Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,318 But the enemy has Gundam

Seeing the huge robot that Jose suddenly summoned, all the generals of the Han Empire showed pained expressions. This is really not because our army is not working hard, but the enemy has Gundam!

However, Zhao Yun did not intend to let Jose go so easily. He thought that his sister had been killed, so how could he not get rid of her? He immediately roared, and the almost endless power in his body burst out, and an infinite amount of inner Qi surged out. It came out and compressed into a solid body, turning into a giant more than ten feet tall.

"Come back here!" The giant stepped on the ground violently, causing the earth to sink into a large pit hundreds of meters high.

The inner energy giant grabbed the steel giant and beat him to the ground. All the generals looked at this scene as if they were watching a movie. Although the battle just now was fierce, it was still a battle between strong men. How could this happen? Is it instantly like watching Pacific Rim?

Dharma Heaven and Earth vs. Dangerous Wanderers?

The two giants hit the ground hard, and just rolled over, causing no casualties.

Jose was also angered by Zhao Yun's entanglement. Didn't he just hit a woman? And they weren’t even killed, what the hell do you think?

One arm was overloaded to output power, and he punched the inner-qi giant in the face. The blow was powerful and heavy, and the space inside the large mecha was large enough, so a more powerful engine could be installed.

The inner energy giant was blown away by this powerful and heavy punch, and hit the mountains behind him hard. A mountaintop was directly knocked down by him, and the scattered earth and rocks were like a meteor shower. If it weren't for Han Xin's command, The clouds formed a defensive formation, and the falling debris alone would cause countless casualties.

The intensity of this battle made Han Xin's claws feel numb. In a battlefield of this level, only military souls such as the Xiliang Iron Cavalry are qualified to intervene. The problem is that the legs of the Xiliang Iron Cavalry are too short. Two giants can easily wrestle. Throw the opponent a few kilometers away and let Xiliang Iron Cavalry pass by. Then there is nothing left to do except run the map.

Han Xin could only mobilize the cloud energy, arrange the cloud energy army formation, prepare for the legion attack, and give the Iron Giant a hard blow.

The ruins of the collapsed mountain exploded violently, and the inner energy giant rushed out from it, rushing in front of the steel giant at an incredible speed. He grabbed the opponent's shoulder and used a throwing technique to slam the steel giant to the ground, with his knees against the metal. The giant's chest hit the metal giant's head in circles.

Even Adamantium alloy couldn't withstand such a torment. Just a moment later, parts were flying around, and a good head was hammered into a discus.

However, just when everyone thought that the Iron Giant and the driver inside were dead, the Giant suddenly broke free from Zhao Yun's grip. Without his head, many throwing skills could not be used against the Metal Giant. Suddenly a rabbit kicked off the eagle, kicking the inner energy giant tens of thousands of meters into the air.

Then he raised his hand,

Accumulating power, the palm retracts and turns into a muzzle. The armor on the arm is separated layer by layer, revealing each layer of red heat sinks. Terrifying high energy is accumulated in the muzzle. The light and heat released from the gaps in the armor burn the surrounding air. It burned like a desert, producing strange distortions.

Immediately afterwards, a white light that was enough to blind people's eyes bloomed. It was really enough to blind people's eyes. Two thousand soldiers of the Han army who looked directly at this light were blinded.

The terrifying torrent of energy was compressed into a beam and struck hard on the floating inner energy giant.

The headless metal giant flew away in one blow without bothering him at all. Zhao Yun suffered the loss of his knowledge after all. He had never seen the cockpit of the mecha. He subconsciously thought that everything would be fine if the head was smashed, but he didn't know that the head was gone. It does not affect the battle. The head of the mecha is only used to install a monitor and at most some weapon systems. Even if it is completely cut off, it can at most activate the monitor on the chest.

The inner energy giant in mid-air had nowhere to dodge. The beam of light hit instantly. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a terrifying scene. The dazzling white light released by the explosion was even brighter than the sun. The ball of light continued to expand. Everything it passed was like a spicy heavenly fortress, crushing everything into slag. Even the legion's defense cost nearly a thousand casualties in the front row. The pure light, heat and kinetic energy could not be weakened by the clouds. Not only the Han army, but also the immigrant army that had no time to evacuate suffered heavy losses.

Ma Yunlu, who was originally asked by his brother to pretend to be dead, finally couldn't pretend anymore. He jumped up and rushed towards the direction of the explosion. Just when he thought Zhao Yun was about to encounter something unexpected.


The clouds opened and the mist dispersed. A long sword appeared in the hand of the inner energy giant, which fiercely cut the explosion of fire in half. He stood in the sky like a god. However, the armor transformed from the inner energy still shattered inch by inch, and the dissipation consumption was extremely high. huge.

Just when Zhao Yun was about to catch up, kill the cunning guy, and dismantle his mecha into parts, he suddenly saw Ma Yunlu, who was still dead just now, suddenly jumped up, rushed toward him anxiously, and lifted up As soon as the breath was released, a strong sense of exhaustion surged into his heart, and the inner energy giant immediately dissipated, only to wrap up Zhao Yun and land safely.

If my sister is not dead, then there is no need to fight against a million-level army. Calculating that Zhao Yun, who has now become unparalleled, will have a narrow escape from attacking a million-level military formation, especially in the face of this group of clouds and arrows, which can rain arrows. The guy covered will most likely be killed by the clouds and arrows.

Zhao Yun is a human being after all, not an infinite gem. Even if his inner energy is almost infinite, there is still a limit. It can be tested to death by an army.

On the other side, Han Xin finally gave the order to smash down all the legion attacks that had been accumulated. The endless blood turned into a sea of ​​blood. In the sea of ​​blood, a blood-colored light spear flew out as fast as lightning, and unexpectedly directly It penetrated the shield of the immigrant army and exploded inside the immigrant army. More than 20,000 immigrant soldiers at the center of the explosion were killed on the spot.

A normal army would have fled long ago in the face of such casualties. The scene of killing more than 20,000 people in an instant would simply make people suffer from mental breakdown. However, this was no ordinary army. This is an army that has been brainwashed and has locked down its morale. Even if the casualties in a moment are almost explosive, it can still retreat in an orderly manner.

And during the retreat, they adjusted their military formations and changed their formations to prepare for the next battle.

Cheng Ying looked at the big crater blasted out by the blood-red light spear. He didn't know what to say for a long time. Sometimes, talent can really make people speechless. What does it mean to be a soldier? The Immortal of Weapons is that he can intuitively discover the Klein effect between shields, and then put a layer of shield on his attack with the same attributes as the enemy. This is like a bear who has never learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. My child, at a glance, I found out that the fake accounts made by the old fritters in the mall are as outrageous.

[To be continued]

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