Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,067 Defeated and Captured

Yake faced unprecedented pressure from the three thousand air force. With so many enemies, even he felt that he was no match at all. Even if he can shoot one down in two seconds. It would probably take him more than an hour to solve so many problems.

More than an hour later, the 100,000-strong army of infected people had already torn down the city wall and marched away.

In contrast, the reinforcements from the Tiandou Empire were held back by the main force of the infected. It would take a while before he could come over, and before he knew it, the thoughts in his mind had changed from defeating the enemy. It became a matter of delaying enough time among these three thousand enemy troops.

In the following battle, although his performance was still stunning, it lacked the overwhelming momentum at the beginning.

He no longer had the courage to move forward in spite of thousands of people, which he had at the beginning. This does not mean that he is timid. But normal people would not think that they can really fight one against a thousand. Even if this kind of thing is theoretically true, there are many things that are theoretically true.

Theoretically, if you do a hundred push-ups and a hundred sit-ups every day, you can easily build enviable muscles. But in reality, there are a few people who actually do it.

Even those who can firmly believe that they can do it are probably not too many.

It is completely normal for Yak to be shaken when facing a large army. It would be better to say that he dared to charge forward in the face of a hundred times his own number. You are a sign of very strong self-confidence.

"Damn, there are too many of these guys to handle. How about we withdraw. With your current achievements, even if you are an infected person, they can't continue to suppress you. They even have to find ways to establish you as a role model. . To win over those infected people who have not chosen to commit treason in the country.

We don't have much energy anymore, and our bodies have begun to suffer damage. If you keep fighting, you might be in trouble! "Russell suggested from the back row. In fact, this is the way of thinking for normal people. To change your mind and kill an enemy that is a hundred times more than yourself, that would be truly arrogant.

"Even if you can't meet, you still have to find a way to hold them back. The bomber formation is here. Even if you can't absolutely protect them from returning home safely, you must at least support them in completing the bombing.

Drop a few nuclear bombs. It should be delayed for a while longer. After the launched missiles fly over, the problem should be solved. Damn it, what on earth were the higher-ups thinking? There is obviously a missile launch vehicle. They didn't even come over, and now they have to launch missiles from the base. "

"But we are about to run out of energy. What are you using to delay us? Without the protection of the mecha, your combat effectiveness may not be as good as the soldiers on the opposite side."

Russell was telling the truth, saying that even the weakest infected person could rival the Soul Saint. That compares to the Soul Saint whose soul rings were the best match back then, but now. What is the soul saint with the white and yellow soul rings of Yi Shui? Even if Yake is a Soul Douluo, the highest one only has a thousand-year soul ring. Without the mecha, he really can't even defeat the soldiers on the opposite side.

"We have enemies without energy, don't we? You should be able to replace the energy source of the mecha. Be prepared. I will open the shield in a moment and take the energy block into the cockpit."

"F*ck! Are you crazy? You actually turned off the shield on the battlefield. We will be shot into a hornet's nest in an instant." Russell almost jumped up.

With the enemy's current firepower, if the mecha didn't have a shield, a few bullets could kill two people.

"Don't be nervous, haven't you noticed that even with the shield on, almost no bullets hit us? In fact, as long as you stay calm, it is not that difficult to dodge every stray bullet. Trust my operation. I was just firing I have tried it with the shield on, trying not to take a single bullet.

It can be done. "

"Damn! Is that the same? You can do it with the shield on, but it may not be possible if you turn it off!" Russell wanted to jump off the plane.

Many things can be done easily as long as you calm down, but it is not that easy to calm down. If you can think completely calmly when playing games, then everyone will be a professional player. It’s just that all games where you can’t get hurt are like this. You may die at any time. On a battlefield filled with bullets, trying to stay calm forever is simply a fantasy.

However, at this time, it was too late to stop it. Yak has closed the shield, put the huge sniper rifle on his back again, and replaced the weapon with a pair of beam sabers.

The original long-distance sniping has turned into a close-up fight. At this point, the mecha still has a huge advantage compared to the occupation.

The fighter plane has no limbs. Facing the cutting of the beam saber, it has no ability to resist at all. With two swipes, the wings of the fighter plane were cut off.

The next fate of this fighter plane is to crash. Of course... such a one-time thing cannot return smoothly in the first place.

Yake controlled the beam saber in the mecha's hand, flying in mid-air like a butcher undressing a cow. Dismantle the enemy's mecha into parts and grab the energy block inside. Just prepare to stuff it back into your cockpit.

Under normal circumstances, he could start a war like this and keep going without running out of energy and being dragged to death.

However, he ignored one problem. That is, after the fighter plane was cut and exploded, there was still a pilot inside. Under normal circumstances, the driver would have the cultivation level of a titled Douluo. Facing a fast mecha in the air, there is basically nothing you can do. If you can't catch up, what can you do?

However, no one stipulates that the strongest fighter among the infected can only be a titled Douluo.


The sword light turned into a sky-shattering rainbow, and the pair of beam sabers in Yake's hands were eclipsed in front of the sword that was like a thunderous giant.

The root algorithm is not invincible. What he is most afraid of is this kind of unexpected situation. The prerequisite for not making mistakes is at least that he can react and deal with it. But the probability of cutting open a mecha and revealing a demigod is much lower than the probability of randomly opening a blind box and revealing an SSR. This gave him no time to react.

In fact, the score he cut in front of him was completely delivered to the door on purpose. Can you still not see the threat from him even though the infection is so difficult? Obviously it's impossible. Naturally, we have to find a way to solve this hidden danger first. The easiest way to solve the hidden danger is to kill him instantly with crushing strength without giving him any room to show off his skills.

In front of Jinghong's sword light, Yak indeed had no room to operate. What was even more unfortunate was that he had already removed his shield.

In a flash, the mecha he relied on was cut in half. A Contra faced a demigod, and the outcome of the battle was self-evident.

[To be continued]

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