Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,048 Subtle misunderstanding,

"I have to remind you not to try to use the power of tulip to fight against the God Realm." Cheng Ying poured cold water on A1 who was eager to try.

"Is it because Tulip is not strong enough to fight against the God Realm? Or is it that a war with the God Realm will cause irreparable losses to Tulip?

That's right, if Tulip is forced to go to a barren alien planet, even if Tulip has stronger technology, it may be difficult to develop and grow. It is normal for Tulip to be unable to fight against the gods. "A1 was not angry when he was exposed. Instead, he carefully analyzed the reasons.

"Ah...this..." Cheng Ying's expression became even weirder. Can he say that he had already destroyed a god realm by boasting about fighting in the universe?

"How did you come up with such a conjecture!" Cheng Ying was too embarrassed to tell the truth.

However, A1 explained seriously: "The fact that you chose to leave Douluo Planet at the beginning proves that your leaders at that time were not optimistic about the outcome of the war with the God Realm.

Until now, Tulip has not returned to the Douluo planet where it is most suitable for survival. From now on, it is not difficult to infer that Tulip is not ready for a counterattack. It may have become stronger after these years of development. But there is still not much chance of winning.

As the planet that gave birth to humans, Douluo Planet is undoubtedly one of the most suitable planets for human survival in the universe. If it has enough ability to take back this planet, I don't think Tulip will give up this opportunity. "

"Well... I probably understand where the misunderstanding between us lies. You probably don't understand the technological system in the real world, so this misunderstanding arises.

In the real world universe, there is more than one planet that gave birth to human beings, which means that there are a large number of such planets suitable for human survival in the universe. The natural resources and climate environment of individual planets are even more suitable for human survival than Douluo.

As early as fifty years ago, Tulip had the technology to pass sublight-speed atoms through space at high speed and leave behind coordinates. It could reach other planets at a very small cost.

And it has very low-cost space transmission technology. The difficulty of interstellar colonization is simpler than you think. It does not necessarily require mastering the technology of light speed navigation.

So you may have misunderstood. Tulip's living environment after leaving Douluo Planet. Not long after leaving, Tulip began interstellar colonization, and even acquired a considerable amount of high-tech from some star fields with more developed civilizations. "

It is normal for A1 to have misunderstandings. Most people think of evacuating to the moon for development. They will all regard it as the situation of the Germans in Steel Sky.

It's extremely steampunk, the spaceship can use hydrogen bombs as machine guns, and it's unusually large. Everyone lives crowded in the spaceship, and living resources are rationed. Materials are often in short supply, and the living conditions are quite harsh. For decades, they have worked hard to climb the technological tree and built a large number of spaceships just to counterattack the God Realm.

It sounds quite inspiring, but it is also quite hard. In contrast, nowadays, the guys living on the moon have transformed the moon's surface out of the atmosphere, and the living environment is even more comfortable than that of Douluo Planet.

A1 recalculated based on the information given by Cheng Ying, and suddenly felt that Tulip's strength was unfathomable. According to original records, hundreds of millions of Tulip personnel were evacuated through space transfer, and these people colonized alien planets. It has been close to three generations. Under the policy of not restricting births, it is still small for the population to increase ten times, not to mention that they will definitely absorb many local indigenous people.

Over the years, as long as the political skills are not so bad that the racial discrimination is very serious, the local indigenous people have basically accepted the education.

For civilizing the natives,

Even though Cheng Ying has no experience, some things are in his blood. As a time traveler born in the land of China, he seems to be born knowing how to assimilate barbarians into his own people.

Compared with the sharp racial conflicts in the Lighthouse Country, almost no one in Tulip thinks about the issue of race, because everyone has discovered a situation, that is, the number of ethnic minorities in other colonies is getting smaller and smaller, no matter what race they are. After giving birth to a child, they will try their best to change the race on their household registration to Han with unknown meaning. If they dare to change it, others will believe it, making all the ethnic groups on other planets really become ethnic minorities...

Although there are still some black spots in the region, for example, people from the Dzi Bead Planet cannot urinate in the same pot as people from the Bacchus Planet, and people from the Devil's Law Planet have stereotypes about the Ice Fire Demon Chef Planet.

But these are just trivial matters and are of no importance. This kind of prejudice will usually be ignored after meeting each other, and then it is discovered that everyone is actually the same. Who makes the cost of interstellar travel now very low? They all live in the same country. , you don’t need a passport when you go out, just bring your household registration.

In this case, fifty or sixty years will definitely be enough for this country to have a population of tens of billions. In terms of the scientific research atmosphere within this country, its technological development speed may be comparable to that of the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It's hard to imagine how powerful war weapons they have developed now.

No matter how powerful the gods are, they may still be powerless against interstellar war-level weapons. The other party didn't attack back. I'm afraid the only reason is that there is no need.

According to Cheng Ying, there are a lot of planets suitable for human survival in the universe. And the cost of going there is very low, so go back to the crowded Douluo Star. The thankless task of occupying a planet that has been over-exploited and suffered massive environmental pollution. It's completely unnecessary.

"It seems that I did have some misunderstandings. So what is the current technological level of Tulip?" A1 is not worried about how much trouble Tulip's technological advancement will cause her. In comparison, Tulip's technological advancement On the contrary, it is easier to deal with than falling behind.

Just like the God Realm, none of these guys can even get online. Electronic equipment is never used, and the powerful data capabilities of the derivatives are useless in front of these guys.

It's like a super hacker facing a group of cannibals with big sticks. There is no doubt that the unlucky hacker will be knocked unconscious with a stick and dragged back to the pot.

On the contrary, if the opponent's technology is advanced. There is probably no way to break away from electronic devices. No matter how powerful the human spirit is, the brain has limitations. It is impossible to think about everything comprehensively and as accurately as a program. As long as this cannot be changed, it will be difficult for humans to escape from electronic devices.

A1 does not think that the human firewall can block her intrusion, otherwise she should have been cleared by the system long ago.

[To be continued]

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