Douluo: Reincarnation of the Water Dragon King, wife Fukalos

Chapter 272 272: Take the initiative to give Tangmen secret knowledge?

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers...

Tang San originally thought that the mountain road was cut off, but he never expected that the other party didn't even think about it and just said it was there!

"Your Majesty Villette, what is the solution?"

Tang San asked urgently, it involves the second martial spirit, it must be urgent!

"Pope Bibi Dong knows."

Villette said directly without hesitation.

As a time traveler who also possesses "twin martial souls", Villette also knows how to solve the problem of twin martial souls.

But is it possible for him to tell Tang San?

Obviously, impossible!

But he also didn't deceive Tang San, Bibi Dong really knew!

Her ex-boyfriend was so shameless that he came directly to ask!


Tang San was stunned, his whole body went numb.

What does Pope Bibi Dong know?

He and Bibi Dong have a sworn hatred...

Suddenly, Tang San seemed to have thought of something and suddenly realized.

Yu Xiaogang once told him.

So far in Douluo Continent, a total of three soul masters with twin martial souls have appeared.

He, Tang San, was the third one!

The first one failed, and his body exploded and died just as Villette said.

The second one succeeded, but Yu Xiaogang didn’t know how.

So, this second person is the current Pope Bibi Dong?

"Your Majesty, is Bibi Dong a twin martial spirit?"

Tang San clenched his fists unconsciously and said.

"Yes, Bibi Dong is also a twin martial soul. Moreover, she solved the problem of twin martial souls having conflicting attributes and absorbing the soul ring and exploding her body to death."

"She is different from you. To be honest, her conditions are more unique than yours!"

"Her two spirits are of the same species, and their attributes are almost the same."

This is the truth. Apart from Bibi Dong having no sect inheritance or inheritance from other sources, her talent is second to none in Douluo Continent!

Otherwise, Qian Xunji would not have used that method to keep her.

Although the Clear Sky Hammer is powerful, without the inherited soul skills, the Clear Sky Hammer is just like a top-level weapon with a martial soul.

There is not much difference from other top martial arts spirits.

What is powerful is the secret method of Haotian Sect, a unique skill!

"Okay, let's end the matter about your martial arts. What do you want?"

Tang San came back to his senses from the confusion, he only felt that his head was dizzy.

Over the years, his worldview has been growing under the influence of Yu Xiaogang.

He had never thought that issues such as how to give birth to twin martial souls and the impossibility of blue silver grass giving birth to full innate soul power were common sense in the eyes of the strong.

Moreover, the leader of the force he hated was also a twin martial spirit!

She also solved the problem of twin martial souls having conflicting attributes and dying after absorbing the soul rings and exploding their bodies.

Pressure, isn’t it coming up all at once?

Suddenly, Tang San seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Your Majesty, can I ask another question?"

Villette was silent for a moment and said, "I may not answer you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask my teacher Yu Xiaogang, what is his condition?"

Tang San was confused. When he was six years old, Yu Xiaogang just glanced at the martial spirit certificate and guessed that he was a twin martial spirit.

However, after listening to what Villette and Fukalos said today, he realized that Yu Xiaogang was really blind!

A blind cat meets a dead mouse!

"You... really want to know?"

"Please tell me, Your Majesty, Tang San would be very grateful!"

Tang San bowed to Villette and said solemnly.

"Your teacher, whose real name is Yu Xiaogang, is the son of Yu Yuanzhen, the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect."


Tang San was shocked, his eyes widened.

The teacher is actually the son of the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect?

Then, what the hell is Luo Sanpao?

"His innate soul power is only half a level..."

Villette briefly recounted Yu Xiaogang's experience.

"Yu Xiaogang has the theoretical blessings of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and the Wuhun Palace, but because of his low soul power, he didn't even copy the book clearly. The details of what he published are full of loopholes."

"This is also the reason why he is ridiculed by a large number of soul masters."

The corners of Tang San's eyes twitched, and after hearing Villette's words, his whole body felt bad.

So, is this how Yu Xiaogang’s theory came about?

Even if you copy it, you can copy it wrong, what the hell!

How could he be Tang San's teacher if he didn't know how to steal?


Why is it so weird?

How did Tang San's Xuantian Baolu come about?

Therefore, he did not feel anything wrong with Yu Xiaogang's stealing the knowledge of Blue Lightning King Dragon Sect and Wuhun Palace.

I just feel that Yu Xiaogang’s technique or his brain is not good enough!

Sure enough, the teacher was right about one thing.

There are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters.

He spent most of his life proving that he was a waste...

What a pity Luo Sanpao.

As for why Tang San believed Villette's words, he really couldn't think of any reason why Villette would deceive him!

Moreover, he took the initiative to ask about this.

Perhaps, many soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent know the details of Yu Xiaogang, and only Tang San is kept in the dark.

"Your Majesty, thank you for informing me. This is my self-created soul skill, Xuan Yu Hand."

"Xuan Yu Hand, after completing the cultivation, can be invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to water and fire, and immune to all poisons."

"Please accept it, Your Majesty!"

In the shocked eyes of Navilet and Fukaros, Tang San took out a stack of papers from the Twenty-Four Bridges on a Moonlit Night.

It should be called Twenty-Three now...

Because there is a gem in Xiao Wu's hand.

"What's the situation? Tang San took the initiative to give the Tang Sect's unique skills?"

Navilet was stunned. Could this guy be a time traveler who knew him and Fukaros?

He directly gave the Tang Sect's unique skills and came to hug his thighs.

But, looking at him, it doesn't seem like this...


Navilet hesitated.

Seeing this, Tang San's mouth corners slightly raised.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as he guessed!

Navilet is not that kind of person. This is a person who is absolutely trustworthy!

The unique skills are right in front of him. Knowing how powerful his Tang Sect's unique skills are, the other party is very rational and even has the intention of refusing!

A wave of temptations made Tang San almost 100% believe in Navilet's character.

He could doubt the character of his teacher Yu Xiaogang, but he had no doubt about the character of Violet.

"Your Highness Fukaros, please accept it on behalf of His Highness Violet, as a reward for His Highness Violet telling me these things!"

"Things to note about twin martial spirits, and other information..."

"These are equivalent to life-saving grace!"

Tang San bowed to Fukaros and presented the paper in his hands with both hands.


Fukaros' eyes twitched, and he looked at Violet, and both "people" were confused.

"As expected of a couple, they are really, I cried to death!"

Tang San's heart was in turmoil. If he hadn't been courting death at the beginning...

If you like it, you can click to collect it, recommend it, etc. This book is the story of the man with a full sense of security and little Paimon traveling together...

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