Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,337 Disaster Prediction

Cheng Ying fell into deep thought: "Judging from the situation the two of us are in, his only advantage is that he occupies the sea surface and becomes invincible in a short period of time, but this has a huge impact on the development speed. A century-old navy It's just bragging, building a navy takes time.

But to say that it will take a hundred years is too much. It will not even take Tulip that long to establish a space force.

In addition, there is a lack of various metal mineral resources on the sea, and humans are not suitable for living on the ocean. In terms of development speed, he is definitely behind him. In other words, he is trying some immediate methods that can kill me.

within these methods. The probability of an incident relying on technology is probably low. If it is a weapon of mass destruction, it can also be produced on land. I don’t really remember any weapons of mass destruction. It must be made on the ocean.

That one can kill with one hit, kill me. The greater possibility is a natural disaster. "Cheng Ying scratched his hair and felt a little headache. Normal natural disasters can't do anything to him.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, and even lightning strikes can only recharge him. Only extremely outrageous natural disasters can take him away in one wave, such as the earth cracking open or something.

If volcanoes around the world erupt wildly like the Siberian Traps event during the Permian mass extinction, it will also pose a certain threat to him. The power of a volcanic eruption is not simply the flow of magma from the crater. A volcanic eruption The energy released may even be equivalent to dozens of Big Ivans. If volcanoes around the world erupt continuously, it will definitely cause ecological extinction. In this environment, the competition is who can survive. If the opponent had been prepared, Cheng Ying might have lost.

However, it is not easy to cause a global volcanic eruption. It is indeed possible to seduce the Yellowstone volcano in the American continent to cause a super volcanic eruption, but it is not so easy to cause a global chain reaction. A simple super volcano If so, even modern human civilization would be difficult to exterminate, let alone this world with extraordinary power. Many people may die, but more people will evolve under the protection of extraordinary power, and even mortals will It cannot be exterminated, and it is even harder to have any impact on Cheng Ying.

It is not easy to threaten Cheng Ying with most natural disasters on the earth. In comparison, what is really possible to kill him are natural disasters from the universe, such as sudden gamma ray bursts, large-scale Solar flares erupted, the moon fell from the sky, and so on.

However, these natural disasters are difficult to create on Earth. Disasters such as gamma ray bursts require the destruction of an entire star. Without flying into space, it would be almost impossible to create one. Cheng Ying didn't even think that Jose could affect the sun on the surface and cause a large-scale solar flare to erupt.

If it was a planet-wide disaster, Chengying would be a little confused, looking at the other party's behavior of large-scale mining of fossil fuels. Could it be that they want to cause global warming?

In theory, this can indeed be done, and it can even lead to a sharp decline in the number of humans on the planet. Even the Han Empire and Rome cannot withstand the blow of melting glaciers at the poles and the failure of a large number of crops.

Especially when developing flammable ice, if methane is released directly into the atmosphere instead of being burned directly, then this greenhouse gas, which is countless times more powerful than carbon dioxide, will significantly increase the temperature of the earth in a short period of time. Although it won't turn into a big furnace like Venus, it will kill most large mammals due to heat.

Still not difficult.

It's just that such a disaster would cause little harm to Cheng Ying. He only needs a simple physiological transformation to survive in such an environment. There is also a possibility that Jose intends to exterminate all humans on this planet. Other creatures then challenge Cheng Ying in the wasteland. He still has a certain winning rate in this kind of battle. Even if Cheng Ying has better equipment, the possibility of losing is very high. After all, combat talent may be something he is born with. Come.

However, a disaster like global warming is probably unlikely to kill the top generals. With Chengying's relationship with the generals of the Han Empire, it is not difficult to ask them to help in the battle. I want to give Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and others a change of equipment. Beating Jose was a piece of cake.

No matter how powerful his fighting talent is, can he be more powerful than Lu Bu? Therefore, the probability that this guy is going to develop flammable ice and then release methane to cause global warming is actually low.

Relying on this clue in a short period of time, it was difficult for Cheng Ying to guess Jose's thinking. The most likely thing is that these things are indeed exploited as energy sources in order to be used as a source of reducing agents for industrial purposes. initial accumulation of development.

After all, seawater will cause corrosion to a large number of metal products. Even if it is powered on, it will consume a lot of energy. It is better to find a cheap source of reducing agent for protection.

As for Jose’s side…

His plan is indeed as Cheng Ying guessed. He wants to create an indiscriminate disaster, and then compete with Cheng Ying to see who can survive. The one who survives to the end will be the winner!

However, the natural disaster he chose was much more terrifying than Cheng Ying imagined.

"The chief has actually taught us that there is conservation in everything. Even a space soul guide will follow some kind of conservation when changing the spatial position of an object, resulting in a change in gravitational potential energy. This is what we have already learned Proven.

In other words, the most traditional space teleportation actually requires a balance between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. To teleport something from a low place to a high place, you need to pay extra energy, and vice versa, you will get extra energy.

There is a method of teleportation, which is to teleport from a place with high potential energy to a place with low potential energy, and use the extra energy gained to maintain the consumption of teleportation.

If you do this, you can get it in an endless stream like running water. Teleportation at high potential energy.

The potential energy difference between different planets is also an important factor affecting the price of each planet inside Tulip. Therefore, as long as certain settings are set for the transmission effect, extraterrestrial materials can be obtained endlessly. "

While talking to himself, Jose constructed a teleportation array, and saw gray-white earth and rocks emerging from the teleportation array. At first, it was just a little bit like a surge, but it seemed to be due to some additional energy injection. This speed is getting faster and faster as time goes by, and eventually becomes a blowout.

[To be continued]

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