Compared to searching for pathogens like looking for a needle in a haystack before, the task we face this time is much simpler. At least the pathogen has distinct characteristics. That is labeled with a large number of isotopes.

It's like catching a mosquito in the dark. The difference from catching a firefly in the dark. The latter is undoubtedly much simpler.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of experts, someone finally discovered the pathogen labeled by isotopes. The information was then shared with everyone.

The experts who saw this pathogen felt a twinge of pain in their balls. They had seen this thing before, but they had not paid attention to it. Although the environment in the human body is relatively clean, it cannot be free of impurities and waste. These things basically have no life response, just like garbage wandering between tissue cells, and the quantity is not large. But it is occasionally observed.

All experts regard this brand-new pathogen as this kind of garbage between cells. After all, this thing does not seem to have any life response. The most important thing is that the quantity is too small. There is simply no way for anyone to connect it to the pathogen.

Most pathogens. After causing such a serious disease, many can be found in any drop of blood sample. If you want to identify one thing as a pathogen under a microscope, you need to find at least two similar ones in a slice!

Who could have imagined that there is only one of these things in the field of view of the microscope? In fact, there are many similar things in the patient's body?

However, now is not the time to think about and summarize the lessons of failure. The top priority is to first understand what the pathogen is and then provide emergency rescue to the patient.

Experts quickly identified and extracted the pathogen. Although the quantity was small, it was enough for laboratory analysis.

Soon, the analysis results were placed in front of them. The content was really shocking. The test results showed that this thing was not a carbon-based organism at all.

If anything, it's probably a bit like silicon-based life, but with a lot of metal elements attached to the surface. The life form is quite different from carbon-based life. It doesn't seem to be a life based on a simple atom.

The reason why these pathogens cause human disease is actually because they are in extreme hunger and are trying their best to collect metal elements in the human body. However, where are there metals in the human body? This caused them to destroy cells crazily, but the effect was so minimal that all kinds of metal trace elements in the patient's body were almost exhausted by them.

This blinded the experts for a while. If it was a common pathogen, they would have many solutions. Directly induce immune cells in vitro to produce antibodies. Then inject the antibodies to kill all the pathogens first.

However the problem is,

This thing is not a carbon-based organism at all. It is so difficult for immune cells to recognize this thing. It is simply more difficult than stopping a husky from demolishing a house. After all, this thing is unlikely to be a source of harm to human health under normal circumstances. Carbon-based organisms have never encountered similar dangers during their evolution, so how could they evolve to resist such dangers? What about dangerous immune cells?

Several attempts were made to develop antibodies against this thing, but all failed. Even if they are artificially synthesized, the surface of these suspected silicon-based viruses is still smooth and lacks proteins or chemical bonds for antibodies to stick to. It is simply slippery. Antibodies are like fleas on a bald man's head, and This bald man's head was even waxed, and it slid right down...

This time, a young medical student came up with an idea: "Teacher, didn't you say that this pathogen is very rare in patients? That means that in an environment like the human body, it is difficult for these organisms to replicate themselves.

In this case, even if no treatment is given and the body cells are replaced a few more times, these pathogens will be expelled from the body along with the necrotic cells.

In this case, we can pull them out of the patient's body one by one, and then repair the undamaged tissue cells back! "

Although this is a stupid method, it happens to be in the blind spot of all experts. After all, there are billions of pathogens in other diseases in the past. If you want to dig them out one by one, this operation can probably do it in the world. Doomsday, and you definitely can’t dig it out as fast as they can copy themselves.

But this time the pathogen was not like that. It caused severe lesions just because the destructive power of the pathogen was powerful enough, not because of its large number.

Although it is estimated that the number of pathogens is still tens of thousands, they will not replicate themselves, and there are prerequisites for identifying them one by one. It just so happened that these unlucky children were also labeled with isotopes. Each one is like a firefly in the night. Very conspicuous.

Time is life at this moment. After the treatment plan was proposed, the experts immediately finalized the surgical plan. And perform surgery. Ways to remove these pathogens. Of course it's impossible to pick out pieces of flesh. Then get the pathogen out and stuff it back in. This figure would not be able to survive after this.

Doctors only need to guide the patient's blood flow and tissue fluid flow to allow this pathogen to gather in a certain area. Then just perform a one-time resection. This will reduce. Quite a few wounds, reducing damage to the patient's body.

In the operating room, precise surgery is underway in full swing. The process overall went smoothly. Due to the large number of basic elements contained within this pathogen. Can be affected by magnetism to a certain extent, which makes the task of bringing them together relatively simple.

Some people hold electromagnetic generators to drive away pathogens from the patient's body. Without some people, it would seem a bit fantasy. Holding needles that may only be used during acupuncture in your hands, you begin to seal the patient's blood flow. This aspect requires more than an understanding of the structure of the human body. It also requires control of the soul power to suppress the blood flow. It's all right, and only experienced Chinese medicine practitioners can handle it.

For a time, the operating room was extremely busy. The patient's condition also began to improve rapidly as the number of pathogens in the body decreased. When the life-sustaining stem cells were injected into the body, the rate of destruction was greatly reduced. Differentiated tissue cells. The rate of necrosis also begins to decrease.

The blood transfusion process could finally proceed smoothly. Red blood cells are no longer destroyed as soon as they enter the patient's body, and everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

When the last patient was removed from the body, the operation was finally declared a complete success. And on the side is an Erlenmeyer flask. It was filled with festering flesh and blood.

Cut off, mixed with pathogenic flesh and blood. Certainly not discarded. Instead, it was stored for later research.

[To be continued]

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