Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,160 Tang 3: Please clear the level quickly!

Facts have proved that there are not only giant mung bean flies in this research institute. The enlargement of living things seems to be a common phenomenon. This cockroach with a body length of nearly ten meters is simply a nightmare.

Because this thing is not only huge in size and has amazing defense, but it can also fly close to the ground at a speed that is dizzying.

Without hesitation, Uncle Rui took out the six-barreled cannon from his back, pulled the trigger fiercely, and shouted, "Use high-explosive bombs! Help me suppress him!"

The other explorers immediately took out the corresponding weapons, which were like grenade launchers, blasting out high-explosive bombs like a barrage of cannons.

Uncle Rui is very experienced and knows that at times like this, the most important thing is to prevent the monster from approaching. Although everyone has cultivation levels, they are all made of flesh and blood. Even if they are hit by that truck-like cockroach, they will have to go. With half a life, relying on flesh and blood, it is really not a good idea to fight hand-to-hand with a guy whose defense is comparable to a tank.

The best way is to suppress him so that he cannot move forward. Generally, rapid-fire firearms are used to suppress fire to increase the density of firepower. However, this thing cannot be dealt with when it dissipates. Ordinary bullets cannot hurt him at all. Suppress this. Things rely entirely on impact.

How much impact a solid bullet wants to give to the opponent depends on how much recoil the shooter has to bear. With their weight, they can't suppress it at all. The situation is different with high-explosive bullets. After the bullet hits, there will be a secondary explosion. , most of the impact force is provided by the explosion, which can greatly suppress the speed of this monster.

Uncle Rui himself replaced it with depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets. No matter how thick the exoskeleton is, it will be burned through at temperatures of thousands of degrees.

The physical fitness of the soul masters is quite strong. Although these people use firearms, like the governor, they play with the guns like wooden sticks, pressing the muzzles so hard that they can hardly shake.

The giant cockroach howled a few times and found that it couldn't charge forward, so it tried to escape. However, if it continued to charge, it might still survive. If it turned around and ran away, it would be certain to die. Everyone put on depleted uranium bombs, and a burst of concentrated fire was directed at his back. The bone plate was burned through in the blink of an eye, and immediately after, the internal organs in the body were burned to coke, and he collapsed.

In Lyon's live broadcast room, the audience cheered wildly and rewarded each other. This scene was so exciting. There is no doubt that such a real battle scene could not have been planned.

There was an endless stream of comments and rewards. This is an era of excitement, and the audience will not be stingy for such sensory stimulation.

However, Leon had no energy to pay attention to that, because the giant creature was really not just the big guy, but also something even more outrageous.

A huge ant emerged from the soil that buried the underground experiment.

There are hundreds of them, and it is absolutely a dead end to directly surround them. To deal with these enemies, you need at least army-level equipment, and you also need to have enough courage to sacrifice against them. The number cannot be as small as them, at least a five A team of ten people must be determined to lose more than half of their losses.

At this time, the audience didn't even care about giving rewards. Although they came to watch the live broadcast of death, the desperate scene of being besieged by hundreds of five-meter-long giant ants still conveyed the terrifying atmosphere through the screen. Deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

Leon swallowed, and finally understood why so many well-known explorers failed here. Unless the empire sent out elite special forces, a team of titled Douluo might not be able to pass the level!

Tang San, who was observing secretly, was heartbroken by what he saw! He finally buried the treasure, but in the end, the gang was wiped out by this group of soldiers? That's too frustrating.

Tang San's current frontal combat ability is comparable to that of Titled Douluo, but he can handle these monsters with ease. The reason is that his abilities are so versatile.

Facing these monsters with average intelligence, he only needed to use his soul power to guide the cells in his body to synthesize the corresponding pheromones, and they would treat Tang San as the same kind. Even if he casually walked among these monsters, there would be no danger.

Even if he really fights, he can use his soul power to form an extremely smooth dura mater on the body surface, and all attacks falling on it will seem to have almost no friction. Even if he is beaten hard, he can still feel like he is It glides smoothly on smooth ice, eliminating almost all damage.

Such a film can not only cover his body, but also cover the ground. It may not be effective against flying enemies, but it is very effective against big ants with fallen wings. The weakened ground will make these big guys He couldn't stand at all. Tang San had many similar operations. As long as there was a weakness, he could basically target it. Even if there wasn't one, he could still create a weakness to target. Therefore, when he sneaked in, he didn't realize at all what he encountered along the way. How difficult the enemy is to deal with.

Seeing that this group of people was about to be wiped out, Tang San quickly picked up a potion bottle and examined it with his soul power. Inside was a medicine that could inhibit the withering of herbal plants after they bear fruit. This thing would definitely be an agricultural revolution when exposed to the outside world, but It was worthless to Tang San, and seeing that he showed no pity at all, he got all the stuff. As soon as he tore off the label, his fingers stretched out a gland tube, and started injecting pheromones into the jar.

These were synthesized and produced by his body. After the injection, he lost a lot of weight. Fortunately, Tang San was used to carrying several boxes of nutrient solutions and medicine base materials in his storage items, and took a casual sip to speed up gastrointestinal absorption. I regained the weight I lost.

Seeing that the adventurers were in a hurry and had to choose a room to stay in, Tang San rushed in quickly and threw the potion filled with pheromones in. He also moved a pile of dust to make it look old, making it look like it had been there forever. Just put it there.

"Almost! Get out!" Tang San quickly slipped out of the room, and then he saw Uncle Rui kicking open the door roughly and yelling: "Go in! Go in quickly! Our target is very small, and the ants won't send so many." Those who are hunting us, their target should be the cockroach carcass just now, hide in there and defend, we still have a chance!"

It has to be said that Uncle Rui does have two skills. An adventurer like him must have some messy knowledge in his mind. Otherwise, in this situation, if he immediately counterattacks, his team will be completely destroyed.

It turned out that the ants' target was just the cockroach corpse, and only three larger soldier ants noticed them and chased them.

After all, judging from the content of organic matter, a few such small creatures are not enough for the ants to even squeeze between their teeth. Three soldier ants chased after them because they had escaped, otherwise the ants would only attack after they had finished dealing with the cockroaches. Pay attention to them.

[To be continued]

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