Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,131 An Unimagined Road

Yake's lectures are not very good. Fortunately, everyone who came to listen to the lectures had a very good attitude towards learning and did not mean to neglect at all. At least these contents that only need to be memorized were marked and key notes were taken. .

However, the templates of biochemical technology are not instantaneous. Different biological populations have different transformation methods, even if the same species of organisms are in different areas on the same planet. There will also be considerable differences in the genes of the populations. We learned about geographical isolation in junior high school biology. If we want to modify organisms in different regions, we need to adapt to local conditions.

Some of the harmless gene fragments in the information retrieved by Yake may be fatal to the creatures here. This requires some people who can flexibly apply this knowledge in addition to rote memorization.

People who can do this are considered talents wherever they go. Even if there are infections, the number will not be too large. In the final analysis, the development of science and technology still requires a large number of educated people. Wanting to rely on technology taken from other places to reach the sky in one step can only be wishful thinking.

Cheng Ying understood this very well when he first traveled through the world, so he did not protect the earth's technology too strictly. Instead, he recruited a bunch of young people to take classes, accepted a bunch of apprentices, kicked out the main plot, and drove a boat to the next continent to play.

After being beaten by Tulip, all countries finally came to understand this truth. However, due to many reasons such as customs, feudal remnants and resources, the popularization of compulsory education has never been effectively implemented. Educational resources are monopolized by many so-called social elites, resulting in a lack of such talents among infected people.

It's not that these people are born stupid, it's that they missed the opportunity to learn knowledge during their golden years of education, and had to spend a lot of time working for capitalists to make ends meet.

"Wait a minute! It's a little difficult for us to understand this part of the knowledge you have explained so far. We still don't understand the meaning of many terms in it."

Faced with the students' questions, Yak sighed helplessly: "Forget it, let me take my time! I will explain it to you again. Listen carefully this time. After class, come to me and explain it to me one by one. If you can Once you understand it, you can teach others."

Yak, who had been busy until midnight, couldn't help but rub his forehead. Even he couldn't help but feel exhausted mentally and physically after working continuously for nearly twenty hours a day.


A bottle of soda was handed to him: "Try it. This is a ration for the army. It is said that there is real juice in it, but I didn't drink it."

Yake looked up and saw Chen Zihan appearing in front of him.

He was not polite to the other party either.

"Why are you up so late? Do the combatants also have to work overtime? Doesn't it mean that the war situation outside has reached a stalemate?"

"Under normal circumstances, a soldier would not be so mentally exhausted, but when I came here, I was registered as an intellectual! Don't look at me. I am in the military now. Before I came here, I was in a pharmaceutical company. Those who have worked as a staff member in the R\u0026D department are already considered intellectuals among us, and I have to follow and learn from every technological innovation."

"Are you the second batch of researchers? It's really hard work! But with your strength and mental strength, you should have an advantage in memory." Yake smacked his lips, why is this soda tasteless!

"There is indeed an advantage in memory, but it's not as big as you think. The level of demigod is very strange. It can't be said to be more or less to improve mental power. Compared with other researchers with average strength of Titled Douluo, Compared to this, the advantage is actually not that big.

As for you, your body is as weak as a goose, how on earth can you remember so many things? Is it possible that you can bring things from the virtual world directly into reality? "

Yak was very dissatisfied with the statement that he only had the power of a goose, but in front of the other party, he was indeed no more difficult to deal with than a goose. He could only shake his head and said: "I am different from you. In the process of falling into the data link layer , my thinking structure has changed. The human thinking structure is very out-of-the-box and good at association and creation, but the speed of learning existing knowledge is quite slow.

If you want to understand an abstract concept, you must use metaphors, associations and many other methods. In the eyes of computers, these are extremely wasteful of computing power. With the same computing power, programmed thinking can complete tasks a hundred times or even a thousand times.

This is why my mental power is not strong, but I can store much more knowledge in my mind than you. "Yak pointed to his head: "Now if my mind is taken out, it can be used directly as an artificial intelligence. However, it is not completely without cost. I feel that my creativity may be reduced, but Still making money after all. "

When Chen Zihan heard this, he blinked: "Can your thinking structure be copied? If it is possible, wouldn't we soon get a group of backbone scientific research forces?

Even if it reduces creativity to a certain extent, when the technologies you brought back are realized, our next generation should be almost ready to grow up. At that time, wouldn’t it be good to carry out education normally?

Our top priority now should be to survive this most difficult stage! I think many people will be willing to pay a certain price for this. "

Hearing this, Yake patted his head: "My creativity has really declined! I never thought of such a simple idea! This possibility does exist, but it must be technically difficult.

Our current equipment cannot do this. But the same cannot be said for other people’s equipment. "

"Ah? Other people's equipment? How can that be transported in? We are surrounded now. Let alone the import and export trade. Even if we steal it back, it is impossible. Even if I do it myself, there is not much chance of success. Come on!" Chen Zihan felt that this was unreliable.

"I just came up with a good idea, why have I become rigid in my thinking? The equipment I mentioned does not necessarily need to be shipped in before it can be used! When you use someone else's server to access the Internet, do you still need to move the server host? ?

Think about where I got this thinking structure from? We can definitely try it in the game warehouse and borrow Tulip's equipment to help our people change their thinking patterns. "

Chen Zihan was a little worried: "You won't be punished directly if you do this!"

Hearing this, Yake showed a ghostly expression: "Ah... you don't have to worry about that. If I were qualified to be sanctioned, the empire would have been beaten to pieces by me."

[To be continued]

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