Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,144 The Beginning of the War

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! ; The underground ecological environment is far more complex than the infected people imagined. The asthenosphere is wider than the ocean. In the deep sea, there are such a variety of creatures even in the lack of sunlight. In the deeper magma and mantle , the types of organisms that can evolve will undoubtedly be more diverse.

It's just that the environment here is difficult to breed humanoid creatures, just like it is impossible for slow-swimming creatures like humans to naturally evolve in the ocean.

So at the beginning, the underground people guessed by the infected did not exist at all, and were replaced by a group of underground fish. This information from unknown sources was not unanimously accepted, but because the person who provided the information was Yake. It still received a certain degree of attention. And they have strengthened their vigilance against counterattacks by underground intelligent creatures.

At the same time, a shell and defense system were urgently added to the geothermal extraction device. The construction of geothermal extraction plants cannot be stopped just because there are organisms underground. The city's energy crisis is imminent. If we continue to expand. The power supply will be limited for a limited time, which will undoubtedly be a huge blow to national morale.

A geothermal energy power plant must be established. To this end, Silva urgently developed a biochemical mecha for fighting in magma, by analyzing the underground creatures encountered before, and adding the intelligence obtained from Yak. They made a special design for this new type of armor.

First of all, the shape is fusiform, and the propulsion system uses a torpedo-like propulsion method, which is an advantage of machinery over living things. Biology is a whole. It is relatively difficult to evolve an organ that can perform continuous rotation. This makes it difficult to use turbines or propellers for propulsion.

In terms of straight-line speed, it is difficult to compare with these small-sized and powerful biochemical mechas. For high-energy-consuming, high-wear forms that cannot be evolved by natural selection, artificial genetic adjustment can be considered to create them.

The surface of the biological armor uses thermal insulation materials, which can well resist the high temperature in magma. Their smaller size and faster speed allow them to protect themselves in magma.

The attack weapons they carry are no longer ordinary explosive live ammunition weapons, but liquid nitrogen filled with tough thermos bottles. The propellant of these weapons is water or compressed liquid air. Under different environments, different substances can have completely different effects. In magma, water will instantly gasify and can be used as a propellant. At the same time, the low-temperature tracks left by the cannonballs are also fatal to underground organisms that can only live in high temperatures.

When a thermos bottle filled with liquid nitrogen hits the target. It will explode instantly, creating a large low-temperature area.

The temperature in the low-temperature zone will rise rapidly. For humans, this temperature can burn them to ashes in an instant. But for underground creatures living in magma, the temperature feels too low. Enough to easily freeze most of them to death.

To them, such a low-temperature zone is like humans facing a sea of ​​fire created by cloud bombs. If they are lucky, they may survive, but most of them will definitely die.

In addition to these relatively simple purely technological weapons, soul guidance devices such as freezing rays inspired by soul power are also mounted on these vehicles.

Although light is difficult to spread in magma, soul power itself is not light. After certain modulation, it can have much stronger penetrating power than light. Although the range is shorter, the power is also more powerful. And can ensure continuous output. Reduces the temperature of a certain part of the target to an extremely low level in a short period of time.

Most underground creatures can be dealt with by instantly paralyzing their body tissues. It can be considered a quite powerful device. Unfortunately, the only drawback of this thing is that there is no way to achieve driverless driving.

Douluo Star's magma is rich in soul power, which causes considerable trouble for remote control. Fortunately, Shengna is still useful in this area. This ensures that there will be no problems with the navigation capabilities of these vehicles.

There are currently more than forty of these half-biological, half-mechanical weapons patrolling the magma at very fast speeds, protecting the geothermal energy generator being built. Once the shield generator is established, their defense tasks will be much easier.

In addition, there are several volunteers who have volunteered to perform pathfinding missions to search for craters in other areas of the asthenosphere. If you can find it. They don't need to dig a special tunnel to break out.

And no matter how imaginative the empire is. At most, it is to prevent them from digging out from the ground. Then closely monitor the sudden appearance of underground caves within the empire.

However, there is no way to think that they may have followed the magma in the asthenosphere, all the way up, and came out of the crater. I can think of this way of playing. I'm afraid my brain is so big that I can't even see the brain.

According to the picture of underground civilization given by Yak, these pathfinders chose to move deeper. Here, the temperature of the magma is relatively constant, and it is difficult for organisms to extract the energy of nature into energy in this completely constant temperature environment. It is for personal use, so the creatures here are quite small in both type and quantity. There is almost no presence to stand in their way.

However, their traces were eventually discovered. Want to pass by someone else's property silently? And it is a completely unfamiliar species with no prior information. It's just too difficult.

For the Latu people who are not highly civilized, the low-temperature objects that pass through below are their UFOs. Similar to humans witnessing flying saucers.

Generally, when individuals witness a flying saucer, they choose to take photos and then tweet about it to gain a wave of popularity.

But if the witness is a state official. The problem would be serious, and it might escalate directly to the level of war. For example, a missile could be fired at you first to shoot you down.

Although the Latu people of the underground civilization do not have missiles, they have their own long-range weapons. They can manipulate the flowing magma, causing the magma that originally flows in a certain direction in nature to turn and accelerate, and then enter a funnel-shaped area. Through the funnel-shaped Compress the area to accelerate the flow rate of magma, thereby achieving the effect of creating a strong impact.

In their country, there are weapons similar to cannons. The viscosity of magma is much greater than that of water and air. Although such accelerated jets are not as good as non-Newtonian fluids, the damage to solid objects is also huge.

The most important thing is that the attack range of this attack is very large. The exploration team is almost completely enveloped in the attack range. There is no doubt that they cannot choose to sit still and wait for death, so the first encounter and in such a hasty situation unfolded below.

[To be continued]

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