Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,128 Secret Development

Not only was Cheng Ying relieved, but the Ice Emperor was also completely relieved this time. After hanging out with Cheng Ying for so many years, she had somewhat understood the laws of development of civilization.

Simply relying on the promotion of one genius, the development speed of civilization will always be limited, even one. Small accidents can turn history upside down.

Just like the original historical trajectory of Douluo Continent, it is impossible to say that there is really no scientist who has understood scientific ideas in tens of thousands of years, but in such a social environment, it is impossible for such a person to have no chance. The only way to get ahead is to be a servant of a strong man, collectively called a craftsman, and be ordered around by others.

Nowadays, the social environment of Douluo Continent has been much better, at least there is a soil for the development of science and technology. It is a pity that Tang San has no intention of revealing the knowledge he has mastered, let alone the consciousness of sharing it with anyone. Under such preconditions, it would be difficult to trigger a technological explosion.

In the small rental house in Tiandou City, Tang San could not suppress the ecstasy in his heart as he looked at the orders that were flying in like snow flakes. Although the figures he sold were all pirated goods and the price was slightly lower than the genuine ones, but If we really want to talk about quality, there are really many places where genuine products can’t be beat.

Most of the people who have purchased it are repeat customers, and they will also frantically plant grass with the people around them. After all, the figure on hand is made with too much detail. He cannot buy this kind of workmanship without four figures, and this is still... Why don’t you quickly show off to your friends around you?

As a result, more and more people knew that there was such a small workshop that made pirated copies, and the workmanship was as good as that produced by the imported nanoprinter. Orders came in in droves, and Tang San had almost no problem with production capacity.

The unlocked soul power he currently controls has reached his upper limit, which is level 20, and he is not in a hurry to upgrade now. The seal of soul power made him understand that the amount of soul power did not completely represent the strength of combat power.

The precision of control can better reflect the power, just like a. A balloon filled with water is much larger than a needle, both in terms of mass and volume, but a needle only needs a slight poke. The water ball will explode instantly.

Tang San is like this now. He can control quite microscopic existences. When fighting an enemy, he doesn't need to collide with energy at all. He can directly stimulate the opponent's internal organs through electric current, causing the opponent's organ failure and cardiac arrest.

Unless one's soul power is much higher than his, it would be difficult to escape the fate of being killed instantly by him.

Now that he had some money, Tang San couldn't help but start to think about establishing his own business. It was necessary to apply for a genuine trademark and open a genuine figure manufacturing factory.

The two-spined salamanders are a group that is quite willing to spend money.

With his craftsmanship, he can definitely occupy the market for blockbusters, but Tang San also knew it very well. Don't look at how easy it is for him to make money now. That's because it's all small money. Others look down upon it.

If he really opened a big factory. That will inevitably affect the interests of other peers. At that time, malicious competition may even lead to retaliation and personal attacks. It's all possible.

Don't think that the so-called business war is just a strategic confrontation, relying on refreshing and unimaginable business innovations to drive your opponents to death.

The real business war is to directly poison the opposite boss's tea, hire people to break bricks on the opposite side's way to get off work, and the hacker skills may not be so superb, and the game is played on the Internet.

The real electronic warfare is likely to be that the company opposite has bribed the security guard of your home, and then crazy plugged and unplugged network cables downstairs in your home, making you think you have been attacked by a violent network. This is the legendary physical hacker!

Tang San didn't have the slightest expectation for the character of his colleagues. Anyway, he started preparing with the knowledge that he would definitely be the target of retaliation.

The process of registering a company is relatively easy. The overall situation in the mainland is relatively peaceful now. Although the war with the infected is very costly, it only covers an area the size of a city and can only be regarded as a local war.

In order to promote economic development during this period, the empire began to relatively relax its business policies. Although Tang San was young, at least Tang Hao had settled his identity issue and could set up a company in his name. Tang San originally wanted to name his company Tangmen.

Unfortunately, this username has already been registered. Tang San was very angry about this, and thought of several company names with Tang characters in succession, only to find that all the ones he could think of were registered.

I asked the waiter, and he was helpless. He said that the person who came to register last time was just like him. He wanted to name his company something like Thor, but he found out that the hand of Thor and the hammer of Thor were the same. , Thundergod's Fang, Thundergod's Eye, all of which sounded normal were taken, and finally I took back one, Thundergod's Wave Linggai, I'm probably still crying now.

Tang San almost gave his company a good name and asked a dog to start the company. In the end, the name he got back was not much better. No matter how heavy the name is, you will be Sunzi Company. At that time, Tang San cursed like this without hesitation. , the staff must not do anything like this. The company was filled in on the spot. Surprisingly, they passed the review. If you look closely, there is no curse word in this sentence. It was already too late for Tang San to change it.

Not to mention anything else, this name alone can reduce their company's future performance by several percentage points. But he had no choice but to endure it. After all, he didn't expect the company to make much money for him. After he reaches a certain level of strength, he will definitely change careers. Always try to grasp some important industries related to national livelihood.

Only in that way can he have a chance to compete with the Empire. Otherwise, even if he unifies the entire handicraft industry, or even the toy industry, he will be just a dish in the eyes of the Empire. He is no different from other businessmen and can be used at any time. Fat pigs that eat meat can be killed.

Although the name was a bit disappointing, Tang San's products were of excellent quality after all, and it didn't take long to build a pretty good reputation.

It has also become a model of high quality and low price in the industry. It is simply more exaggerated than Xiaomi in mobile phones, and it is the ultimate cost-effectiveness. In the eyes of other companies, this is considered malicious competition.

As for Tang San's craftsmanship, in their opinion, selling it at such a low price is definitely making a profit at a loss! They are very familiar with this kind of behavior. They must be the one who wants to monopolize the market with low prices, and then use the monopoly to raise prices and harvest leeks wantonly. They all want to do similar things, but they are very clear. , it is impossible to succeed with so many people restricting it, so everyone feels that it is time to teach this stupid young man a lesson.

[To be continued]

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