Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,193 Forced to get involved

Battleships experiencing the Klein Effect will squeeze each other. It turned into an extremely strange giant iron lump, and you can imagine the fate of the people inside.

The most troublesome thing is that these have been smashed into a pile of scrap metal. The vast majority of battleships can still keep their shields open. Because the shield generator is often the most heavily defended area inside a battleship, it often has tens of centimeters of high-strength spherical defensive armor. Normal attacks cannot break through the defense, even if the battleship is squeezed into a ball. Shield generators with independent energy sources can still operate for a considerable period of time.

This makes these scrapped warships the most dangerous things, as they ignore the defense of some warship shields. Bumped into the whirlpool. It really caught people off guard.

Many warships had to take the risk of closing and reopening their shields in the water to avoid the devastating impact of such a collision.

However, turning off the shield also comes with huge risks. The water pressure in the whirlpool is terrifying. Even if you hide in a sealed cabin. The hull may also be torn apart by the current, and it may not even wait for the shield generator to restart. The battleship had been torn into pieces.

This is not the most dangerous thing. The most dangerous thing is actually other teammates who have their shields turned on. The shield covering the hull is virtually indestructible compared to a hull that has not been strengthened by enchantment, as long as it hits a friendly shield. That basically declares it. dead.

Destroyed battleship. How could it turn into numerous wreckage, filling the vortex with more dangerous debris, making it more difficult for warships who want to switch to shield mode to succeed.

Because Adams discovered the danger in time and started escaping in advance, he had enough time to activate the Sailor's shield, plus they had the ability to sail underwater. The speed is much faster than other battleships, and it is relatively free in this huge whirlpool.

Although he was eventually sucked into the vortex. But the location is relatively high. Compared with those battleships whose shield capacity has dropped crazily, it is still much stronger.

But if they continue, their shield capacity disadvantage will be exposed. After multiple collisions, there is a high probability that the shield will be damaged.

Even if they can sail underwater. In such a complex water environment in front of us. It is almost impossible to leave intact.

"Now we are in big trouble. We must first find and release the source of these bubbles. Otherwise, it is impossible for the spiral nest to stop. These warships have learned the lesson just now and now they do not dare to use firepower. But in this case, it is often It means that they will have an ambush for the enemy next. This is to prepare to catch them all." Adams said solemnly: "Get ready to dive. I don't think the enemies of this fleet will choose to let us go at this time?

Want to live,

We can only rely on ourselves. Now continue down. We need to find the source of these bubbles. Bring cooling equipment as well. It would be best to freeze the surrounding water if possible. Prevent the further release of these gases. "

The sailor, of course, wanted to leave the matter alone and run away. However, it turned out that they could no longer escape. The powerful attraction of the vortex makes it impossible for them to break away by normal means, and other battleship bottles have shield capacity. They will definitely die first. At this time. Being the first to break into the bottom of the sea and solve the problem is the most likely escape plan.

The most disturbing thing? The range of the bubble just covers all the battleships in this area. It looks like it was premeditated. if it is like this. The enemy may not be a simple natural phenomenon.

The Voyager suddenly turned on its engine and pushed downwards. This vortex originally rolled the battleship underwater. They accelerated downward. Instead, it moved forward in the direction of the whirlpool, traveling at an unusually fast speed.

Just see the pressure receptors on the surface of the cabin. Crazy report, the pressure increased too quickly. Although such pressure cannot damage the structure of the spacecraft, the high-speed pressure change will still cause a huge load on the hull. If not, most of their achievements are made from renewable biomaterials and have relatively soft and elastic surfaces. Such high-speed diving caused them to split apart.

The depth of the whorl is much deeper than they imagined. After diving to a certain depth, the surroundings became much quieter, and there were no more collisions and explosions.

Looking down from here, you can see quite clear traces of artificial excavation. Maybe it wasn't excavated by humans, but it's definitely not a natural landscape.

"It looks like we are indeed going to encounter an enemy this time." Adams started the broadcast: "Attention, everyone, be careful of sneak attacks! Our enemies are by no means ordinary natural disasters. They are likely to attack suddenly when we are not paying attention."

I don’t know if he has a crow’s mouth or something, but he just finished speaking. A strange current suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the sea. Only when you look carefully can you find that this is not actually a flow of water, but the sharp points of many octahedrons.

The speed of these cones is very fast, which drives the speed of water flow. A high-speed impact torrent formed underwater.

But compared to the power they showed on land. Then again, they're much weaker. When Tang San designed them, he didn't plan for a water battle. It's themselves. Enemies were discovered and tactics developed through Gestalt awareness.

It unearths flammable ice under the enemy's water, and then releases a large amount of gas, forming a vortex and sucking the warship into it.

At this time, they are about to rise to the water to harvest the final results, which also means that this is their most vulnerable moment. Under water, their speed is very fast. But that's also relative to the speed of a battleship in the water. The bullet was shot into the water and could not even break the skin ten meters away. Even if their flying speed is faster than bullets, they have continuous power. It is also difficult to exert much power underwater.

In this case, they could not break through the most ordinary battleship shields by relying on collision. It's quite difficult to even drain the shield's energy.

Originally they didn't need to worry about fighting underwater. Because there are no submarines among the warships they have to deal with, after sinking into the whirlpool, these warships have no ability to resist.

However, they happened to encounter a weirdo who seemed to be overseas. Flexibility after diving is even higher than on the surface.

Adams and the crew saw these small, fast-moving things. You can figure it out with your toes. The natural disaster that just happened is definitely related to these little things.

Just by looking at their rapid speed underwater, I knew that if they were allowed to land, they would definitely not be easy to deal with.

Adams made a quick decision: "Fire!"

[To be continued]

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