Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,117 Dramatic Ending

Zhu Zhuqing faced an almost irresistible force. In desperation, he can only use his last trump card, the reincarnation of the dirty land!

This move was the one she was least willing to use. From any angle, such a blasphemous move was not in line with his views. But Inte has made it very clear that this is a war. In war, it is impossible to give up those strategic abilities because of personal moral obscurity.

This is not the world of Hokage, so she cannot summon all generations of Hokage, but she can summon those who died in this world and control them.

Whether they were players, NPCs, or derivatives, they were all summoned in an instant. They were densely packed and numbered at least dozens.

Facing the overwhelming data flow, they each showed their magical powers and tried their best to resist. Zhu Zhuqing is definitely the number one in terms of hard power in this competition, and he definitely deserves it, just for this move right now. It was enough for him to fight. All other players in this match. And the most important thing is that the body reincarnated by the dirty soil is immortal, and once the enemy is killed in battle, they can be summoned to join the army.

Under this ebb and flow, even all the players found it difficult to fight against her, but the opponent he faced this time was too exaggerated. The strength spans at least two major versions. Even if the body reincarnated by the dirty earth is broken into pieces, it can still recover itself. There is nothing we can do in the face of such a dense and tidal flow of data. It can only remain in a fragmented state, with no time to recover.

Zhu Zhuqing can still support himself, but the players are in bad luck. Yake seemed to have activated Wushuang, charging into the formation single-handedly, killing players like Wushuang mowing grass.

He didn't dare to do this at first because he was not physically strong enough. If he were to attack head-on, his wrist would probably be broken before he could kill everyone.

But it's different now. He has a lot of krypton gold props, which are not only one-time attack and defense skills, but also physical strengthening skills. In a short period of time, his body can be strengthened to be no weaker than these top ones. level of fighting players.

You don't need to be physically stronger than them, you just need to have the same strength. Yak is invincible. In previous battles, if he didn't activate Link Time, whether it was speed, strength or the power of his skills, he would be at an absolute disadvantage. Downwind. The only way to win is to keep showing off and use more gorgeous operations.

But now, as long as he plays solidly and steadily, no one can defeat him.

No one's attacks could touch him, and he didn't dodge a single attack before he could enter Link's world and start a storm of attacks.

After fighting for a while, a player finally saw that something was wrong and quickly shouted: "Don't attack casually.

You won't stop all range attacks, otherwise you will simply add a buff to the guy on the opposite side. "

His suggestion is undoubtedly correct. For Yake, who is 100% able to dodge attacks and enter Link's Time, the enemy's attack is a buff for him. Only range attacks basically cannot trigger Link's Time.

However, this does not stop him from killing. If others do not attack him, he can also attack himself. After releasing the bomb, he can use the perfect shield to dodge his own attack. This is the most powerful Zelda game. Gorgeous Dalkel Raid!

The moment he got many krypton gold props, the players were no longer his opponents. Seeing that the player here was about to die before Zhu Zhuqing over there, Yinte shouted: "Save someone under the knife!"

Yak's blade was less than an inch away from Oscar's neck. Hearing these words, Oscar stopped suddenly. Oscar looked at the blade expressionlessly, without taking half a step back, but shouted: "Everyone, die quickly! I don't want to." If your body is taken away from you, commit suicide immediately!"

For a moment, the players didn't react yet, what's going on? Oscar had already taken a step forward. He hit the blade and died.

The players suddenly realized it, although they were not sure whether they would be taken away after death. Of course, thinking about it, the probability of surviving is higher than being caught alive in the end.

For a moment, they all used their strongest skills to greet themselves.

When Yak saw this scene, he didn't stop and just committed suicide. This was already expected by him, although he was not sure whether Inte could seize the bodies of dead players in the game? But this is meaningless, the krypton gold props on him have not disappeared yet! This proves at least one thing. Ning Rongrong is still alive.

Since some players are still alive, it doesn't matter if these people here die.

Just when he had this idea, the effects of the kryptonite props on his body suddenly disappeared.

Almost at the same time, the reincarnated army of the dirty land finally couldn't resist, and Zhu Zhuqing was crushed into data fragments.

Yake didn't understand how Ning Rongrong died. Subconsciously, he looked at Oscar, whose body and head were separated, and saw a strange smile on his face, as if he was mocking.

Yake quickly scanned the corpses here. He had sneaked into the player's team, and he naturally knew who was there. Only then did he notice that there were a few people missing from the player's team. They were tricked by Oscar. Several NPCs.

At this moment, Yake's mind was like an electric shock, and he finally understood what was going on, but it was already too late.

Oscar's plan from the beginning was not to defeat the Derivatives. No one knew better than him the huge gap in strength between the two sides, and he would not take any chances with the gap between them.

Therefore, instead of defeating the derivatives, it is better to destroy the group directly. As long as no one is left alive, it will be difficult for the derivatives to take over!

He probably already knew when Zhu Zhuqing left the team. This girl was wrongly accused, so she asked the NPC she had fooled to contact Zhu Zhuqing who had left.

Then he followed the clues left by the derivatives along the way and found Ning Rongrong's hiding place.

If there are only two NPCs, even if they can find Ning Rongrong, they will not be able to rescue her without anyone noticing. But Zhu Zhuqing can, and she can even leave a clone of her transformation skill to deceive those people. Guard's sight and hearing.

The role of the two NPCs is to kill Ning Rongrong at the right time. This right time is probably the moment when the player group is wiped out, and the person responsible for delivering this news... is undoubtedly Zhu Zhuqing here, and also Only her strength can support the other players until the group is wiped out, and the way to deliver the message is also very simple. As long as she dies, the clones left next to the two NPCs will disappear. This is also the reason why the krypton gold props lose their effect. , almost the same time as Zhu Zhuqing died in battle.

Yake understood everything almost instantly, but now it was too late.

[To be continued]

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