With an empire behind him, it is naturally much easier than Jose to repeat these things, but there is a prerequisite for this, and that is that the empire can maintain stability. The empire itself cannot protect itself from natural disasters, so how can it provide him with support?

In that case, it is almost impossible to build a transmission tunnel to the center of the earth. In other words, as long as a natural disaster strikes, Jose will be almost invincible.

Although Cheng Ying didn't know his specific plan, as an enemy, he had to destroy everything he wanted to do. He didn't know what his opponent wanted to do, so he just wanted to destroy everything he was doing.

If all of Jose's active forces are wiped out, then even if he has any plans, it will be useless, and if he wants to do this, he will need a powerful navy.

The army of the Han Empire is indeed invincible, but the navy is somewhat unsatisfactory. Zhou Yu has not commanded several large-scale naval battles, and his talents have not been stimulated. The navy of the Han Empire has experienced two consecutive annihilations. , the second time he was beaten to the point where he had no temper at all, and Taishi Cidu was almost killed by the battleship's main gun.

This makes the establishment of the navy face many difficulties. On the one hand, all warships must be rebuilt, and on the other hand, naval soldiers also need to be trained. Even a huge battleship. Soldiers who are still shaking in the vast ocean and have not been trained to adapt to this environment will have all kinds of adverse reactions if they are stationed on a battleship for a long time.

A large part of the remaining navy from the last war was mentally traumatized. He has left a psychological shadow and is no longer suitable to be a soldier. There are really only a few seeds left. Chengying cannot rely on brainwashing to train soldiers. He can only rely on medicine and body modification to adapt the army to maritime operations. .

The shortcomings of soldiers in this aspect are basically congenital defects, which are difficult to make up for. Then they can only find ways to make up for them in other aspects, such as battleships.

In this regard, Chengying has a huge advantage. Although there is a shortage of high-quality iron ore in the Han Empire, this level is more than enough for Chengying's improved smelting technology. Nowadays, there is so much steel in stock that the civil and military officials don't know what to do with it. Building an all-metal battleship and aircraft carrier is no longer a problem.

Because the seventh-generation ship was stolen, Lu Jun, who was in charge of the matter, almost spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted. He had managed to cheat so much steel and so much investment, and now it was all gone. This was all his life's hard work. He didn't die suddenly on the spot, which can be regarded as his mental determination.

He originally thought that this would be the end of his life, but he was suddenly recalled and told that he could continue to be responsible for shipbuilding. Originally, he had no expectations. The Han Empire's navy was completely wiped out, and the six-and-a-half generations he built were destroyed by the enemy. There is no resistance at all under the heavy artillery. Even if he is asked to build new warships, they will probably only be those little guys who can wander offshore.

However, as soon as he arrived at the shipyard, he was stunned. Spanning the huge shipyard, there was a huge keel like a prehistoric beast. The all-steel keel, which was more than 300 meters long, was just there. It gave people an inexplicable shock. Looking at the huge amount of steel piled up around him that could not be used up, Lu Jun almost fainted from happiness on the spot. He slapped himself in the face, thinking that he was dream.

In this era, those who have experience in building giant ships are considered top talents. After Lu Jun was called, he did not immediately participate in the construction of the ship. Instead, he went to class first. Although he had accumulated quite a lot of construction experience.

But I definitely don’t have much understanding of various knowledge systems. If he were asked to go directly to the construction site, he wouldn't even know what he would do.

And taking classes with him, there are also a group of science and engineering men from the Xiangli family. These people are geniuses in science and engineering themselves, and under the influence of Cheng Ying's spiritual talent, they are not only comparable to Einstein, but almost the same. I am able to draw inferences about various problems encountered during construction. Occasionally, I will be inspired and come up with ideas that even Cheng Ying finds amazing.

Although Chengying has many ship designs, different eras and different regions have greatly different needs for ships. So you arrive at a different worldview. The shape of the ship also needs to be adapted to local conditions.

The conclusions and suggestions made by these local people through practice are valuable experiences and are of great help to improve ship performance.

After Cheng Ying gave them the knowledge and design drawings of the big topic, he let them do whatever they wanted. Steel was enough, and all kinds of special materials could be obtained by applying.

The most important thing is to get the first model ship. All subsequent battleships can be mass-produced based on this template. With the production capacity of the Han Empire after being magically modified, even battleships can be as good as dumplings. Down.

The navy of the Han Empire was also being reorganized rapidly. Different from the previous focus on boarding battles, after the replacement of new warships, the tactical thinking of naval battles has become long-range attacks on the enemy, with the goal of destroying enemy warships.

In the last battle in which the entire army was annihilated, the navy of the Han Empire had realized this. The fleet commanded by Taishi Ci had achieved almost no results except as a take-off and rest platform for the White Horse Yi Cong. Far away, it was shattered by a single shot from the enemy's main gun.

Even if he wanted to charge, he couldn't get close to the enemy's warship, and he was bombarded and sunk by rounds of artillery shells.

This also made the Navy understand the importance of long-range attack capabilities on the huge open ocean, as well as the importance of defense capabilities against long-range attacks.

The original Han Empire warships used the warships as moving city walls. The clouds also strengthened the warships themselves. During the war, they mainly focused on ramming and sinking the opponent and engaging in boarding battles.

But now it has been changed to a battleship that focuses on strengthening the shield. The battleship itself follows the principle of harmless passage, which means that the enemy's long-range attacks can directly penetrate the battleship without damaging important facilities, and the loopholes can be quickly repaired after penetration. In this way The shells will be able to explode inside the battleship, causing further damage, even if the shield is shattered. It can also withstand more shells without sinking.

If this kind of tactical thinking meets the navy of the same era, it will definitely have a crushing effect. Unfortunately, their opponents also know this theory. The biggest difference is resources and manpower, and the Han Empire is the largest The advantage is that there is strength in numbers.

[To be continued]

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