Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,155 Tangmen Group

It takes a genius to remember the address of this website in one second: [ ] Fastest update! No ads! A decisive battle is far more demoralizing than a long war with no end in sight.

The soldiers now want to fight the infected as soon as possible. Instead of guarding the city wall here. You may be attacked by the infected at any time.

However, after discussion, the imperial military believed that continuing to siege the infected would help reduce casualties and weaken the contamination caused by the death of the infected.

The reason is that the industrial equipment inside Tianjing City is limited, and many high-precision equipment are closer to damage after just one use. Using these devices, a technology tree was developed. It's just a castle in the air.

Once these devices become old and damaged, the Sylva that the infected people rely on for a living will also stop functioning. At that time, it will be easy to defeat the infected people. According to experts' predictions, those devices will break down soon.

As for the infected people building a technology tree from scratch, experts have never considered it a feasible route. Because without the help of external factors. It is impossible to establish a complete industrial system with just a few hundred thousand people.

In other words, the vast majority of people believe that infected people are sitting on their hands. Wait until they have exhausted their limited supplies. Naturally, it will collapse without a fight. Now it seems to be tough, but it is just hanging on.

Obviously, this can only be their wishful thinking, and the infected person received very important help by chance. Correspondingly, there are actually greater opportunities on the human side. It's just that those who grasped this opportunity had no idea of ​​sharing it.

No matter how heavy Tang San was, he was his grandson, a company name that made people feel emotional. After a year, he finally acquired the group named Tangmen on the market, and successfully changed his company to Got a normal name.

However, he still has not shared the secrets he has mastered. Today, he has successfully unlocked the second layer of seal of his soul power, which can increase the processing accuracy to 0.01 nanometers. At the same time, at the macro level, The power he can control is even more terrifying.

As he learns and understands the knowledge of nuclear reactions, he can now rub his hands and react, provided that he needs nuclear materials. There is no need to concentrate or purify, he can complete this step himself.

This is just the beginning, the hand-rubbing nuclear explosion is just the damage he does to building targets.

If the opponent is a humanoid target, her destructive power will be even more terrifying. Easily master bioelectricity to paralyze your opponent's heart. Or control the soul power turned into a nanoscale scalpel. Cut off the opponent's important nerves and paralyze the opponent instantly.

This trick can't even be used on people.

The destructive power used on precision machinery is even more terrifying. Especially various electronic instruments, as long as Tang San thought about it, they could turn into moving impacts, paralyzing any electronic equipment wherever they passed.

And this is only the most basic application. His control has been accurate to the nanometer level, approaching the physical limit of the chip, and he can directly change the electronic information in the chip from the physical level.

Other people's hackers still rely on the hardware at hand, but he is different. If you want to steal information, you can directly record the other person's chip with soul power. If you want to invade the other party's network, it will be even easier. You can directly thank the other party's database for adding permissions to you from the physical level at the lowest level. No trace will be left.

After all, no one's program can directly change the physical structure of the chip. Leave yourself a backdoor for intrusion. This is really following the network cable to hit you.

In this information age, such ability is simply B-level. In the business field, all his competitors have no business secrets in front of him. And if an encounter does occur, all the surveillance cameras around him will become his eyes, controlling every move of the enemy.

Even if his enemies want to send messages, they can't contact their teammates. Information may even be intercepted and false news passed on.

Perhaps the attack intensity that Tang San could unleash now could only reach the level of a titled Douluo, but in this bustling city. Even if there were a hundred titled Douluo chasing him, they would only be tricked by him. However, his cultivation level was only level 30 and he had two yellow soul rings.

If he were to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition now, he would be just bullying others in the past. All the contestants together are not enough for him to fight alone.

But Tang San forcefully resisted his urge to go out and wander around, giving up this great opportunity to show off. He still needed to continue to develop his own industry. Gather more wealth and strive for a higher status in this country. In this way, after he announces something, he won't die directly because of other people's covetousness.

From this point of view, his current Tangmen Group. The development is quite good. By taking orders for some high-end art processing, we successfully completed the first step of primitive accumulation. and began industrial transformation. Gradually breaking away from dependence on Tang San. Although it is not very profitable, it is finally considered an industry in his name.

At present, he is considered a relatively wealthy person. Has his own research institute. It's just that there are no researchers here and the confidentiality level is the highest in his company. No one can enter here except him.

What Tang San was developing was a revolutionary technology that he could announce and be accepted by others.

The same thing is to unlock soul power, if this technology is directly announced. Then everyone can definitely use it, and he will have no advantage.

This is something he absolutely cannot allow. Now the technology is in his hands. It is entirely up to him to decide what it will look like when it is announced.

In order to prevent the empire from reverse-engineering the technology, he also took great pains. First of all, it must be difficult to unlock the soul power. This can ensure that no one can progress faster than him.

Secondly, if a person with a low unlocking level wants to go further, he must be helped by someone with a higher unlocking level. This is the most important point for him to stabilize his position.

In addition, he must make this technology not look like technology. It is best to achieve the kind of mysterious and mysterious realm of understanding in immortal novels to break through.

It is quite difficult to do this. He needs to design many traps to make everyone who wants to reverse engineer the technology fall into the trap. The opponent he has to face is an entire empire. The difficulty can be imagined.

In fact, he didn't want to release the technology until he realized he had reached a bottleneck. Douluo's industrial system is no longer enough for him to complete the next unlock.

[To be continued]

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