The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is proceeding in an orderly manner.

The time required for the promotion round is only half that of the qualifying round. Now, the promotion round is over.

What caught people off guard was that Canghui College actually won the first place in the promotion competition!

Kamikaze second!

Everyone in Canghui was numb. They never expected that Tang San's fighting power was so strong!

Almost single-handedly, he won the first place in the promotion competition!

As for third, fourth, fifth... no one cares about these. Only the first and second get special treatment. The results for other rankings are the same.

Wuhun City, Pope's Palace.

At this time, Carlun's letter also fell into Bibi Dong's hands.

This is already very fast!

You know, in just a few days, it has traveled thousands of kilometers from Tiandou City to Wuhun City!

In this Douluo Continent, where all communication relies on shouting and all letters rely on walking, this speed is already considered amazing.

"Blue Silver Emperor, Blue Silver Domain, Soul Bone, Ten Thousand Years Fourth Soul Ring..."

Bibi Dong was impressed by the Blue Silver Emperor.

Back then, Qian Xunji was trying to hunt down the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor, only to be seriously injured by Tang Hao, who asked her to take the opportunity to kill Qian Xunji.

The Blue Silver Emperor is different from the Blue Silver Grass. The Blue Silver Grass is just a standard beast martial spirit, but the Blue Silver Emperor is a top-notch plant-type martial spirit. Although such an achievement is amazing, it is not impossible.

Bibi Dong didn't think of Tang Yin as Tang San, but she always felt that this Tang Yin was a bit extraordinary.

"Anyway, it won't be long before the other party comes to Wuhun City. Let's take a look then."

If there are no problems, Tang Yin is a talent that can be recruited.

In other words, Bibi Dong didn't know the characteristics of the Blue Silver Emperor and could only inherit the same blood. Otherwise, she would definitely suspect that Tang Yin was Tang San!

Where do so many coincidences come from in the world?

Time passed, and after the promotion competition for the Elite Competition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy ended, everyone rested for two days before embarking on the road to Wuhun City.

Emperor Xue Ye specially arranged for five hundred Royal Knights to escort the contestants participating in the finals.

The Royal Knights are indeed powerful, one of the most powerful of all arms.

But that's a full sixteen... No, Barak's people are gone.

There are a total of fifteen teams!

The team members, the ones with the lowest strength, are all soul master level experts.

Not to mention the leading teachers and deans.

If something happens, it doesn't matter who will protect whom.

Villette and Fukalos did not follow the large army. They were not contestants, and at the same time, they were not external personnel from the Tiandou Empire.

It was Wuhundian who hired them to serve as referees and host the finals.

Therefore, both emotionally and rationally, they should not follow the large army.

For Navelle and Fukalos, this is actually a good thing.

"My dear, this is our first time going to Wuhun City."

After coming to Douluo Continent for so many years, Fukalos has never seen Wuhun City with his own eyes.

I heard that Wuhun City is the paradise that all soul masters yearn for. It would be a pity not to see it with your own eyes.

"Martial Spirit City is directly controlled by the Spirit Hall and does not belong to the Tiandou Empire or the Star Luo Empire."

"In an era of war, Wuhun City was considered a paradise. The two empires would not take the initiative to attack Wuhun City."

Think about it, every time the two empires fight, Wuhun Palace will basically mediate, so they will naturally not be attacked.

Those who live in Wuhun City are basically related to Wuhun Palace.

Either he belongs to Wuhun Palace, or he has relatives serving in Wuhun Palace.

"I didn't expect Wuhun Palace to make such a contribution."

After hearing this, Villette's eyes twitched.



If it weren't for the Wuhun Palace, the Tiandou Empire would have unified the Douluo Continent thousands of years ago.

It won't be the three-legged confrontation it is now.

Wuhun Palace has always prevented the two empires from going to war, but it took the initiative to initiate a war...

The thinking of the predecessors may not be that complicated. They just did not want the war to affect civilians and wanted to make the mainland as peaceful as possible.

Bibi Dong is preparing to unify the continent, firstly to destroy the Wuhun Palace, and secondly to reform and destroy the aristocratic rule.

No one can tell who is right and who is wrong, who is right and wrong.


Villette nodded and didn't say much. These had nothing to do with him.

Time passed, and gradually, the team got closer and closer to Wuhun City. They did not encounter any danger on the way.

The wave of assassinations from the original time and space did not appear either.

Presumably, this was because Douluo Dalu's consciousness or the person behind it understood that Tang San had no one to rely on at this time, so he took the initiative to modify the script.

If it were the same as in the original time and space, Wuhun Palace sent two titled Douluo and a large number of strong men to kill Tang San, what would Tang San do to resist now?

He did not know Dugu Bo, and he rejected the good intentions of Ning Fengzhi and others. Tang Xiao, who secretly protected him, was killed. Tang Hao had his arms and legs broken, leaving him unable to protect himself.

Who can stop Tang San from being killed?

Doesn't this script let Tang San die?

Only by making a few adjustments can Tang San, the son of destiny, develop better.

At this time, Navilet and Fukalos had arrived at Wuhun City. After showing the invitation letter from Wuhun Palace, the two "people" entered Wuhun City very smoothly.

The outer wall of Wuhun City is like the Wuhun Awakening Array, with six sides and six entrances and exits.

The city wall is 100 meters high and heavily guarded.

These soldiers are different from the soldiers of the two empires. Each of them has a cultivation base, and among them, there are Soul Saints and Soul Douluo-level strongmen.

Even if the Titled Douluo comes, it will not be able to take down the city wall for a while.

It only takes a short while for the strong men of the Wuhun Hall to support.

Na Vilet and Fukaros had just entered Wuhun City and had no time to stroll around.

A cardinal came and took Na Vilet and Fukaros to familiarize themselves with the arrangements of the Wuhun Hall.

For example, the hotel where they stayed, where the Pope's Palace was, and where the semi-finals fighting arena was.

The fighting arena on the entire Douluo Continent is almost monopolized by the eight major families, except for the fighting arena in Wuhun City!

How could the Wuhun Hall allow outsiders to come to run a fighting arena on the land of Wuhun City?

After completing the process, the cardinal said very respectfully: "Your Majesty, Navilet, Your Majesty, I'm leaving!"

"Okay, thank the Pope for our arrangement."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'll take your words!"

Only those with soul power reaching the Soul Douluo level can be appointed as cardinals.

Above them, there are platinum bishops, but there are only four platinum bishops at present!

In the four most "dangerous" cities respectively.

The hotel was arranged as early as when Navilet and Fukaros were invited, and it was of the highest standard.

After the cardinal left, Navilet and Fukaros discussed it and walked out of the hotel again...

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