"You are cheating!" Sun Ce smashed the spear on the ground in dissatisfaction.

"Why am I cheating? Isn't my mental energy my own? General Guan can also use divine will to directly destroy the enemy's spirit! Is that also cheating?" Cheng Ying seemed plausible.

"What you said seems to make sense! Then come again! Even if you use your mental strength, I will knock you down!" Sun Ce regained his strength, and his golden armor took on a new look.

"Come here! Who is afraid of whom?"

The two fought together again, and Sun Ce became more and more courageous as he fought. Every time Sun Ce faced an opponent who was equal to or stronger than him, the buff of becoming more courageous as he fought would be triggered, and his combat power continued to soar over time.

Under normal circumstances, guys with similar strength will be suppressed by his domineering spirit after fighting for a while, unless the opponent can become more courageous like him, such as Ma Chao.

However, this time Sun Ce discovered that as he became stronger, his opponents were also getting stronger. It was not the kind of fighting that made him braver, but the strengthening of his hard power.

To put it simply, whatever moves Sun Ce used, Li Yuan would be able to learn them after using them once, and then use them back on him. He could even imitate the attributes of his inner energy. It turned into the same golden color as Sun Ce. Although there is still a slight gap in attributes, it seems that it will not take long to catch up.

The spectators on the sidelines of the school field couldn't help but marvel. In the past, everyone thought Sun Ce and Ma Chao's strange progress was outrageous, but now there seems to be another such pervert.

Ma Chao was also among the onlookers. Seeing the fierce battle between the two, he couldn't help but feel itchy hands, and lightning crackled on his body. This was the special attribute of inner energy he had gained after being struck by lightning, which was rare in the Central Plains. , a general who can control thunder.

"Meng Qi, come and try too! This guy is obviously not very strong, but I just can't defeat him!" Sun Ce stopped and called Ma Chao to try too.

"Humph! That's because you are too weak! Let me show you how powerful I am!"

Ma Chao rushed forward with lightning flashing all over his body. He was another one with a gun, and he was a bastard whose guns often broke. Although they belonged to different camps of Cao Sun, the relationship between the two bastards was quite good.

Facing an opponent that Sun Ce paid attention to, Ma Chao used all his strength to release the thunder in his body. This is one of his biggest trump cards. Most people who fight against him will be paralyzed by the thunder in his body. Being caught off guard, he believed that Li Yuan would definitely suffer a big loss if he didn't know the effect of his inner energy.


Paralyzed all over,

Ma Chao, who was flashing this electric light, was thrown out in an embarrassing position with his face on the ground. While sliding on the ground, he angrily shouted: "Asshole! You cheated! Why did you steal my inner energy attributes!"

Ma Chao never expected that Li Yuan could even imitate his thunderous inner energy. Not only that, he used it even better than him. He used all the scales on his armor as electromagnetic cannons and fired them out. The thunder and lightning made his whole body paralyzed with energy and electricity, and he was thrown out.

"Why did I cheat when I transformed the inner energy attributes with my ability! If you have the ability, you can transform it too!" Cheng Ying used the inner energy of lightning to suck back the armor scales that flew out. The crackling electric light flashed and welded them again. On top of his armor.

"Damn it! Look if I don't beat you down!" Ma Chao, who was frustrated, rushed forward again. Sun Ce watched this scene happily, deliberately not telling Ma Chao that Li Yuan would use his energy to measure things.

Normally, neither he nor Ma Chao can do anything to each other. He couldn't beat Ma Chao even if he wanted to. Now he and Li Yuan are evenly matched, but Ma Chao is continuously thrown out by Li Yuan. Doesn't that prove that he is more powerful than Ma Chao! Sun Ce simply admired his wit!

Sure enough, Ma Chao, who was completely unprepared for the mental attack, was thrown out again in a daze. After he got up, he could not guess that Sun Ce had tricked him.

"Sun Bofu! Did you do it on purpose?" This time it was no longer a one-on-one challenge. There was a steady hatred between the three people. On the school field, the three people fought in a melee because they belonged to three people. relationship, so there will always be a two-on-one situation, which results in all three people being beaten badly.

Among them, Sun Ce and Ma Chao both had bruises and swollen faces. Their handsome faces, which would rank among the best in the Han Empire, were beaten as hard as a pig's head. Only Cheng Ying's face was not beaten, because as long as the attack came close to his head, he would lose his huge mental capacity. Open, causing the defense on his head to be stronger than armor.

Therefore, after the three people were carried to Hua Tuo's side, Sun Ce and Ma Chao secretly decided that the next time they competed, they must join forces with each other, one would press hands, the other would press feet, and everything would be given to Li Yuan. Face swollen.

"Hiss..." Cheng Ying felt the pain from the broken ribs and couldn't help but grin. These two idiots were so cruel! Without using his mental energy to cheat, he found that he really couldn't beat these two perverts.

However, while lying in bed, he also had time to think about the next issue of Yuxi. After a fight, his goodwill with Sun Ce was basically stable. They were the kind of people who went to Jiangdong to borrow troops and the other side said nothing. The kind that can allocate 10,000 troops and horses.

However, this relationship is not enough to ask for the jade seal. Although Sun Ce does not value that thing, it is not to the point of giving it away casually. However, Cheng Ying's purpose is just to touch the jade seal and handle it. In this regard, it is still There is room for maneuver.

You must know that Weiyang Palace will be in flames soon. Li Wenru will take this opportunity to help the emperor Liu Xie to get Chang'an, pretending that the other party is dead. With the emperor's position vacant, Liu Bei should be the strongest now. He ascended the throne, but Liu Bei refused, which ensured that the Central Plains War did not need to be carried out, so the Wannian Princess Liu Tong was found to be the regent.

The first thing the eldest princess did after becoming regent was to hold a court meeting. In the original plot, Sun Ce's benefactor, Yuan Shu, who arbitrarily recognized Sun Ce as both of them, performed a knife attack in the court hall, was caught, and was basically sentenced to death. After all, It was a meeting of the great court. To use a knife in the court hall would be a slap in the face of the entire empire. Death was not enough to control the imperial court. Sun Ce was so anxious that he almost went to jail.

In fact, there is a very simple solution to this matter, which is to give Liu Tong a gift. In the final analysis, this matter is just to slap Liu Tong in the face and make the regent princess happy, so nothing can be said.

And what gift would make a princess regent who ascended the throne as a puppet happy the most? There is no doubt that it is the long-lost jade seal of the Han Dynasty! It's entirely possible that Cheng Ying could take this opportunity to trick Yuxi into touching her!

[To be continued]

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