Tang San spent all his time studying in the sealed space. He had a time flow rate ten times that of the outside world. In order to facilitate future crisis moments, the citizens of Tulip quickly mastered knowledge in the sealed space, and time accelerated thirty-two times as well, causing Tang San to study in it. For several years, the outside material has passed for a few days.

But he finally found that he had reached his limit. Although he had mastered a lot of knowledge over the years. But it became clearer and clearer. It is no longer possible for one person to master a huge industrial system.

All-rounders like Leonardo da Vinci and Newton are no longer possible in this era of extremely complex technological systems.

Although he can still learn

It will come later, but the area of ​​each layer of the pyramid increases geometrically. The same goes for the books and knowledge inside.

Even if he is studying day and night, if he wants to complete the next level, he will have to speed up the time by several years, and if he wants to go to the upper level, it will take even more time to count.

He needs to consider more than just how much he has learned. It is even more important to consider how long his real body can last. In case his real-life team feels that his body is hopeless, continue to maintain nerve connections. It's nothing more than a waste of electricity. If your mother's power is cut off, it will be a lot of fun.

When the time comes, he will have a belly full of knowledge, but he will not be able to return to his body and can only be a ghost in the Internet. Then it is useless no matter how much he learns.

Considering the ugly face of the team boss, that capitalist, Tang San felt that the time he could endure had almost reached its limit. The next step would probably be to kill his own body in real life, and then use public opinion to hype up a garbage game that would kill people. , a well-known game player, was brain-dead while trapped in the game. He is only five years old and so on. After enjoying a wave of popularity and making a wave of money, his real body is probably going to be thrown into the river.

So after he left the pyramid, he immediately jumped back to the data link layer, relying on the luck given to him by the protagonist's halo, and returned to his body without any danger.

Although only half a month had passed in real time, he felt as if he was in another world. After all, half a month in reality was more than ten years for him who had been studying hard.

In the ward, Tang San, wearing a neural connection helmet on his head, was lying peacefully on the bed.

The doctor came to Tang Hao and told him the bad news. At this time, in front of him was a critical illness notice. After consultation with famous teachers, the hospital concluded that the patient was brain dead and the brain could no longer be released. Any meaningful neural signal.

If Tang Hao cannot pay the astronomical medical expenses,

Then I'm afraid the only option is euthanasia.

Tang Hao tightened the critical illness notice in his hand. Even though he had managed to solve his identity problem through various means over the years, the drug addiction he unfortunately contracted has become an incurable disease. Even though he relied on powerful He tried hard to restrain his will, but this thing couldn't be completely rid of by a strong will. It was still difficult for him to accumulate much savings over the years, and it wasn't even as big as the bonus Tang San got.

Even if all of it is used to pay for expensive medical bills, I'm afraid it can only last for three days.

After a long silence, Tang Hao said in a tired voice: "I will take her back and maintain his neural connection. I believe that sooner or later he will wake up."

"Although we don't want to hurt you, your child has completely lost his brain function. I'm afraid..." the doctor said helplessly.

"I said I would take him away! Even if he will always be a vegetable for the rest of his life, I will keep him!"

The doctor was silent, and after a moment he said to the nurse beside him: "Go through the discharge procedures! And prescribe him a set of vegetative life-sustaining drugs." After speaking, the doctor turned to Tang Hao and said: "The patient's brainstem is still intact and can be treated. Make a swallowing action, so you don’t have to rely on injections for a living. Pay attention to turning the patient over frequently and cleaning the bedding. For patients with weakened immunity, if they stay in the same position for a long time, it is likely to cause skin ulcers... and... well, for a while I can’t explain clearly. This is my communication account. If you add me, if you encounter any problems in the future, you can contact me. "

Tang Hao nodded, sincerely thanked him, and then came to Tang San's hospital bed and looked at his tender cheeks. For some reason, he always felt that Tang San had just cried, and there seemed to be undried tears in the corners of his eyes.

It's just that he was worried about touching the nerve connection device on Tang San's head, so he didn't reach out to touch it.

Tang San didn't know if it was time for him to wake up. He completely heard the conversation outside. He had always been somewhat dissatisfied with his decadent, drug-addicted, and incompetent father, at least not I mostly agree that this man whose mental age is not much older than myself is my father, but this time...

Tang San didn't know how to express his current mood, so he continued to pretend to be in a vegetative state. During the process of being transported back to the simple rental house, his heart was always racing, looking forward to the joy of meeting again.

In contrast, Tang Hao's mood was much heavier. During the process of transferring Tang San, he kept staring at the signal on the mobile terminal, and asked the driver of the ambulance without listening: "How is the WiFi in your car?" In this way, will it suddenly break halfway through?"

He was worried that once Tang San's neural connection was broken, it would never be able to be connected again. The driver was very impatient when he asked me about it. I got out of the window and wanted to yell at him, but I saw a middle-aged man with a majestic figure and a vicissitudes of life. The young man, with a flattering and even humble look in his eyes, was expecting a positive answer from him. He opened his mouth for a moment and suppressed all the reproachful words.

"It's okay, don't worry! The signal of this car is good. They are running around the city and can't cut off the signal."

The car started to move, Tang Hao leaned on the seat tiredly, looking at Tang San, feeling that he was so powerless, his fighting power was at a disadvantage in this era. It is still considered high-end, with two yellow, two purple, four black, and one red soul ring configuration. In this era, it is even more dazzling and difficult to look at.

But he has great abilities, but he can't even get a network signal. He begged his grandfather and grandma to let the communication company pull the network cable to their shantytown, and he was charged five times the Internet fee every year.

In this era, force can no longer decide everything. They are not the strong ones with advanced productivity, they are just one of the thousands of people. Tang Hao's waist has been bent bit by bit by the pressure of life. He returned home and settled down with Tang Hao. Third, after seeing off the driver who was helping, Tang Hao let out a long sigh, leaned on the chair, got himself a cup of hot water, and just watched the heat rising quietly. He was tired and wanted to rest for a while...

In a daze, he heard the creaking sound of the inferior door shaft turning. He turned around and saw a thin figure in a hospital gown trying to push open the door with his weak arms, looking at him with tears in his eyes.

"Dad! I'm back!"

[To be continued]

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