Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,189 The battle was brutal

There were too many eight-way monuments, and the overloaded shields shattered. Facing such a large number of enemies, the linked shields became a burden. The backlash of the broken shields made it impossible for most people to reload the shields in a short time. , in just a few seconds of reloading the shield, hundreds of soldiers were killed. The scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere made even the Thorn Flower warriors who were not afraid of death feel nauseated after watching it.

This is especially true for those soldiers who have enhanced their dynamic vision. They can even see clearly that the bodies of their comrades are penetrated by eight-sided monuments, and the flesh and blood mixed with broken bones and internal organs fly out from the wounds on the other side, turning into blood mist all over the sky. the whole process.

Such a scene can already cause physical discomfort, but if some people are afraid, others will naturally explode, perhaps to protect their comrades, or perhaps because they are afraid of the shattered death method.

A dozen soldiers overloaded their shield generators at the same time, releasing a temporary linked invincible shield.

Although the golden shield is not as strong as the previous large linkage shield, it is better than the steel defense. Although the defense power is lower, it can also ensure that the Bafang Monument that hits it will be shattered to pieces.

In a sense, this move was very effective against the high-speed attack of the Bafangbei. Several soldiers collapsed at the cost of the shield. The released shield delayed enough reaction time for the entire army. Someone immediately rushed into the armory and took out the large shield. The shield generator was inserted into the underground energy network, taking over the golden invincible shield.

The huge blue shield rose again, enveloping everyone in it. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the dark clouds that began to hover above their heads again with solemn expressions and fear.

"What on earth is this!" The commander looked at the five hundred people who were killed almost instantly, with an ugly expression on his face.

"I don't know, but they won't be able to attack in a short time." The soldier responsible for monitoring the shield reported.

"Collect samples. I want to know what this is. Also, immediately send the news that we were attacked by unknown weapons back to the headquarters. If there are other such things on the mainland, we can't encounter them without knowing their characteristics. , we will definitely suffer huge losses!" the commander said seriously.

Just as the soldiers were collecting the remains of the Bafang Monument, the watchman who had climbed back up to the high platform suddenly received urgent information. If it were not the most urgent information, the watchman would never directly attack him, the highest commander of the local area.

"what happened?"

The lookout's voice was urgent: "Those guys... then this guy is attacking a mountain!"

"What? Attack a mountain?" The commander looked confused. He now suspected that the weapon attacking them might not be a weapon of a hostile force.

It's a weird and powerful wild animal. No wonder he thinks so. It's really weird to attack a mountain.

"They were attacking a mountain. A group of them rushed towards the mountain and circled around the top of the mountain. Now there is a layer of baldness on the mountain, and it may be worn away by them soon!" the lookout reported in an incredible voice.

The commander fell into thinking. Even ordinary animals rarely do such meaningless things. Even lemmings commit suicide, which are spread rumors. Most animals will not die in such a senseless way. .

From the results of the Bafang Monument hitting the shield before, it is not difficult to see that these things are not indestructible. If they hit a solid object, they will be shattered to pieces.

"Continue to observe and notify all departments to release shields to guard against sneak attacks. At the same time, notify surrounding towns to do dust prevention work."

"Dust-proof?" The lookout hand wondered: "Why dust-proof?"

"Didn't you say that those guys were attacking a mountain? Didn't they raise a large amount of sand and dust? On the plains, this kind of sand and dust is enough to form a sandstorm."

"Report sir! I didn't see Shachen. The reason is unknown!" The lookout also realized something was wrong.

"How is that possible! Isn't a big piece of that mountain already missing?" The commander's intuition reminded him that something bad was about to happen.

"Wait! I know! Look at the number of shuttles and see if they have increased! The material in the mountain is probably taken away by them!"

As soon as these words came out, the watchman on the other side suddenly exclaimed: "It seems that it has indeed increased, and the dark cloud seems to have grown by 30%!"

"Quick! Order everyone to deploy positional shields as soon as possible! At the same time, launch a legion attack to prevent those flying shuttles from devouring the mountain! They are breeding!"

Although this is just the commander's intuition, at this time, trusting intuition is undoubtedly the safest thing.

The large shield generator that had been planned to be removed was moved back, and at the same time, more people began to assemble and install new large shield generators.

The rest opened up their own energy output, assembled positional weapons, and launched a coordinated attack.

Different from the Douluo people's linkage attack, it is equivalent to an oversized soul skill.

The Thorn Flower Legion does not stick to the traditional thinking of soul guides. Their linked attacks are directly released by the giant weapons in the position. At the same time, they draw out the underground energy network and the power of the surrounding warriors to release super powerful attacks.

The steering and aiming of the giant cannon gave people a strong industrial aesthetic. As the torrent of blue plasma at the muzzle gathered, a fierce shot was fired towards the group of Bafang Monuments.

The high-temperature plasma material instantly destroyed the mountain top, vaporizing the mountain and the materials above it. The Bafang Monument that was hit was not spared.

However, their number was already greater than at the beginning, and the attack just now was better than nothing. They only cut down a small number of Octagonal Monuments, and more scattered to avoid the attack of the plasma torrent.

The loss of the mountains does not affect their continued cannibalization of the surrounding materials. For them, there is no difference between the mountains, rivers and the earth. They can both become raw materials for their self-replication. The difference is nothing more than different minerals in different regions, resulting in various elements. Being rich and different will affect the speed of their self-replication to a certain extent.

After losing the mountain range, Bafangbei began to scrape the ground and continue to replicate itself. This time, it even chose to disperse its operations, so that every time the giant cannon fired, it could only achieve limited results.

The commander of the unit is in a dilemma. Facing scattered and small enemies, the best way is to disperse and clean up in small teams.

But that also means that they have lost the protection of the linkage shield. A sufficient number of Bafangbei can break through the warrior's personal shield and even directly kill an entire team. In such a battle, the casualties will be very heavy. , but if we don’t take the initiative to attack, only use long-range attacks, and let the opponent copy itself, then it will only be a matter of time before the entire army is annihilated.

[To be continued]

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