Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1338: Go to the Center of the Earth

The huge gravitational potential energy of the moon relative to the earth will provide an endless stream of power for the teleportation array. With only one introduction, this huge energy can be released, step by step expanding the teleportation channel, and continuously transporting materials on the moon. To the earth, similarly, the kinetic energy of the moon will also be converted into energy during the transmission process. By then, even if the disaster envisioned by Jose fails to trigger, the moon will slowly fall towards the earth due to loss of speed. At that time, the sky and the earth will In such a big collision, even Cheng Ying would have absolutely no chance of being spared, and all life on the surface would be wiped out!

It's just that such a disaster takes too long. By the time the moon falls, it will probably be many years later. By then, Cheng Ying will have been able to catch him out, even point out the technology tree in the sky, and leave the planet.

So what Jose has to do is go to the center of the earth!

If there is enough material, causing mutations in the earth's core to change its density and gravitational strength, it can create a disaster of devastating proportions.

The first thing to be affected is undoubtedly the movement of the crust. Greater gravity will cause the crust above the asthenosphere to put greater pressure on the magma. The continental shelf will fracture, and the Pacific Rim volcanic and seismic belt will become one of the first to be ignited. The red magma flow can be clearly seen from space, drawing a Pac-Man-like pattern on the surface.

Immediately afterwards, as gravity continues to increase, the fragmentation will spread all the way along the continental shelf to the depths of the continent. The earth will crack, exposing magma, and new volcanoes will quickly form.

The filling of matter will not only increase the gravity of the earth's core, but also increase the pressure inside the planet. The magma will be squeezed out like ketchup, and the power of the volcanic eruption will be countless times more terrifying than ordinary natural phenomena. The magma will exceed the first cosmic speed, leap into space, and then solidify and collide with each other, and then fall and turn into a meteorite rain.

Volcanic ash will cover the sky, but the Ice Age will no longer come immediately due to lack of sunlight. Magma will continue to erupt and flow on the surface. Just like Io, the magma will form a new layer of crust on the surface, replacing the original If the planet's surface is completely covered, the surface will be more terrifying than during the Siberian Traps Incident. Any native large animals and plants will become extinct. Even if Chengying can build a closed shelter to be self-sufficient, he will not care about such violent geological activities. It will gradually become damaged and aged, and there will not be enough living people to serve as the cornerstone of the development of civilization. The materials used to build shelters will also have insufficient production capacity and cannot be replaced. Each high-tech equipment will gradually lose its function, and civilization will continue to degrade. Finally, in the face of this harsh environment, In such an environment, the only option is death.

Even if it really survives, the moon that loses speed and falls from the sky will complete the final blow. The terrifying collision will destroy the last remaining life on the planet, and almost no bacteria or viruses will be spared.

This is the terror of time travelers who have mastered future technology. They can simply destroy the world with all kinds of fancy methods. Space technology is just the introduction and the lever that triggers all of this.

Jose retracted his formation. Although the accumulation of these materials on the surface could cause terrible disasters, it would not be enough to threaten Cheng Ying. He had to be able to reach the center of the earth, or at worst, he had to be able to reach the soft current. layer.

Directly filling a large amount of matter into it can also cause terrible disasters, but the uneven filling will also make it impossible to achieve a global strike, and there will be one or two dead spots that are difficult to deal with.

As long as there is an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, Chengying's ability can lead a civilization to progress tenaciously. Sooner or later, Jose will be the loser if he escapes from this uninhabitable planet.

Therefore, going to the center of the earth has become the most important part of this plan. Those offshore drilling platforms all over the ocean are smoke bombs for his plan to go to the center of the earth. Of course, they provide energy and reducing agents for the current stage of industrial development. It is also an important role.

It's just that it's almost impossible to dig all the way to the center of the earth, especially since there is a liquid asthenosphere filled with magma under the earth's crust, which makes digging even more difficult.

Even if the technology is barely reached. This is an epic project, with a distance of 6,000 kilometers, if there is no technological explosion. Who knows it will take thousands of years to dig through.

By that time, the day lilies were cold, and the few people he had on hand were simply not enough.

Going to the center of the earth ultimately depends on the ability to teleport. Through calculation and positioning, a huge amount of energy can be consumed to collect some materials from the calculated coordinates. As long as the calculation is accurate enough, there is almost no distance limit for this kind of teleportation, but at most In other words, taking things from the moon and the earth, space is too empty! The calculations required to directly obtain things from distant Earth-like planets are too huge, and space will be distorted by the influence of gravity. There are countless celestial bodies in the universe, and the influence of various gravity will make the space feel like an ocean. Like the typhoon, it forms a chaotic system and is difficult to predict.

Therefore, it is impossible to develop aliens by this method, but a cavity must be dug at a certain distance below the earth's surface. It can still be done. At this distance, the calculation can be accurate to the meter level.

In the absence of a teleportation point, people or objects can also be teleported to the calculated location, but the distance of this teleportation is closer. Especially when it is necessary to ensure that the living body does not get stuck in the wall, the existing technology Under the conditions, it would be good to be able to teleport ten kilometers at a time, but the landing point may have an error of more than ten meters.

This is already quite risky, considering that the teleportation is stuck in the wall. It's not that people appear in the wall and then squeeze it away. If this is the case, the physical fitness is strong enough and the muscles and bones are hard enough. At most, being squeezed will be uncomfortable.

But this is not actually the case. After being teleported, the person is in a quantum state, just like the probability of a person penetrating a wall out of thin air is not zero. Every smallest unit that makes up the body passes through the wall in an instant. That's it.

And being stuck in the wall is equivalent to wearing it halfway. If it can't be penetrated anymore, every atom of the human body will appear in the gaps between the atoms of the wall, and the mixture cannot be evener. This kind of jamming method, even if it is powerful, is as strong as heaven. There is basically no chance of survival, but the death will probably be painless...

Therefore, for irregular teleportation without teleportation points, the distance at one time can generally not exceed ten kilometers. Using this as a standard, Jose can build a surface base, then hollow out the ten kilometers underground, and then teleport technicians in to build an underground base. Teleport point, then use this as the starting point and continue downward.

[To be continued]

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