Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,298 The army sets out

Chang'an was originally planning to send Zhou Yu as the commander-in-chief. After all, Zhou Yu had just commanded the Battle of Northern Xinjiang. Received everyone’s approval. And he does have the qualifications in this area.

But to be honest, in terms of top level, Zhou Yu, who has not experienced many battles, is actually not qualified enough to really command an army. Even Cheng Ying, who is not very talented in his own right, can be extremely rich on his own. The experience left him in a hurry.

The current situation is critical enough. These weird civilians, who are only a set of armor apart from the legal order and the formal time, if they are not gathering on the coastline, they are encircling Chang'an City collectively. Then I am afraid that the Battle of Stalingrad two thousand years later will be staged in advance.

Faced with such a super-standard opponent, Huangfu Song, who had been retiring at home, did not escape the disaster and was captured. Regardless of the Four Saints of the Military who have become immortals, and the new generation that has not yet grown up in the Han Empire, this person can represent the pinnacle of the commander of the Han Empire's army.

It belongs to the level of the first person under the God of War. In fact, the command ability displayed by Huangfu Song in the original work has indeed reached this level. He has never been able to defeat the commander of a large army at a similar level to him in a head-to-head battle. He was the only one still alive in the world who could possibly beat him, the only one who was also old and had only one breath left. Cecilian, but this is the commander of the navy. The two of them are good at different things, so there is almost no possibility of fighting.

Huangfu Song was already dying. In normal Han Dynasty history, he should have died at this point in time. Even if he was captured and made a young man, the decline of his life could be clearly felt with the naked eye. Obviously time is running out.

However, in this era, there are two miracle doctors with the same bug, Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing. No matter how sick you are, as long as you are not dead, you can forcibly extend your life. Especially Hua Tuo, who has a spiritual talent that can return cells to the previous state. It is really possible to bring the dead back to life.

As long as the body has not been dead for a long time, the body is still fresh. He could turn all the cells in the corpse that were not completely dead back to the state they were in when he was alive. Not to mention that Huangfu Song was still breathing, even if he was really dead. We can only rescue him by force, and then improve his physical condition for ten or twenty years.

In this way, the old man put on his clothes again and went out again as the commander of the Eastern Expedition. This time, the lineup of soldiers he was able to command was even more luxurious than in the Battle of Northern Xinjiang.

Not only the military strength of Liu Cao's and Sun's three families, but also the civil and military forces under Liu Zhang's command, the hidden forces that Chen Xi had accumulated for Liu Bei, and the local garrison soldiers that could be recruited along the way to supplement the military resources, the resources were almost unlimited.

This was also thanks to Chen Xi's efforts. The fat fox who had always been too lazy to go to work had to work overtime to join Zhuge Liang. He had no choice but to really feel the pressure! For such a large-scale civil uprising, he could not think of any other possibility except that his fellow time travelers were causing trouble. And the person who had been traveling through time was an engineering dog who might have mastered black technology beyond the 21st century. After traveling through time, he could cause What a devastation,

He knows better than anyone else.

Even Rome was not in danger from such uncontrollable factors. At least the Romans would not put uranium-235 into exquisite boxes and send it to the palace as a tribute for directional blasting.

Although the fat fox had national sports protection, he couldn't help but get it stuck on his face.

The power of the always lazy fat fox working overtime was soon experienced by the civil and military ministers of the Han Empire. Logistics supplies were almost available to the extent that they could get whatever they wanted. Officers on the march made demands to the quartermaster, as long as it was not something special. Ridiculous, you can definitely be satisfied within half an hour.

Almost everyone wants to say that I have never fought such a wealthy battle. It felt just like Li Yunlong got a master's beautiful weapon in the first episode. In addition to being happy, it was like living in a dream.

However, Cheng Ying, who accompanied the army, still helplessly lamented the limitations of the times. No matter how strong the internal affairs were, with limited domestic infrastructure, let alone orbital airborne and hell paratroopers, even armored corps and steel torrent No chance.

If Zhao Yun's white horse cannot successfully hold back the large army heading out to sea, the day lily will be cold by the time this group of people arrive on the scene.

This is the most troublesome aspect of marching an army. Your marching speed cannot exceed the speed of the slowest troop. Even though the road has been repaired to a considerable extent, it can reach the future. If it’s a village road level, just burn high incense! In this era, you can tell just by looking at steel production. It would be a dream to pave a road from Chang'an to the east coast with cement. Not to mention the east coast of the channel, even if it connects Chang'an and Luoyang. Such a road was built. It's enough to kill someone.

Fortunately, most of the Han Empire's most capable warriors were cavalry. Under the strategy of giving priority to cavalry, the marching speed was still barely enough to be seen.

On the other side, Zhao Yun took Bai Ma Yi Cong to the east coast first. With Baima Yi Cong's speed, it basically only took a day or two to arrive.

After arriving at the place, Zhao Yun learned from Tai Shici that Bai Ma Yicong could fly. He quickly got a sample of the wings from Baima Yicong, who was under Cheng Ying's command, and called in craftsmen to copy them. Although there are some accuracy problems and the service life is shorter than the original wings, the white horse with the wings indicates that there will be no problem in taking off, and they will be the masters of the sky from now on.

As a result, the air force setting fires everywhere expanded from a thousand to more than 6,000 people. After taking precautions, it was difficult to cause casualties by continuing to set fires, and the damage to the camp was also greatly reduced.

It is not easy to light tents and wood that have been soaked in water. Even if there is kerosene, they will be quickly extinguished by alert patrols.

But everything depends on the quantity. It’s like talking about toxicity without talking about dose is just a hooligan. If a thousand people set a fire, only so much kerosene can be put in one night. Now that the number of people has increased six times, the output will not be enough. Same.

Even if precautions are taken, many camps will still be forcibly set alight, causing coastal camps to suffer considerable casualties every day.

Besides, Baima Yicong is not just good at setting fires. They will also invest in some kinetic energy weapons from the sky. If a stone is dropped from a thousand meters high, it can smash the energy into a cake, not to mention these guys can also He will dive and shoot from the air with a powerful crossbow.

For camps built on the ground, the damage may be limited, but for ships on the sea, such a blow from the sky is too fatal. This is one of the important reasons why the immigrant army will be dragged here.

[To be continued]

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