Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,069: Breaking the Queen

The continuous explosions forced the army of infected people to slow down. The migration of 100,000 people was originally a very difficult thing. Now it is necessary to constantly defend against successive missile attacks. The speed is even slower.

But the missile arrived a little too late after all. The army had already rushed to the city wall, and the infected were at the front of the queue. One after another, they took out special spears, which were mixed with magic lines and mechanical pipelines. They looked quite steampunk.

The function of this thing is to disintegrate the barrier from the outside, even if fighter planes bombard it, it can destroy the shield. The barrier solidified on the surface of the Yangtze River is not so easy to destroy.

The steel city wall protected by the barrier can withstand even nuclear explosions. This is why they have to get close to the city wall before launching an attack.

As the spear with these characteristics was inserted into the city wall, the magic circuit inside the spear began to communicate with the city wall barrier, and then resonated, and the barrier guarding the west wall collapsed in an instant.

Next, it’s a head-on battle. After the barrier was broken, the missile sweep had to stop.

Otherwise, wouldn't he have to kill his own people as well? A few years ago, this might have happened. But now, after experiencing peaceful days, we are carrying out this kind of bombing without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy. Public opinion is about to explode.

There were so many infected people, and the vanguard group was so powerful that the defenders on the city wall couldn't hold on for long before falling into a rout. Just because of the time delayed by the previous explosion.

There was obviously not enough time for the army to pass through the city wall. Dozens of the strongest metal-infected people cast spells at the same time, tearing open a large hole more than fifty meters wide at the foot of the nearly 100-meter-thick city wall.

Letting the army pass under the city wall and attacking this section of the city wall is not a step that can be omitted. Otherwise, even if they can tear the steel city wall apart, the imperial army will be condescending on top of the city wall. It can also cause huge losses to migrating infected people, and the most important thing is not the loss. If there is constant harassment from above the city wall, the speed of crossing the city wall will undoubtedly drop significantly.

Even if they did their best, only 60% of the infected people managed to get out in the end, and reinforcements from the Imperial Army arrived.

Indeed, the Imperial Army's mecha division was held back, but it was still possible to dilute the forces on that side and force out 20,000 elite soldiers.

Although attacking 100,000 infected people head-on is no different from seeking death. But as long as you can hold them back, it won't be long before the Vast Sea Xuanqi Army regains its combat effectiveness. When they recover, if these infected people have not yet evacuated, the only possibility is to be surrounded and exterminated.

As a last resort, the infected who had broken through had no choice but to abandon those who had not yet passed through the city wall, leaving three hundred suicide squads behind. After the self-explosion bombs extracted from the crystals of the infected were broken, the 60,000 infected who broke through quickly evacuated.

The infected who were left behind had no choice but to evacuate back to the encirclement, but this time the evacuation was much more difficult. The Imperial Army had already arrived with a large amount of support, and all the elites in the army of infected were escorting the six ahead. Thousands of people left.

It is no longer possible for the remaining people to withdraw completely into the dungeon.

But this is a magical world after all, and your individual power can play a considerable role on the battlefield. In front of the two formations, a red-haired woman stood alone, her eyes seemed to be burning with red flames, and she was holding a A giant chainsword.

The jet-black armor on his body had been damaged in many places, and sparks were popping out, but it still did not affect his intimidation.

Who can possess this level of deterrence on the battlefield of this era?

It can only be a demigod, and it cannot be a demigod with average combat power. It must be a strong person with top-notch qualifications and strength.

Although the number of infected people is small, in a sense, each of them is considered to be gifted, and this talent is earned through lifespan. Their short lifespan is destined to be extremely bright after burning.

The red-haired woman on the battlefield was undoubtedly the leader. The chain sword in her hand roared, and flames rose into the sky.

Even though the weapon in her hand was just a simple soul guide, the power she could exert should not be underestimated. In front of her, she drew a line with the chain sword in her hand.

Anyone who crosses this line will be killed without mercy.

Even though she was embarrassed, even though she had been fighting fiercely against the army alone for nearly half an hour, she actually did what she said and would cross this path. Kill everyone on the line.

No matter how strong she is alone, she cannot do this, but she can mobilize the clouds of the legion. The purple clouds mix with the flames and turn into a torrent of high temperature that destroys everything. Even with a legion-level shield, He couldn't block such a blow.

The earth was devastated, and deep crystal canyons were cut out of the purple desert, making it difficult for the tank troops on the ground to move forward.

"Sister Han! Withdraw! The time has almost passed and the supporting troops have arrived."

"Okay, that's it for today!" Chen Zihan nodded, raised the chain sword in his hand, and struck everything on the ground. Suddenly, a wall of fire a hundred feet high rose on the ground.

Then he slashed towards the sky, as if to chop the sky into pieces. All the missiles in the sky were detonated in mid-air. Continuous explosions sounded, and the sky seemed to be on fire.

the other side……

Yak was not executed immediately after being captured. It is understandable to kill the enemy on the battlefield. Since you can kill my people, you can naturally be killed, but killing prisoners is another matter.

The infected are not reckless, they already have their own organization and order. Naturally, we need to abide by some rules agreed between civilizations.

The most important thing is that after capturing Yake, the military doctor checked him for symptoms of infection. Moreover, he was not infected just now, but had already undergone surgery to remove the crystals from his body.

In other words, when he was on the battlefield, he knew that he was an infected person, but he still launched a fierce attack on the coalition forces who were also infected.

Regarding his evaluation, the infected people are polarized. Some people admire his loyalty. Although he is an enemy, his character is admirable and he should be given a decent death.

Others believe that this person is an infected person but does not consider the interests of the infected people at all. He is willing to become a lackey of the empire. He has committed a heinous crime. He should be brainwashed and then trained to become a tool of the infected people.

Thinking about his previous miraculous driving skills, even if they have declined after being brainwashed, he should still be extremely powerful.

[To be continued]

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