Time flies, and the finals are here as scheduled.

In the early morning, there are more than 30 young people waiting outside the Pope's Palace.

These young people are divided into three teams, and they are the top three of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

There is no ranking at present, and the top three will be ranked after the finals.

Except for these young people, there is no one else outside the Pope's Palace.

Even the team leader is watching from a distance and cannot get close to the Pope's Palace.

The Wuhun Academy did not whisper to each other, but stood straight. They are fighting on behalf of the Wuhun Hall, how could they be rude in etiquette?

"What's going on? Why hasn't the Pope come out yet? When will the game start..."

You know, they have been waiting here for an hour, but in the end, not to mention the Pope didn't see it, even an elder and a cardinal didn't see it.

It seems that they are deliberately leaving them alone.

After hearing this, the people from the Spirit Academy said unhappily: "It's worth waiting no matter how long it takes to see His Majesty the Pope!"

"You, you don't deserve to be here!"

"You are being so mean to His Majesty the Pope..."

In their hearts, Pope Bibi Dong is the heaven and the earth, how can others judge?

What's wrong with waiting for His Majesty the Pope?

They are willing to wait for a few days, as long as they can see His Majesty the Pope!

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

As people of the Spirit Hall, they naturally think that Bibi Dong is the best and most majestic. It is an honor and a gift to see her.

What's wrong with waiting for a few days?

How can Bibi Dong's appearance be so simple? She just walked out of the Pope's Hall without any pomp!

You know, she represents the entire Spirit Hall. If there is no pomp, how will other forces look at the Spirit Hall?

Even if Bibi Dong doesn't want pomp, the bishops and elders will not agree.

At this time, in the Pope's Hall, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin were also here, but their faces were very ugly.

Spirit Hall, there are so many elders?

Good guy, the elders here may not be all...

I thought that having a few worshippers was already the limit of Spirit Hall, but I never expected that the other side had so many elders!

What's more, they boasted that the three upper sects can compete with Spirit Hall because they are of the same blood.

The three upper sects only have five titled Douluo, and there are more than five elders here...

What's more, there is a mysterious worship hall in Spirit Hall, which makes Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin even more worried.

"Report to His Majesty the Pope, Lord Villet and Lord Fukaros are still in the hotel. They may think that the finals will also start at ten o'clock..."

Yue Guan knelt on one knee and said to Bibi Dong.

Originally, they should have gone out during this time period, but the key person has not arrived yet!

After hearing this, no one dared to express an opinion, because they really didn't inform these two when the game would start...

Besides, what's wrong with such a strong man being late?

"Then wait until ten o'clock!"

Bibi Dong said expressionlessly.

There is no other way except waiting.

The three teams have been waiting outside the Pope's Palace since six in the morning, but they were even earlier, and had already made arrangements before six o'clock.

Even Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin came to the Pope's Palace early, and they would appear with Bibi Dong.

Time passed by minute by minute, and outside the Pope's Palace, even the members of the Wuhun team were a little stunned.


What's going on?

Didn't the teacher say it would start at eight o'clock?

Why, it's already past nine o'clock, and His Majesty the Pope hasn't appeared yet?

Everyone was puzzled, and some didn't understand what was going on.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they say they wait for His Majesty the Pope for a few days, and this is not just talk, they can really do it.

But, it was different from what they imagined, which made them feel uncomfortable...

It was about 9:55 when Violet and Fukaros climbed up the Holy Spirit Mountain and appeared outside the Pope's Palace.

After seeing the two "people", Hu Liena and others suddenly realized!

Oh my god, they asked what happened, it turned out that the referee and commentator had not arrived yet...

Vilet and Fukaros looked at each other, a little confused.

What happened to Hu Liena and others?

Didn't the game start at 10 o'clock?

They were five minutes early, is there any problem?

This look always felt like a debt...

"His Majesty the Pope is here!"

Just then, a voice sounded, and figures all over the mountains quickly appeared...

They were wearing uniform armor, and there were at least several thousand of them.

These were the Templar Knights and Holy Knights of the Spirit Hall. While they were responsible for the safety of the Spirit Hall, they were also responsible for clearing the fallen on the Douluo Continent.

Each of them has a high soul power level, and they all start with soul masters, including soul emperors and soul saints.

The Pope's Palace also slowly opened at this moment, and two rows of eighteen knights took the lead in walking out of the Pope's Palace. Every move was full of beauty.

They stood at both ends of the steps, and every few steps, there would be a palace guard knight stopping. They stood straight, like the sharpest sword of the Wuhun Hall!

These palace guards are not simple. Each of them is at the soul saint level. Moreover, if you only have the strength of a soul saint, you can't become a palace guard!

They have also gone through countless killings and are truly battle-hardened. Ordinary Soul Saints are not their opponents at all.

But in the Spirit Hall, such knights are actually a show...

Who are the people living in the Pope's Palace, the Elders' Palace, and the Worship Hall?

Do these people need Soul Saint-level Palace Guards to protect them?

If they can't deal with the enemy, even if the Palace Guards rush up, it will be useless.

Behind the Palace Guards, there are twelve old men in red clothes. They are the backbone of the Spirit Hall and terrifying existences with real power.

These are the twelve cardinals, who are one of the most powerful forces in the Spirit Hall under the four platinum cardinals.

Of course, there are more than these cardinals in the Spirit Hall, they are just the most representative.

Behind the cardinals, there are several old men in golden armor, they look up and look down on everything.

These are all elders of the Elders' Palace.

As a Titled Douluo, he naturally has the capital to look down on the heroes.

Finally, Bibi Dong, under the protection of Gui Mei and Yue Guan, slowly walked out of the Pope's Palace. At the same time, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin followed.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Pope!"

"Greetings to His Majesty the Pope!"

The holy knights all over the mountains knelt on one knee and shouted loudly.

The palace knights, cardinals, and elders all knelt on one knee and shouted to Bibi Dong.

The three teams did the same.

However, Tang San was more stubborn...

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