang San's eyes were scarlet red, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself.

"It is impossible to defeat Ma Hongjun using the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit normally. This is also the reason why he dares to take the stage."

"However, I, Tang San, am no ordinary spirit master!"

"Second Soul Skill: Parasitism!"

Previously, Tang San still used blue-silver winding even though he knew that blue-silver winding could not gain an advantage.

The purpose of his doing this was just to add more seeds of Bluesilver Grass to the arena.

"Wild fire, in spring."

This was Lan Yincao's advantage, and at the same time, it was also Tang San's advantage.

After Tang San activated his parasitism, Bluesilver Grass did not wrap up Ma Hongjun, but appeared in the center of the two of them.

These new bluesilver grasses blocked the sight of Tang San and Ma Hongjun.


Ma Hongjun was stunned. This scene seemed familiar.

It was just that the flames blocked the sight of the two people at that time, but this time it was Lan Yincao.

He is not stupid, there must be a monster when things go wrong!

He always felt that if he went to burn these bluesilver grass, Tang San would definitely attack him by surprise.

Thinking of this, Ma Hongjun retreated instead of advancing, putting some distance between himself and Tang San.

On the other side of the Blue Silver Grass, Tang San smiled evilly. At this time, he had some iron pieces in his hand.

These are the iron spirits and iron mothers for making hidden weapons.

They are not hidden weapons, just iron.

However, if released through Tang Sect's techniques, their power cannot be underestimated.


After a while, the smile on Tang San's face gradually solidified, and he paused slightly while holding the iron hand.

It shouldn't be.

Why didn't Ma Hongjun burn these bluesilver grasses?

He deliberately made the middle area of ​​the arena covered with bluesilver grass to block the sight of both parties.

If Ma Hongjun wants to destroy these blue silver grasses, he must use soul skills to do so.

Tang San was waiting, waiting for the moment when Ma Hongjun burned the blue silver grass.

With his purple devil eyes, he could see Ma Hongjun's position clearly at that moment, and then deliver a "fatal blow"!

This was what Tang San had planned before.

At this time, Ma Hongjun didn't play according to the routine, which made Tang San a little annoyed.

Villette stood on the edge of the ring and watched without saying a word. Neither party violated the rules.

In the soul fighting arena, soul masters are not prohibited from using "weapons".

It's just that there are very few soul masters who can use weapons other than their own martial souls.

Only in some formal competitions will there be clear regulations that weapons other than martial souls, soul rings, and soul bones cannot be used.

Some of the soul skills associated with soul rings can also be used as weapons.

For example: Angel Holy Sword.

Blue Silver Overlord Gun, etc.

Villette looked at Ma Hongjun, who was standing on the edge of the ring, and then at Tang San, who was a little dull.

There was only a wall of bluesilver grass between them.

The wall in your heart has long been turned into a tall building.

"Thousand-hand Shura and Evil Fire Phoenix, the two players, are still testing, they are still testing!!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, who of the two contestants will be the final winner?"

"Hurray for their code names!"


The corners of Villette's mouth twitched. This sound-isolating formation could indeed prevent the players from hearing outside sounds, but it was difficult for him not to hear them.

Who makes him too powerful!

"How should I put it? Although these two players are both soul masters, they look really weak!"

"Yeah, I don't want to support either of them."

"I've been testing for two minutes, and you're still testing. You're the sixth child. Why are you on the stage?"

"Brother, this makes sense!"

"Look at Master Villette, he is frowning!"

"Yes, Master Villette is still in the ring!"

"That Villette!"

"That Villette!"

Fortunately, Tang San and Ma Hongjun couldn't hear the outside world, so they both thought the audience was supporting them!

Whether it's Evil Fire Phoenix or Thousand-Handed Shura, they all have four words.

They can only see the audience's "support" for them.

"That Villette!"

"That Villette!"



"I am Fukalos' dog!"

Ma Hongjun and Tang San had no time to respond to the audience's "support" at this time. They were paying full attention to the slightest sign of trouble.

"Sure enough, there is a scam. Tang San might be waiting for me to burn these bluesilver grasses!"

Ma Hongjun's face wasn't very pretty. Tang San had a lot of trump cards, unlike a normal spirit master like him.

He didn't know what Tang San on the other side had prepared. He rashly broke through the "obstacle", maybe there was something waiting for him.

Tang San was also feeling numb.

It's been two full minutes, and Ma Hongjun still hasn't moved!

After thinking for a moment, Tang San began to control a small part of the Bluesilver Grass, moving very gently, for fear that Ma Hongjun would notice.

Only by mastering Ma Hongjun's vision can he make the most correct attack, leaving Ma Hongjun with no time to admit defeat...

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