Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,167 Tang 3’s Highlight Moment

Since time traveling, Tang San has been suppressed for too long. As a person with a strong desire for expression. The protagonist's personality is a time traveler who does not want to be inferior to others. These years of depressing ordinary life have really brought him too much pressure.

At this moment, he could finally vent this pressure openly and openly. And the identity he chose was that of a practicing genius, an identity that was not particularly ostentatious but was particularly suitable for showing off.

The Immortal Cultivator Guild was undoubtedly established spontaneously by the Immortal Cultivators after the popularity of Immortal Cultivating. The purpose is to fight for more rights and interests for cultivators.

This is the inevitable development direction of a group that has mastered both power and the means of production. Even the Empire had to make certain compromises in this regard. Even though the empire has tried its best to cultivate its own army of immortal cultivators.

But the number of soldiers that can be recruited is always limited. Compared with the number of folk cultivators, they are far behind. For the time being, they can still rely on the advantages of technology. Suppress the immortal cultivators in China, but the future may be uncertain. This is really not the right time to have a falling out.

As a result, the Immortal Cultivator Guild came into being. In addition to fighting for the rights and interests of the Immortal Cultivators, it is also responsible for rating the Immortal Cultivators, providing a trading platform for Immortal Cultivation Materials, and registering Immortal Cultivation Patents and derivative techniques.

The purpose of Tang San's coming here was to assess the level. Before he assessed the level, he was just an unknown businessman. After a large number of immortal cultivators emerged, the status of the businessman plummeted.

Because of the exchange of materials between immortal cultivators, the need for transportation has begun to be greatly reduced, because they can make most things by themselves, just like Tang San made figurines in his early days, and they can make most daily necessities like printers. print it out.

How can such a group of guys who have almost no demand for commodities in daily life have much demand for businessmen? As for the precious immortal cultivation items, they are all traded directly at the Immortal Cultivator Guild. No businessmen are needed.

So much so that the power of capital has plummeted, which is a bit like after the Age of Discovery. The European caravans were successful, but they suffered in the face of the Qing Dynasty's small-scale peasant economy. They had to rely on duck slices to change the trade deficit.

However, the current situation has just been reversed, and the capitalists have become the weaker party. They are always worried that this group of "small farmers" in the new era will slaughter them all if they are unhappy.

Tang San was somewhat famous among businessmen, and he was selling high-precision equipment in the early days. He also made a lot of money, and now he is ranked among the best in the country in terms of assets. Unfortunately, in the eyes of immortal cultivators, these are just passing clouds. A hundred years later, no matter how rich the capitalists are, they will all turn into a handful of loess. Only those cultivators can live forever.

Therefore, before arriving at the gate of the Immortal Cultivation Guild, which was full of disgust,

He immediately received the blank eyes of the gatekeeper cultivator.

One of them wrinkled his nose and fanned in Tang San's direction: "What does it smell like? Why does it feel so bad?"

Another immediately responded: "What else could it be? It must be the smell of copper on the businessman's body!"

Then the two of them laughed at the same time. Even though their status was actually not as good as the wealthy businessman in front of them, there was no hint of respect in their words.

Hearing this, Tang San sneered: "Two watchdogs dare to bark in front of me!"

With a wave of his hand, a large amount of unlocked soul power swarmed out, and the two guards guarding the door felt that all their power was blocked. This is the absolute suppression of low-level immortals by high-level immortal cultivators. For a moment, they couldn't help but feel terrified.

In this era where there are many immortal cultivators, the law is no longer so reliable. Those who kill will die and those who injure others will be punished. In the past, when the army was the most powerful institution of violence, this kind of thing happened. It can also be executed more ideally.

Now personal force has regained the upper hand. It is really difficult to get the immortal cultivators to admit their mistakes and be punished. In other words, Tang San only needs to be stronger than them. Killing both of them here on the spot would not result in much punishment. At best, you'll lose money.

For a moment, a chill spread from their spines to their entire bodies. Under the pressure of high-level soul power, he didn't dare to move. He was trembling and couldn't even say a word to beg for mercy.

Tang San snorted, threw the two of them against the wall, and spat out a mouthful of blood: "Since this is your first time, I will spare your lives, but you can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty!"

As he spoke, his eyes swept across the Dantian of the two of them. They felt a chill in their Dantian, and a large amount of energy was discharged. For a while, he could no longer control his soul power. Just one glance and his cultivation was destroyed.

For a moment, both of them were despairing. The cultivation that they were proud of was abolished, and there was no possibility of even practicing in the future. This is simply worse than killing them.

Tang San walked into the Immortal Cultivators Guild without looking back. The feeling of stepping on people just now was really refreshing. After traveling through so many years, he finally experienced this feeling of pretentiousness again. It's actually a bit addictive. The people inside the commotion at the door soon knew about it, but there was really no way to hold people accountable for being able to easily subdue the two guards and destroy their cultivation. Who told the two of them to be so mean-mouthed?

I'm here to evaluate the level of immortal cultivators. Come here, is there someone in charge of testing?

This time someone came over quickly: "Sorry to keep you waiting. I will be responsible for helping you evaluate the level of the immortal cultivator. You can call me Xiao Liu.

Our database has detected that you have not rated any level yet. You need to register as an immortal cultivator first and check your qualifications for cultivating immortals. Of course, with your cultivation level, you can choose to keep this aspect confidential. Do you plan to test it? "

Tang San nodded. He is very comfortable using your name as the other person, after all, he looks like a teenager. Under normal circumstances it is really difficult to be called you.

"Test it, you can arrange it. It just so happens that I also want to know what my own qualifications are." Of course Tang San knew what his own qualifications were. His qualifications are whatever qualifications he wants.

But if he refuses the test at this time, how can he show off?

"Okay, I will help you arrange the test. Here is a brief introduction to you, the qualifications of an immortal cultivator. It is generally divided into two parts. One part is the spiritual root, and the other part is the speed of cultivation. The attributes and quality of the former determine the same level. Depending on the strength of the power, its qualities are divided into heaven and earth, black and yellow, and its attributes are diverse.

The speed of practice determines the speed of breakthrough. The talents from high to low are A, B, C, D, Wu, Ji, Gengxin. Among them, those who can reach level C talent are rare geniuses. "

[To be continued]

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