Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1071 The World of the Infected

During the interrogation process, it is not just the answers given by the other party. to get the information you want.

The expressions, movements, tone, and emotions of the person being interrogated can all reveal a lot of information. Even though Yak didn't answer any questions directly, his performance had already revealed a lot of information.

When a person faces a question, the performance of knowing the answer and not knowing the answer are completely different. Even if Yake tries to pretend that he knows but does not say anything, it will not help in front of a professional micro-expression master. He is just a responsible person. The warriors who fight have not received professional training. The more they try to cover up, the more they are exposed.

On the back of the one-way glass, Chen Zihan asked the psychology expert responsible for analyzing Yak's reaction: "Apart from the fact that he doesn't know the information, what else can be seen?"

"Human psychology is very complex, and it is impossible for me to completely understand what he is thinking. But there is no doubt that he is also resentful towards the Tiandou Empire. It can be seen that the treatment he received from the opposite side is not good. "

"Then what do you think is the probability of convincing him to submit to us?"

"The probability is not high, but he is at a loss now. This is an opportunity to convince him. His loyalty to the Tiandou Empire is not high. He is just loyal to his profession. You can start from this aspect."

Chen Zihan nodded and had a rough idea in her mind. Although she was powerful in combat, she was not the leader of the infected. In order to fight for the right to deal with Yake, she took on a lot of pressure, but she felt that it was all worth it. of.

Not only because of the ace pilot's powerful combat ability, but also to set an example. Even Yak, who almost foiled the infected plan, can be accepted by the infected. Why are other soldiers infected in the battle rejected? ?

Chen Zihan signaled that the interrogation could end here and asked everyone else to leave. He opened the one-way glass and walked towards Yake.

"It's you!" Yake's expression finally changed. He still remembered the sword light that instantly tore its mecha, and the red-haired figure that released the sword light.

"Is it surprising? Even in the empire, demigods are treated very well, right?" Chen Zihan casually untied Yak's handcuffs. This behavior was not reckless. Yak also knew very well that he was in a There is absolutely nothing that can happen in front of the demigod.

"Your physical condition looks very bad." Chen Zihan looked at Yake, who had tried several times and still stood up from the chair in severe pain.

"It seems that you have just been injected with a crystal blood inhibitor. It will be very painful after the first injection, but you will be fine after that. Don't worry, basically all the infected people in the city have been injected."

"You've all been injected? I remember you were at least 300,000 people. Where did you get so many drugs?" Facing the person who defeated him, Yake relaxed, as if old enemies often cherish each other.

"Nothing is impossible. Maybe you have never understood what a city of infected people looks like." Chen Zihan handed Yake a piece of hard candy wrapped in white paper: "If you hold it in your mouth, you will feel better."

Yake did not doubt this, but was a little confused about the packaging of this hard candy. There was no pattern at all, just wrapped in ordinary oil paper.

"Of course I know about the city of infected people. I used to fly over your heads once a week. My martial soul is my eyes, so I can clearly see your situation. It is precisely because I fly over your heads every week. It has to pass through your head once to become infected.

By the way, I personally submitted the report that your number exceeds 300,000. "Yake seemed to have no desire to survive.

Chen Zihan smiled bitterly,

This was something she didn't expect at all. The early outbreak of the war would cause much greater losses to the infected than the breakout just now, but she didn't expect that it was all caused by one person.

"You are really not afraid of death. Forget it, executing you is not important to us. The people do not have a serious dislike for you. There is no need for a public execution to make people angry. Your life or death actually depends on it. about your own attitude."

"Then what's my attitude now?"

"You are dead."

"Hahaha, so you are here to change my attitude? So I should thank you." Yake smiled for the first time after being captured.

"If you survive in the future, I don't mind accepting your thanks." Chen Zihan patted Yake on the shoulder: "Follow me, I think you should also want to know about those infected people outside your field of vision. , what kind of life are you living? You can’t deny that you are already one of the infected people.”

Yake did not refuse. He was also curious about what the lives of the infected were like.

After leaving the interrogation room, the two walked down the stairs two floors before leaving the building. Just as Yak guessed, this was a field hospital, and only this kind of hospital would be equipped with an interrogation room.

But the scene outside the hospital shocked him.

The dirty streets in the imagination did not exist, there were only smooth concrete roads. Most of the people on the streets were in a hurry, and they seemed to have their own things to be busy with.

The most common means of transportation is the soul bicycle. Although it has not been disassembled, the principle is simple and can be seen at a glance. It was a machine that could be pedaled or controlled by soul power.

The infected people have strong physical fitness and huge soul power in their bodies. Even if they are just riding bicycles, their speed is faster than common motor vehicles outside.

The only shortcoming is that there is no greenery such as street trees on both sides of the street. The style is as simple as in the hospital, and everything is practical. Even so, it is much better than he imagined.

Looking into the distance, there were tall buildings all around. The tall buildings in his impression were different. The buildings here were as neat as the teeth of a comb.

Every building seems to be carved from the same mold, only a few are different.

"Well... let's go eat first! At this time, the hospital canteen is closed." Chen Zihan walked in front, and a bicycle was pushed up by the roadside outside.

"The cars here are all the same, how do you tell whose car it is?" Yak didn't see any marks on the car.

"There is no need to distinguish that these are public." He glanced at Yake: "But it's not entirely true, at least you don't have the right to use it."

Yake didn't mind this, but he just wondered: "Is the moral level of the infected people enough for you to turn bicycles into public resources?"

Chen Zihan shook his head: "The moral level of human beings will never reach that high level, but in a society where the concept of private ownership is extremely downplayed, we can barely make everyone consciously care for these cars."

[To be continued]

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