Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,135 Technology Explosion

A large number of qualified skilled workers has a revolutionary improvement for an industrial system. When trust is initially established between the derivatives and the infected, the exchanges between the two parties begin to become frequent. Hostages also began to be exchanged as if they were studying abroad.

Most of the people who were exchanged as hostages at the beginning were equivalent to taking a vacation in the virtual world, where the derivatives could conjure luxurious enjoyment with just a thought.

However, after several smooth exchanges, the infected hostage no longer had the thought of death. The thought of eating a decapitated meal faded away, and instead he took the initiative to observe the actions of the derivatives.

They can move freely in the data world. After all, the player's data strength is very weak. Even the weakest level four derivatives can easily subdue novice players without any equipment.

In this way, they can see a lot of relatively confidential content. For example, the derivatives build a virtual practice space in the other world through their real-life experiences, and begin to practice and deduce higher real-world technologies.

At first, these people went over to study secretly, and then they were discovered later. The two sides have talked about it and intend to deepen cooperation further.

That is to say, the derivatives learn the technology in reality, build a fully realistic virtual simulation laboratory in the other world, and then jointly research with the infected people sent for exchange and learning. The research results are shared by both parties, and then the feasibility is verified in reality.

After all, the physical laws in the experimental space formed through simulation are somewhat different from the real world. If you continue to use this model to deduce, the further you go, the more fallacies there will be, until in the end it is completely out of sync with the real world.

Now that the two parties have reached a cooperation. You can then share technology and conduct experiments in the real world. Constantly correct and improve the environment in the simulation space. Conduct scientific research project experiments faster.

After all, in reality, if you want to build a circular acceleration orbit, it may take several years. In the virtual world, only a few derivatives are needed to cooperate, and everything can be done with just one idea.

This is also one of the important reasons why Tulip’s technology exploded rapidly after the popularity of neural network technology. Therefore, it is difficult to experiment and deduce things involving the microscopic field in this way, but almost all mechanical experiments in classical physics can be thrown here. It may even take only a few days to design a main battle tank. sky.

After in-depth cooperation, the people exchanged between the two parties are no longer hostages, but just like international students. The speed of such scientific research is faster, but they cannot come to reality, so they can only combine most of the technology and reality. The infected people share it so that it can continue to develop.

The underground of Sylva began to gradually change its appearance.

Biotechnology is not well suited to simulation in a virtual world though. After all, genes are already quite microscopic, but the speed of improvement is also quite impressive.

Mechanical creations are gradually being replaced by biological creations, which still makes people feel a little uncomfortable. But after getting used to it, I found that this kind of life is not bad.

In the past, coffee shops and milk tea shops were definitely filled with metal machines that served you ready-made drinks from big boxes. But now, the painting style seems much more curious. The waiter would milk the cow from what looked like a living creature. On the big meat ball, drinks are squeezed out, and there are different flavors depending on the model.

Although the images of those big meat balls are designed to be relatively cute and easier for people to accept, and some theme restaurants may even be directly designed in the shape of lactation organs, this curious style of painting still attracted many people when it first appeared. Difficult to accept.

But most people, after tasting it, found it really fragrant, in a place where they haven’t had milk for several years. Being able to drink something that tastes similar to milk is already an extremely happy thing.

In addition, other daily necessities have also undergone bizarre changes. Shared bicycles began to be replaced in the original development trajectory. Motorized vehicles should replace horse-drawn carriages. However, here it is exactly the opposite.

Vehicles with further modifications have replaced motor vehicles. Four legs are not necessarily worse than two wheels, as long as the mechanical structure is designed well enough. In fact, it can be very stable. It's like the Leroy triangle. It's obviously not round at all, but it can roll like a log.

What replaced the bicycle was a six-legged modified creature. Because it was specially designed for riding, it did not have a complicated digestive system at all. It directly injected glucose and other nutrients into the body, so that this kind of Modify the small body of the creature to burst out with more powerful power.

There is no need for a complex nervous system or a brain. In a sense, this thing cannot be regarded as a living thing at all. It cannot think, cannot reproduce, and has no physiological instincts. Its only function is to control the user through emergency response. It moves forward and turns very smoothly, and the speed is almost as fast as that of a motorcycle. More importantly, the endurance is very good. After a full meal, you can run for a whole day.

Because there is no need to digest food, there are fewer metabolic waste products. Organs such as kidneys and liver only need to be discharged, so the waste products discharged are generally only water and carbon dioxide, which can be regarded as quite environmentally friendly.

at this point. Silva still attaches great importance to it internally, because if there is an emergency, the entire Silva will be completely closed and isolated from the outside natural system.

In this case, internal self-circulation must be guaranteed. If the pollution is too serious, the internal air cannot circulate with the outside world. No matter how large the underground space is dug, sooner or later they will be unable to survive.

In addition to catering and transportation, housing and daily necessities have also been replaced by a large number of biological products. However, these things are generally not living creatures. Most of them are products such as secretions of biochemical machinery.

The buildings look like normal types, indistinguishable from the high-rise buildings in the outside world, but in fact these buildings actually grow, like trees. After the circles become thicker, the cells inside will become lignified and lose most of their activity.

Theoretically, if you plant a group of trees to form a house shape and ensure that each tree has enough sunlight, it will not be possible to grow into a house after a period of time. However, the trees grow too slowly. Only modified special species can complete this rapid construction work and grow a high-rise building on the spot in a few days.

[To be continued]

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