Villette's only "reference" now is Fukalos. He feels that his current strength should be weaker than that of Fukalos.

"If I don't work hard, my strength should be equal to that of Fukalos in two hundred years."

"If we work harder, we can take over all competitions and so on, and then let the protagonist group participate..."

"In 30 or 50 years at most, I will be stronger than Fukalos."

Even though Villette is so powerful now, his "age" is only fourteen years old, less than fifteen years old.

For the elemental apex creatures, especially the "Dragon King", this age is actually no different from just being born.


But it’s just getting started!

In a world without wear and tear, his abilities would be no different than bugs.

The longer you live, the stronger you become.

Without the limitations of wear and tear, he himself doesn’t know what it will eventually develop into.


Exhaling a breath, Villette murmured: "At that time, it should be me who protects her."

I looked at the sky again and saw that it was getting late.

Looking towards Gu Rong calmly, Villette didn't say anything.

He had discovered Gu Rong a long time ago, but he never exposed it.

"Goodbye, Mr. Gu Rong."

After Villette said this, there was a flash of light on his wrist, and his figure disappeared at this time.

Gu Rong, who was not far away, was shocked when he saw this, and his back was already wet with sweat.

"Ice, fire, water..."

"Are they all so powerful?"

"And this mysterious spatial ability..."

Speaking of this, Gu Rong only felt happy.

After he was educated by Naviolet, he had no idea of ​​revenge. His skills were inferior to others and he could only be inferior to others.

The strong are respected and the weak are devoured. This is an eternal law.

He was no match for Villette. That battle also shattered his arrogance, and he couldn't think of revenge at all.

In Ning Fengzhi’s words, it’s just hard work!

Don’t offend the other person, try to be on good terms with them, and then get through it!

If their generation is not the same, then the next generation will be the next generation. If the next generation still has no hope of surpassing the other party, then the next generation will be the next generation...

As long as you are human, your life span will end one day!

If he were not a human being, then Villette would become a god...

That couldn't be better!

If you become a god, you will ascend!

No one knows when Villette will ascend.

"Now that Tang Xiao has died, the Dual Douluo sect of the Haotian Sect has been broken."

"The opportunity has come for our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

After looking at the place where Tang Xiao "disappeared", Gu Rong murmured: "It's better to discuss this matter with Feng Zhi."

Number one in the world?

If they had wanted to do so in the Soul Fighting Arena, they would have become number one in the world long ago.

Villette, Fukalos, Lexius...

Who knows how many titled Douluo are hidden in the fighting spirit arena.

Today's spirit fighting arenas are like this, but they still say that they only have eight spirit fighting souls!

Anyone who really listens to this nonsense is really stupid...

The first round of the second round of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition qualifiers is about to begin.

The audience is in place, the players are in place, and the commentators and hosts are all in place.

Only the referee...

Everyone was a little confused when they saw that the referee, that is, Villette, was still not in place.

Most of the audience knows Navilette well. He is never late and will arrive a few minutes early for every game.

what is it today?

You know, the first game of every day is played alone!

In the audience, some true fans said in confusion: "Then why hasn't Villette played today? He is never late!"

With the first one taking the lead, other spectators started to talk, especially those from out of town.

"It's strange, why do you expect Villette to play? He is just a referee."

They don't quite understand the behavior of the audience in Tiandou City.

"That's right, it's not like the players are late, but the referee is late. Wouldn't it be better to change the referee?"

"The most indispensable thing in the spirit fighting arena is the referee."

"As soon as the referee named Na Villette came on the court, he stood in the corner without saying a word or taking any action, but he attracted the screams and shouts of you people."

"As a fan of the Tianshui girl group, I am dissatisfied!"

Isn’t the Tianshui girl group good?

Or are the other soul masters not powerful?

In addition to being handsome, elegant, and having a beautiful girlfriend, what else does his Villette have?

Wait, Villette has a girlfriend, why are these viewers so crazy?

There were not only female spectators, but also many male spectators.

Their support rate for Navilette seems to be even higher.

It's really unbelievable.

How do these people know that worshiping the strong is not only true for female viewers, but also for male viewers?

Then Villette can satisfy all their fantasies about being a strong man. Isn't such a person worthy of their support and support?

Listening to these remarks, the natives of Tiandou City twitched their eyes and were speechless.

Yesterday, Villette and Lord Fukalos showed off their skills. Did they think this was a special effect funded by the Soul Fighting Arena?

"These idiots."

"Ignore these guys, they are not worthy of witnessing the true strength."

"Only Villette is the only light in the dark night!"

When the two sides were having a heated argument, they were at the VIP table.

Xue Ye and others were also puzzled. What was the situation with the referee today?

Suddenly, Fukalos in the middle of the ring seemed to sense something, the corners of his mouth raised, and then he picked up the loudspeaker in his hand.

"ladies and gentlemen!"

"The first round of the second round of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition Qualifiers is about to begin!"

"Now, let's cheer for the referee to come on!"


The audience was stunned, what's going on with Fukalos?

Could it be that there is something fancy to do today?

The opening ceremony the day before yesterday is still fresh in my mind. Although there have been many changes in the audience, most of the audience has still seen it.

"That Villette!"

"That Villette!!"

Everyone started shouting Navilette's name, especially the local audience.

They are looking forward to Navilette's appearance.

When the contestants saw this, they only felt extremely bitter. What on earth is Villette? Why are these viewers like this?

Is it just because he is the referee?

However, even if they were unhappy, there was nothing they could do about it.

Then Villette is the highest judge. As a contestant, who dares to offend him?

Even the unruly Tang San didn't dare to offend Villette openly, for fear that the other party would take out his little shoes...

At this moment, a ray of light flashed beside Fukalos, and Villette's figure also appeared beside her.

"That Villette!!!"


Then Villette looked confused, what's going on?

"Honey, do you like it?"

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