Douluo: Reincarnation of the Water Dragon King, wife Fukalos

Chapter 294 Chapter 294: Inherited from the Same Source

Once a belief is established, it is difficult to shake, especially for believers like Sendaoliu who have received practical benefits.

Let him betray the God of Angels, stop joking!

Even if he died, he would never abandon his faith.

If he became a god, Bo Saixi might be embarrassed.

Because Bo Saixi didn't say clearly that she liked Tang Chen, but she said that whoever broke through level 100 first, Qian Daoliu or Tang Chen, would be with her.

She clearly knew that Qian Daoliu could not break through level 100, so her words clearly meant that she rejected Qian Daoliu.

But who knew that that guy Tang Chen would actually take it seriously!

"Tang Chen, my talent is not as good as yours, so there is no possibility of breaking through level 100."

"But, my descendants will definitely complete it!"

"My descendants will definitely be better than yours!"

While chatting with Qian Daoliu, Villette found that Qian Daoliu seemed to be deep in thought, and his expression changed very wonderfully.

Villette looked sideways slightly, and looked at each other with Fukalos. The two "people" nodded without making any sound, and turned and left.

Qian Daoliu was left to continue to remember something.

After a while, Qian Daoliu came back to his senses and found that Villette and Fukalos had left long ago, feeling a little confused.

Then there was a helpless smile.

Fortunately, Navelle and Fukalos had no intention of stopping the expansion of the Spirit Hall.

Otherwise, he would have no choice but to go out in person and try to persuade Bibi Dong.

This is the best news in this exchange.

"God level, when will Xiaoxue break through to the god level?"

Qian Renxue is his hope, and there must be no mistakes in his hope of recasting the glory of the God of Angels!

The scene turned to Villette and Fukalos.

After the two "people" left the worship hall, they followed the route in their memory and walked towards the foot of the Holy Mountain.

The journey was smooth and smooth.

These two people followed the two worshipers up the mountain. What problems could there be?

Bibi Dong originally wanted to invite Villette and Fukalos to talk. After thinking about it for a while, she gave up the idea. Now, it was not the time.

The other party had just come out of the Enshrinement Hall, so it was a bit inappropriate to ask them to come to the Pope's Hall at this time.

"I hope you won't become a stumbling block on my road to success!"

A flash of killing intent flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, but she quickly restrained it.

She admitted that Villette and Fukalos were powerful, but if they could not become gods, they were just more powerful ants after all.

She is different from Bibi Dong. When she completes the divine test task, she will be the new Rakshasa God!

When she becomes the Rakshasa God, she will use her absolute strength to sweep across the entire Douluo Continent, destroying the Spirit Hall, the empire, and the nobility!

The power of Rakshasa had already eroded Bibi Dong's mind, making her seem like a different person.

"Teacher (His Majesty the Pope), Hu Liena (Xie Yue, Yan) comes to pay homage!"

Just then, three voices came from outside the Pope's Palace, and Bibi Dong's expression returned to normal.

"come in!"

In a moment, Hu Liena, Yan, and Xie Yue appeared in the Pope's Palace.

The three of them bowed to Bibi Dong again.

Hu Liena is Bibi Dong's direct disciple, and her character perfectly replicates Bibi Dong.

Even as a traitor, she still replicated Bibi Dong.

This may be the reason why Bibi Dong accepted her as his direct disciple.

The Wuhun Palace raised Bibi Dong, and Qian Xunji went against all objections and made Bibi Dong a saint of the Wuhun Palace, with a status only lower than that of the Pope.

However, Bibi Dong ate the Wuhun Palace, used the Wuhun Palace, and enjoyed the supreme glory, but she just fell in love with a loser!

The most important thing is that this waste is a direct descendant of one of the three upper sects.

For Yu Xiaogang, Bibi Dong even prepared to defect from Wuhun Palace, which completely angered Qian Xunji.

Hu Liena's situation was similar to Bibi Dong's. Food, accommodation, and glory were all provided by Wuhun Palace.

But because of love, she let Tang San go even though she knew she shouldn't let him go!

In that wave, if Hu Liena hadn't "collaborated" with the enemy, how could Tang San have escaped?

It is indeed a land of love. If you are not in love, or on the way to love, you can lose your mind and fall in love with someone who is a hostile force.

If it weren't for the higher-ups of Wuhun Palace and these three love-minded women, how could Tang San win!

"The three of you are here mainly to remind you that you must not violate the rules in the upcoming elite competition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy."

"The man named Navilette will not turn a blind eye because of the Wuhun Palace."

After hearing this, Hu Liena and the other three looked a little strange. Do they look like people who would break the rules?

"Teacher (His Majesty the Pope), please rest assured that we will never violate the rules!"

The three people quickly said that they also had some guesses about Bibi Dong's words, but they didn't know whether they were correct or not.

"It's okay if you don't, the champion will be yours!"

With three soul kings and four high-level soul sects, Bibi Dong couldn't imagine how Hu Liena and the others would lose!

The same is true for Hu Liena and the other three. They have no idea how they can lose.

Don’t forget, they also have martial soul fusion skills!

It is impossible to lose with soul fusion skills at the soul king level.

With this configuration, as long as they don't play because of a foul, they will definitely win!

The championship reward for this continent-wide elite soul master academy competition is three soul bones. Everyone knows that these three soul bones were obtained by Bibi Dong for Hu Liena and others.

Even the soul bone attributes are selected based on their attributes!

The elders did not agree to reward them directly because the three of them did not make much contribution to Wuhun Palace.

Especially Hu Liena, she is just a disciple of the Pope, and she is not a saint of Wuhun Temple. Why should she enjoy the treatment of a saint?

Winning the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition and gaining glory for Wuhun Palace is in line with the regulations of rewarding soul bones.

Anyway, it’s a matter of left hand and right hand...

But they didn't know that the original space and time would actually kill a Shrek team and defeat the Wuhundian team in a weak battle.

Don't say Bibi Dong didn't think of it, no one could think of it!

It was all Tang San's cheating, otherwise, how could they lose?

Whenever there was something that couldn't be solved, it was either the Tang Sect's secret knowledge or the Tang Sect's hidden weapons or techniques. Anyway, none of them were his own.

After becoming a god, he still used the thirteen postures of Poseidon.

Ten thousand years later, these things that were not his Tang San's were all tagged with his Tang San's name.

Everything is created by him, he is the best!

The Thirteen Styles of Poseidon, clearly belonged to the previous Poseidon, the Poseidon, but they were also created by Tang San himself!

This kind of shameless spirit is really terrifying.

"You guys should step back first and have a good rest for a few days. I look forward to your performance in the ring!"

"You will not disappoint the teacher (His Majesty the Pope)!"

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