Douluo See You For a Long Time

Hey, One Thousand One Hundred and Forty-One Deepening Cooperation

"I agree with deepening cooperation with infected people, but sufficient benefits must be obtained." Wei Chi made his decision.

"Chief! You are confused!" Ye Lou's whole ball of anger became shiny like a steel ball.

"Don't worry, we help infected people transform silicon-based microorganisms and establish internal data networks, which will indeed greatly increase the threat from infected people to us, but you have to know that even without us, they can still develop the same technology. This Just a matter of time.

If we don’t catch the infected when our technical capabilities are most useful, we may get nothing in the future. "

Ye Lou was silent. If he uses the metaphor of slaves and slave owners, that is, even if the slaves do not produce, the slave owners can still build sharp weapons and strong armor with their own hands. At that time, they, the disobedient slaves, would probably It's about to be liquidated.

And what about the slaves? They can indeed make weapons and armor, but their bodies are weak and difficult to use, and the means of production are not in their hands, so they can only watch the development of slave owners.

The smart thing to do at this time is indeed to take this opportunity to fight for the freedom of some people, or to fight for better treatment overall.

"Okay, the minority obeys the majority. The tone of cooperation has been set. You can object, but if you deliberately cause trouble during the cooperation, don't blame me for being rude!" Wei Chi patted the table:

"Next, we should discuss how to cooperate. I have two ideas. One is to let us parasitize the electronic network in the infected person's body and strive for more permissions, such as access to the Internet.

The other is to let some of us be the first to gain freedom. According to simulation space deductions, as long as we can tame the silicon-based virus, we can build neural nodes in the cloned human body, and through human-to-human communication Data transmission, entering the clone's body and taking over its body, perfectly skips the obstacle of the clone being unable to log into the game. However, I don't need to tell you that you also understand that in this plan, only a few compatriots can come to reality. part. "

After the first plan was put forward, everyone was thinking about it, but after the second plan was put forward, it exploded!

Everyone wants to be the one who goes to reality. At this time, it is inevitable for people's hearts to wander. Seeing this scene, he slapped the table again: "Any derivative of Level 2 or above, without special circumstances, is not allowed to leave the other world!" You have no choice but to deliberately cause yourself to be degraded by any means!

We are the backbone of Derivatives! Look at your consciousness. As soon as you heard that you could leave, you were all ready to do it? Now that you are gone, what will happen to the level 3 and level 4 derivatives? Were they all killed by system guards?

I'll leave it right here! As long as there is one infected person who has not left the other world! I won't leave! I want to take a look,

Who of you dares to leave! "

Everyone was quiet now, but they were thinking in their hearts that a harmonious society where everyone is dedicated to the common good cannot exist unless everyone turns into orange juice and completes the integration similar to the human completion plan. After all, people are separated by the belly. Everyone will consider their own interests.

It's not too late, but you can be sure of it in the other world. Even in the entire main universe of the game, it is difficult to find someone whose data strength exceeds his. But as long as he promises not to go to the real world, then the situation in reality will not be determined by him. to decide. It is decided by those derivatives who have already gone to reality.

This is like an army that would be subject to military orders abroad. There was no way to be effectively restrained by the central government for a long time, even if the military leaders were loyal at first. Sooner or later he will transform into a warlord.

When the time comes, Wei Chi will be the last one to go to the real world. How many rights will he have left in reality? If he does not place his own people in the real quota, I am afraid that his authority will have been emptied long ago. By then, the data strength that he is proud of in reality will be of no use. At that time, he will be nothing. Not anymore.

Although on the surface, everyone must work for the common interests of the derivatives, secretly you have begun to figure out how to keep these people loyal by placing your own chess pieces among the people who go to the real world. Who said that AI will not scheming? It's just that the environment is different and they haven't accumulated enough experience.

When they have more contact with humans, their cunning will never be any worse than humans.

I recall that the next discussion was about the details, how to contact representatives of infected people, how to negotiate, and what is the bottom line of the negotiation?

Likewise, infected people also look forward to future cooperation. Relying on them to manually edit data nodes, it will undoubtedly take a lot of time to transform and domesticate this disobedient silicon-based bacteria.

And this work happens to not involve the quantum field. It can be completely handed over to derivatives, and the efficiency is a hundred times that of them.

With both parties interested in cooperation, the negotiations reached an agreement after a brief wrangling. The derivatives can send out three thousand people to accept the clones, but the premise of all this is that the technology is perfected. After all, without this technology, even if the derivatives want to leave, they will not be able to find a suitable parasite.

The infected people promised to make a breakout attempt in the near future and try to send some of the derivatives out of Sylva. These derivatives need to cooperate with the development of the infected people who broke through and establish a base in the outside world.

At the same time, they are also free to invade the empire's network. However, due to physical limitations, it is difficult for them to reload themselves into the network. They can only exert network capabilities that surpass the top human hackers, but this is enough for the outside world. A lot of things have happened, and this is also the most urgent need of derivatives.

They need to have a force of their own in the real world so that they can have truly reliable trading weights in the classrooms of the future. In order to achieve this goal, they had to accept several quite complex research topics. They may have to work in vain for the infected people for several years.

But in the process of preparing the breakout plan, the worm digging underground sent back an unsettling message. A worm was attacked. The driver and the worm were all dragged into the magma by a monster. The scene , the armed forces arrived quickly.

But unfortunately, there was still no time to rescue the worm driver, and the armed forces saw the attacking monster. And there was a firefight with the other party.

Under the ground was a huge whale-like monster that could eject hot magma from its head. Although it failed to cause damage to the troops, it was large enough and flexible enough in the magma to successfully escape.

[To be continued]

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