At the same time, in Tiandou City, the Prince's Mansion.


Xue Xing and Xue Beng stared with their eyes wide open, looking incredible.

Both of them were shaking all over, not because of excitement, but because of fear.

"No, it's impossible!"

"Didn't you say to test it?"

"How could he be dead!"

Xue Xing's teeth were trembling, he just couldn't believe that Xue Qinghe died like this.

It doesn't make sense!

They have always suspected that Xue Qinghe was just being merciful on the surface, and the other two princes were killed by Xue Qinghe.

As long as they test Xue Qinghe's strength, or if there is a little flaw, they will have a reason to take him down.

Never expected that Xue Qinghe would lie down directly after just a test?

"Replying to Your Highness, Your Highness, the Crown Prince, he saw that the guard was injured, and wanted to block the fatal blow for the guard, and then..."

Then there was nothing else, Xue Qinghe was beaten to pieces on the spot...

After hearing this, Xue Xing and Xue Beng looked at each other, and only felt their heads buzzing.

Could the prince who could block the attack for the guards be a hypocritical murderer?

Obviously, they wrongly blamed Xue Qinghe.


Xue Beng panicked, he felt as if the sky had fallen.

There was no need to think about it at all. Xue Qinghe's death was enough to prove that the other brothers were not killed by him, but by someone else or for some other reason.

Xue Qinghe was innocent...

Then, Xue Qinghe, who usually told him to study hard and not to spend his time in wine and women, was the brother who really treated him, Xue Beng!

Thinking of this, Xue Beng's legs softened and he fell to the ground powerlessly.

"Fourth brother, as a prince, you should take the lead and set an example, instead of spending your time in wine and women..."

"Fourth brother, when you have learned something, help me in the future..."

Recalling Xue Qinghe's words in his mind, Xue Beng was already in tears.

He regretted that he shouldn't have listened to Xue Xing's words!

Was this really helping him?

Xue Beng was not stupid, on the contrary, he was very smart.

Since he listened to Xue Xing, assassins have never come to him.

Xue Qinghe is kind, and he is truly kind. He can block the attack for the guards. Isn't he kind enough?

Since Xue Qinghe is fine, then who is the problem?

Xue Beng looked at Xue Xing.

"Uncle, you and my father fought for the throne. Don't you have any ideas after losing?"

At this moment, Xue Beng was no longer afraid and said calmly.

In addition to Xue Xing, Xue Beng couldn't think of a second person.

Get rid of the eldest and the third brother, and let the kindest second brother be the prince.

I listened to Xue Xing.

"Whether I succeed or not, whether I reach the top or not, it won't do you any harm."

If you think about it carefully, it's true.

Whether it's a win or a loss, it doesn't matter to Xue Xing.

If he wins, Xue Xing can go one step further, and maybe he will attack Xue Beng.

After hearing this, Xue Xing looked at Xue Beng with a blank face, and shuddered when he saw the latter's frosty face.

"Do you doubt this king?"

After saying this, Xue Xing saw that Xue Beng had no expression and was still staring at him.

After thinking for a while, Xue Xing suddenly realized.

It would be abnormal not to doubt him, Xue Xing!

Since Xue Qinghe is fine, the other princes, except Xue Beng, have died long ago.

After this incident, Xue Qinghe also died.

Then who is the biggest beneficiary?

It will not be the only remaining prince Xue Beng, but his Prince Xue Xing!

Xue Beng and Xue Xing are the closest, this is well known, when Xue Ye dies and Xue Beng takes the throne, the two will still be the closest and closest.

What if Xue Beng dies unexpectedly?

Who else can sit in that position except Prince Xue Xing?

"Uncle, my second brother is so kind, so what if he becomes the emperor?"

"I should never have believed you and harmed my second brother!"

Xue Qinghe is the second son and the second prince of the Tiandou Empire.

After the death of the third prince, the fourth prince was still young, so the second prince naturally became the crown prince.

After saying this, Xue Beng snorted coldly and walked out of the hall, ignoring Xue Xing and the kneeling "killer".

It's too late to say anything now. He wants to see his second brother Xue Qinghe for the last time, casually, to apologize to Xue Ye.

No matter what the result is, he can accept it.


Xue Xing pointed at Xue Beng with his right hand, shaking with anger, but he had nothing to say.

If he was Xue Beng, he would think so too.

Who knows if Xue Qinghe will have any problems!

If he knew, he wouldn't hate Xue Qinghe so much.

To be honest, although he wanted to be an emperor, it was decades ago.

Now, he has given up such thoughts.

If Xue Xing did not speak, the guards would not dare to stop Xue Beng.

No matter what, Xue Beng was still the fourth prince.

If the last prince died in the Prince's Mansion, Xue Xing would be considered a traitor even if he did not rebel.

At this moment, more than a dozen figures in heavy armor kicked open the door of the Prince's Mansion and walked quickly towards the hall.

Although the face of the leader could not be seen clearly, his momentum was very terrifying.

The same was true for the others.

A wave of murderous aura filled everyone's brain.

Xue Beng was stunned when he saw the person coming.

Xue Xing was also stunned when he saw the person coming.

"It's you..."

"Prince Xue Xing, His Majesty invites you!"

Ignoring Xuexing's greetings, the leader spoke businesslikely.

Xuexing is not a fool, so he naturally understands what is going on.

If it were normal, the person who came to invite him could not be too strong, because it was a real invitation.

These people are different. If he, Xue Xing, says the word "no", what awaits him will be suppression and he will be tied up to see Xue Ye.

You know, the leader is a strong man at the Contra level, and is one of Emperor Xue Ye’s confidants!

The others are also not weak. The ones with the lowest strength are all strong at the Soul Emperor level.

"Lead the way."

Xuexing sighed and said.


Don't think about it, since Xue Ye has sent them, it means that Xue Ye is very sure about the capture this time and cannot escape.

The purpose of sending these people is to prevent him from running away.

Seeing this, Xue Beng's mind was empty, but he didn't say anything.

He just wanted to cooperate with these people to see his father Xue Ye, but these people didn't seem to see him.


"what's the situation?"

Xue Beng looked confused and a little confused.

Why not take him away?

"General, I am an accomplice, you..."

Xue Beng subconsciously stopped everyone and said.

After hearing this, everyone stopped and looked at Xue Beng speechlessly.

Xue Ye is his only son, is it possible that he can still be killed?

Even if Avalanche is punished, it can only be implemented after Xuexing is punished.

"Fourth Prince, His Majesty did not ask you to be invited. If the Fourth Prince has any questions, he can enter the palace on his own."

After saying this, everyone left without even looking at Xue Beng.

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