The screen turned to the Soul Fighting Arena.

Fukalos sat alone in a box, watching Navilette who was the referee below.

A faint smile formed on her lips.

As for Dai Mubai's matter, she didn't take it to heart, he was just an insignificant person.

If he doesn't open his eyes again, he will kill him, so he will kill him.

Time passed, and around 12 o'clock in the morning, the fighting spirit arena ended.

After the audience dispersed, Navilette came to the box.

"How was your harvest today? Then Villette."

"Fortunately, before the protagonist group arrives, the increase rate will be slower. However, over time, the improvement will be quite large."

Villette thought for a moment and then said.

"We have plenty of time, don't we?"


Without the curse of wear and tear imposed by heaven, whether they are the Demon God or the Dragon King, their lifespans are endless.

He may be killed, but death from old age is almost impossible.

Especially the elemental apex creature, the Dragon King.

The older you get, the stronger you get!

"Excuse me, Miss Fukalos, who is beautiful and slippery, do you want to have a midnight snack?"

"Mr. Villette, shouldn't this kind of thing be decided by men?"

"Oh~ I forgot, Villette is still young..."

Fukalos covered his face with his hands and smiled.

A black line appeared on Villette's forehead. This guy is real leather! I can’t afford it!

After helping Fukalos put on her shoes, Villette hugged her like a princess.

"In that case, it's up to me to decide."

"Put me down, I'm so embarrassed!"

"I'm thick-skinned and not afraid."

"I'm afraid~"

After the two of them walked out of the Soul Fighting Arena, many of the surrounding lights had been extinguished, and there were only a few pedestrians on the road.

However, there are still many people eating late night snacks.

Especially those spectators who have just come out of the Soul Fighting Arena. This is why it is so late, and there are still many reasons why the surrounding stores are not closed.


Villette turned his head slightly, lowered his eyebrows, and looked at Fukalos. He and Fukalos were walking side by side. Looking at them like this, there was no intention of blocking his line of sight.

Hutao is a saint, and Fukalos is not much different. If this doesn't work, Fukalos must get rid of the title of "saint".

His Villette doesn't matter, but no matter how poor you are, you can't afford education, and no matter how hard it is, you can't suffer for your children!

"I think I know what I should have for dinner."

Villette murmured.

Fukalos only felt Villette's gaze glance over, and then he had an ominous premonition!

He glanced at Villette suspiciously and found that the other person had no expression on his face, as if nothing had happened. Fukalos became even more confused.

what's the situation?

"Villette, what were you thinking about just now?"


Villette said without blushing or heart beating.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly changed his mind and said, "Oh, yes, I was just thinking about preparing something to eat. By the way, the fruit over there seems pretty good."


Fukalos' beautiful eyes were filled with doubts, and she always felt that things were not that simple.

"Yes, that's what I thought!"

"Okay then, let's go over and try it."

As we all know, gods have no money. In order to get rid of this predicament, the God of Water withdrew from the divine book.

Therefore, Fukalos now has gold soul coins, including Villette's and the "meeting gift" given by the old man Lexius.

For ordinary people, they can live for several lifetimes.

The two of them didn't go far before they came to the place selling fruit. It was a medium-sized store.

At this time, there happened to be a few young heroes and two beauties visiting the store, but other than that, there was no one else.

"Sir, Miss, what do you two need?"

The boss said quickly when he saw someone coming.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a careful look at Villette and said excitedly: "Master Villette? Hello, I almost didn't recognize it just now. I, I am your fan!"

As soon as these words came out, the young talents and beauties in the store looked towards Villette almost at the same time.

To be called that by the store, this place is still near the spirit fighting arena. Could it be that a master came here?

These days, although they have heard of Villette's name, they have never delved into it.

Just a celebrity from a small place!

No matter how strong you are, how strong can you be?

However, they are so close now that they cannot afford not to pay attention!


Looking at this middle-aged man in his forties, Villette's eyes twitched. Aren't his fans all those girls?

"I'm very happy to get your recognition. Thank you!"

"Bring me a papaya juice, papaya platter, papaya..."

Hearing Villette say thank you, the boss was stunned for a moment. He was a fan of this person!

How could those adults in the past be as polite as Navilette?

The boss also quickly wrote down what Villette ordered.

He didn't feel anything was wrong, but Fukalos' expression became increasingly weird...

She lowered her head and looked at her toes, as if this was necessary!

"Just have some water at the end."

The others belong to Fukalos, and this clear water belongs to Navilette.

Fukalos: "..."

"Okay, Lord Villette, you sit down first, I will make arrangements right away!"

After the boss said this, he quickly ran towards the kitchen.

Yes, the chef!

The fruits sold here are food similar to platters, not whole fruits.

That is, processed fruit.

Villette and Fukalos calmly found a place to sit down.

"Boss, I don't know why, but I always feel that Villette is very strong?"

"Yufeng, don't tell me, I feel the same way, and it's very strong!"

"I always feel like he is sitting there like a giant terror. I don't even have much courage!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at this man with doubts.

This group of them is the members of Huang Dou's first team.

The so-called captain is a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and the grandson of the sect leader Yu Yuanzhen.

"Tianheng, are you kidding?"

"Yanzi, I never joke, you know."

Yu Tianheng's face was solemn, he stared at Villette and said.

This person gave him the feeling that he was facing his grandfather... No, it was as if he was facing a superior person. This was the throbbing from the martial soul.

He, Yu Tianheng, couldn't control his martial soul without being afraid!

This is also where Yu Tianheng is puzzled. You must know that his martial spirit is the best beast martial spirit in the world: the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Although everyone's voices were low, Villette and Fukalos...

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