Blue Star, what a long memory.

In order to commemorate that blue planet, Navilette gave this planet the same name.

At this time, the blue star is filled with the breath of life, with flowers, plants and trees, but no other intelligent creatures.

This planet is mainly used to settle soul beasts or humans.

Whether it's a soul beast coming here or a human being coming here, it's a good choice.

After carefully looking at Blue Star, Villette always felt like something was missing.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up!

There are no glaciers on this planet!

Then, it is necessary for Long to build glaciers...

Three days later, many ferocious beasts gathered together in the Star Dou Forest.

Their faces were very ugly, with a trace of fear in their eyes.

What on earth are those iron bumps?

After the guard agency intervened on the battlefield, the situation was reversed, and the soul beast's advantage was gone.

They feel no pain, are tireless, and their attack methods are even weirder. They don't have much soul power fluctuations, but their power is extraordinary.

It would be difficult for ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts to resist this kind of iron lump!

Not to mention those thousand-year-old soul beasts, it was a one-sided massacre!

That's all. There are so many of these iron lumps that we can't kill them all.

There is also a large iron lump. With just one punch, a terrifying beast like Mr. Xiong will be severely injured!

Faced with such an iron knot, Mr. Xiong felt a shadow in his heart. He always felt that the other person was a little scarier than Di Tian.

Lying on the ground, there was not only Mr. Xiong, but also the Red King, and Brigitte was treating them.

The beasts looked sad and didn't know what to do.

Gu Yuena's face was dark. She had seen such guard agencies before and knew where they came from.

No wonder, Fukalos came to her three days ago and asked her to retreat.

Is this what she uses to support humans?

She was obviously so powerful, why didn't she take action herself?

Gu Yuena couldn't figure it out.

Fortunately, the opponent did not kill them all. As long as the soul beast retreats, there will be no pursuit.

Otherwise, whether Mr. Xiong and King Chi can come back alive is still a question.

Spirit world.

The faces of the gods were ugly because of the appearance of guards!

The most powerful of these guard agencies are actually comparable to those at the pinnacle level of quasi-gods!

Even worse!

Back then, why did the technology for making soul mentors and soul guides disappear overnight?

It's not because the soul mentors and soul tools on Douluo Continent may threaten the God Realm.

Of course, the God Realm did not kill them all, but allowed some soul masters to survive.

These soul mentors came to the Sun and Moon Continent.

A separate soul master and soul guide are actually not scary.

The scary thing is that a powerful soul master is equipped with a powerful soul guide.

Douluo Continent believes in the supremacy of their own force. Even if they were almost beaten to death by the Sun Moon Continent's soul guide, they still did not change. This was the result of the guidance of certain gods.

Sun Moon Continent believes in the supremacy of soul guides, and their own cultivation is not that important.

For this reason, it is difficult for an individual to be the strongest in the Sun and Moon Continent.

The soul masters on Douluo Continent have developed a strong interest in the guard mechanism because of that "exhibition match". Now, the guard mechanism can be described as fanatical!

Yes, the technology tree of Douluo Continent is completely crooked!

Soul guide?

What soul guide?

Their initial target was mechas and battle armors, not ordinary individual soul guides.

Among them, the Qibao Glazed Sect is the most fanatical!

No attack power, need teammates?

No, no, no!

As long as there is a guard agency, this is not a problem at all.

The guard agency has great strength, and the only thing we need to fear is the aftermath!

This is also easy to solve.

Wouldn't it solve this problem if I put on the "guard mechanism" myself?

It is for this reason that the idea of ​​mechas and battle armors came up!

"Buy ore, use all those useless gold soul coins to buy ore!"

"By the way, let's buy some mines!"

Ning Fengzhi gave the order directly.

There are many Golden Soul Coins in the Qibao Glazed Sect, but they are basically useless.

Only by spending it to arm yourself can its effect be manifested.

In this battle, many disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect also died, which made Ning Fengzhi feel heartbroken.

Of course, there are definitely not as many disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect who died as there were during the invasion of the Original Time and Space Spirit Hall.

The scene returns to the God Realm.

"Douluo Continent must not allow such powerful weapons to appear!"

The God of Destruction said with a frosty expression.

He knew who made this kind of guard mechanism without even thinking about it, and the error would not exceed fifty percent.

Either Villette or Fukalos!

Because of these two gods, Douluo Continent was completely crooked.

"How about removing all the ores on Douluo Continent?"

"In this case, they will not be able to produce weapons."

I don't know if it was the wise words that made the eyes of the gods twitch.

Instead of removing all the ores, it would be more practical to kill all humans and abandon Douluo Planet.

It's poisonous!

"The culprits are Navilette and Fukalos. Only by eliminating them can we solve the problem of omnics!"

The Evil God King said with an unchanged expression.

This time, life and goodness were silent.

If we don’t stop them, what if these guards attack the God Realm?

You know, the strongest of these guards has surpassed the peak of the quasi-gods!

If the number increases, even they will be scared.

What if, what if a more powerful guard appears, their God Realm will be in danger of extinction!

"Vote, this time, please consider carefully."

"They are indeed a hidden danger because they are unknown, but if we don't solve the current problem, they may attack the God Realm!"

Destruction said solemnly. He has always advocated attacking, but Shura, Life, and Kindness do not support it.

"This God supports it!"

The Evil God King expressed his support without thinking.

It is also a good thing to solve Fukaros first while Vilet is away.

Regardless of whether the other party has power behind him, the death of a powerful God King can also cause the other party to suffer heavy losses.

"I agree."

Without waiting for Kindness and Life to speak, Shura nodded and said.

He originally wanted to hand over the mess to Tang San, but he didn't expect that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

"How about letting Tang Chen..."

In the eyes of humans, Tang Chen's body is useless, but in the eyes of gods, as long as he still has a breath!

Of course, it can't be too miserable, otherwise, even if it is rescued, it will most likely be useless.

Gods are not omnipotent.

Four votes passed, no matter what life and kindness have to say, the attack has become the final decision.

"Call the first-level gods, second-level gods, third-level gods..."

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